Chapter 151

Everyone stared at the mountain nervously, the rustling sound became louder and louder, and soon a blue figure appeared in everyone's sight.

"It's the princess!" Yuan Heizi exclaimed in surprise.

Everyone followed his gaze, and sure enough, they saw Gu Nanyan appearing on the path down the mountain.

Zhuangjia heaved a sigh of relief, and was about to reprimand Gu Nanyan with a straight face when he heard a scream from beside him.

"Ah! There are wolves!"

Crop was startled when he heard this, thinking it was the wolf that attacked him just now and returned.

"It's really wolves, there are a lot of them!"

When Zhuang Zhu heard this, he thought he had encountered a pack of wolves, so he hurriedly asked someone to light a torch, and at the same time shouted to Gu Nanyan: "Girl, come here!"

Due to the angle, he could only vaguely see Gu Nanyan's figure, fearing that she would be attacked by wolves, he hurriedly took two steps forward with a limp.

Unexpectedly, he was held back by Yuan Heizi.

His eyes widened in shock, and he raised his other hand and pointed behind Gu Nanyan.


Seeing his grandson startled, Zhuangjia looked in the direction he pointed, and his heart almost jumped out of his throat in an instant.

I saw Gu Nanyan strolling in front of the courtyard, holding a few hairy tails in each of his hands, and the other end of the tail was dragging on the ground, which looked like several wolf bodies!

"You, you..." Crop couldn't breathe.

Everyone present was stunned, and the scene was extremely quiet for an instant.

Gu Nanyan frowned and walked to the stupefied crop, with a bad tone.

"Didn't I tell you to go back and rest, why did you sneak out again!"

This old man is really terrible, why is he so disobedient?
Angrily, she threw the wolf in her hand in front of him, making a muffled bang.

Crops: "..."

He lowered his head and looked at the wolf on the ground who was dying, his old face trembling.

"Where did you get it?" he asked tremblingly.

"I just played it on the mountain." Gu Nanyan said lightly, took the handkerchief from Bai Zhi and wiped his hands.

"There are more than a dozen wolves on the mountain. It looks like the same pack of wolves. Have you not noticed wolves in this mountain before?" Gu Nanyan asked Yuan Heizi.

"No, no."

Yuan Heizi swallowed, his tone difficult.

"Only a wild boar ran down from the mountain more than ten years ago. Later, someone from the government came to see it and said that it came from another place. There is no wild boar nest on this mountain."

Gu Nanyan was slightly pensive, and nodded slightly.

"Princess, did you really kill this wolf?" Yuan Heizi asked.

It's no wonder that he was suspicious. With Gu Nanyan's figure, the wolf was a head taller than her when standing up. Who would believe that she killed these wolves?

Not to mention her, even the men in Zhuangzi can't do it.

Gu Nanyan only nodded without explaining much, and asked him to take the few dogs down from the mountain, and then took Bai Zhi back, and the rest of the group looked at each other in blank dismay.

Li Yi came over early the next morning, and heard about it when he first entered Zhuangzi.

He hurried to find Gu Nanyan, and he was relieved to see that her oily skin was not scratched at all.

"Can't you bring more people?" Li Yi said helplessly.

He knew that Gu Nanyan had always been courageous, but wolves were not the same as Xiong Xiazi. They lived in packs, and even when they encountered tigers, they would