The farmer has a mall

Chapter 150 The Wolves

Chapter 150 The Wolves
There is a small hill behind Zhuangzi, which is not big.

Farmers often go to the mountains to cut firewood or pick some wild fruits and vegetables, and there are very few incidents of wild animals hurting people.

The last time was ten years ago.

Gu Nanyan followed the hurried Yuan Heizi to the foot of the mountain.

The sky was already dark, and she saw a few people gathering together with torches from a distance, while Zhuang Zhu was sitting on the ground with his legs covered, his originally dark face turned pale.

He took Li Yi to see the iron plow cart, and after discussing it, the two felt that the production of this thing was not complicated.

Although the parts Gu Nanyan made are all made of iron, many parts can actually be replaced by wood or stone.

In this way, if the imperial court funded a batch and sent it to the county government, and then the county government distributed it to the village, and the village head arranged for each household to use it in turn, it could be applied to ordinary farmers.

The two were in a turbulent mood, Li Yi immediately entered the palace without even having time to say hello, and discussed the matter with Li Mi.

But Zhuangjia was full of emotions for a while, and wandered around alone under the uneasy mood, and arrived at the foot of the mountain before he knew it.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he came here, he heard a rustling sound.

Then a pair of green eyes popped out.

After Zhuangjia saw clearly that it was a wolf, he was so frightened that he couldn't help but exclaimed.

The volume of this sound was not too loud, but it caused the vigilant wolf on the opposite side to rush towards him in an instant.

Crop fell to the ground in panic, and the wolf bit his calf.

Fortunately, with Gu Nanyan's approval today, farmers can take turns to use iron plow carts to plow the land. Everyone is very excited, even though it is dark, they are still working on the ground.

After hearing the cry of crops, several people rushed over.

The people were terrified when they saw the wolf, and hurriedly chased it away with torches.

While listening to Yuan Heizi's description, Gu Nanyan inspected the crop's wound.

Although spring has already begun, the weather is not too warm. The crops are dressed thickly, and they are always running into the fields. For the convenience of movement, a circle of cloth is tied around the calf.

So the wolf left only a ring of bruises on his leg.

After careful inspection, Gu Nanyan found that no bones were injured, and everyone couldn't help but rejoice.

"I'll ask Bai Zhi to bring you some blood stasis medicine in a while, and rub it on every morning and evening."

"And rest at home for the past few days and don't walk around casually. If you feel uncomfortable anywhere, send someone to come to me."

Zhuangjia is not young after all, and although his leg is fine, Gu Nanyan is afraid that he will get sick from fright.

Unexpectedly, Zhuang Zhu waved his hands with a blank face when he came back slowly.

"No need to rest, the old man is in good health."

There are so many things now, not only about the iron plow truck, but also the wheat seeds that Gu Nanyan sent, he has to come and see it every day to be at ease.

Although he had known Gu Nanyan not long ago, Zhuang Jia felt that she was not a person who talked nonsense.

Last time she said that her grain yield was [-] catties per mu, and it was probably not a lie.

Thinking of the crops, his mood became even more agitated. He was about to ask Gu Nanyan what he should pay attention to in that one hundred acres of land, when he saw her squinting at him.

"If you are told to rest, rest, there is so much nonsense!" Gu Nanyan said irritably.

She doesn't like this kind of patient who doesn't listen to advice the most. If something goes wrong, won't it cause trouble for her in the end?
Zhuangjia was choked up by her scolding, and wanted to refute, but when she saw her narrowing her eyes and looking at him quietly, she couldn't help but fell silent.

Zhuang Zhu: Why is this girl's eyes more penetrating than that wolf's!

Gu Nanyan asked someone to send him back, while he went to the place where the wolf was hiding to check.

Since it had just rained a few days ago and the soil was still wet, a string of footprints were left on the ground.

She thought for a while, let Bai Zhi behind her wait in place, and walked into the mountain by herself.

Wolves are pack animals and generally do not go down the mountain alone.

Moreover, wolves are highly aggressive, decisive and agile. They will either not attack after seeing their prey, but once they attack, they will go straight to the vital point and bite the opponent's neck until they die.

But it only bit the crop's calf and didn't make any further moves.

According to Crop Crop's description, the wolf did not run away immediately after seeing the farmers surrounding them, but just looked at them vigilantly.

It's like... watching.

She has heard that wolves are very smart animals. They like to live in groups and are very united. Even if they are alone, they will never take risks easily.

Gu Nanyan kept walking along the wolf's footprints. If she guessed correctly, the wolf was just an outpost, and the attack just now was most likely a temptation by the wolves to the people down the mountain.

If she ignores it, maybe they will attack Zhuangzi tonight, and there will inevitably be casualties, and the newly sown fields will also be trampled.

After walking for about a quarter of an hour, a large mess of wolf footprints appeared in front of Gu Nanyan's eyes, confirming her thoughts.

But she was not afraid, but relieved.

In her view, the scariest thing is not to find the trace of the enemy, but that the enemy is watching you from behind, but you don't know the location of the other party.

With her keen five senses, she quickly found where the wolves were.

They also seemed to have spotted Gu Nanyan, and a dozen gray shadows rushed in front of her in an instant.

One of them was exceptionally tall and should be the leader of the pack.

Seeing her short stature, Xu Shi looked at her a few times and let out a long howl.

Upon hearing the order, the wolves began to surround her step by step without any scruples.

Gu Nanyan didn't talk nonsense, she clenched her fists and rushed out before they could see them.

Let’s talk about Zhuang Jia and others who just returned home, knowing that Gu Nanyan had entered the mountain alone, they were so frightened that their three souls disappeared and their seven souls disappeared.

Regardless of the injury on his leg, he asked Yuan Heizi to run to the foot of the mountain with him on his back, and at the same time he did not forget to ask Steward Yuan to report to the officials.

"Bullshit, just bullshit!"

Zhuangjia's nose was smoking, and he never expected that Gu Nanyan would do such a reckless thing.

When they got to the bottom of the mountain, the audience said that Gu Nanyan went up the mountain alone, and they were so frightened that they almost jumped into the sky.

"Don't stop me!" Zhuangjiao spun around angrily.

"That's the princess, we can't stop the princess from doing what she wants."

The person who spoke also looked sad.

They all thought that Gu Nanyan was just curious, and at most would wander around the outer circle.

Unexpectedly, after waiting for a long time, she didn't come back, so everyone panicked, and hurriedly sent people to call Yuan Guanshi.

"Mr. Zhuang, will something happen to the princess?" Another person asked anxiously.

"Bah bah, what nonsense, the princess has her own destiny, she will be safe and sound, don't talk nonsense, you crow mouth!" a woman hurriedly said.

The man in her family died of illness two years ago. There is only one child who is waiting to be fed and the elderly parents-in-law in the family. She basically depends on her for spring planting every year.

Although there are neighbors who help from time to time, they can only plant two acres of land a year.

This amount of food is not enough for the whole family to chew, and the food storage is often exhausted before the end of the year.

She can only rely on the support of the people around her, and go to the mountains to pick the pitiful wild vegetables every day. The life is very difficult.

But this year, with the help of the iron plow cart that Gu Nanyan gave her, her family actually opened up five acres of land!
Although the seeds have just been planted and it may be tiring to fertilize and water, the whole family has hope.

It can feed the whole family, the children are no longer hungry, the parents-in-law have smiles on their faces, and they no longer feel that they are dragging down the daughter-in-law.

The woman feels that she is happy no matter how tired she is.

And for Gu Nanyan who brought her all this, she was naturally very grateful, so she was the first to refute when someone said that something happened to her benefactor.

It's just that I'm still uneasy.

"Heizi, take a few stronger ones and go into the mountains with the old man!" Zhuang Zhu gritted his teeth.

Yuan Heizi disagreed: "Grandfather, I'll bring someone up right away, you just wait here."

"Old Zhuang, you can go home and wait at ease. I'll go up with Brother Heizi to have a look." The bearded man stood up and said.

"Yeah, don't worry about it when you're old. Didn't the princess say she won't let you out? I also went up the mountain with Heizi, so don't let this cause trouble." Another person said.

Not to mention his leg injury, even he is very old, and he is not suitable for action in the mountains where you can't see your fingers.

In the face of everyone's opposition, Zhuangjiao's attitude is very firm.

He wanted to go up the mountain in person not because of her status as a princess, and worried that the emperor would be angry if something happened to her, but because of Gu Nanyan's own value!
Although his leg was injured, it was not a big problem to walk around, so he really didn't want to wait here.

Faced with Crop's stubborn temper, everyone was helpless.

Just as he was about to continue persuading, Yuan Heizi's ears twitched.

His expression changed, and he immediately made a booing gesture.

Seeing his serious expression, everyone quieted down, and then heard a rustling sound coming from far and near.

The voice sounded chaotic and noisy, as if a large piece of something was approaching.

Everyone's face changed drastically, and they took a few steps back one after another, putting on a defensive posture.

 Chapter 2 will be posted later ()

(End of this chapter)

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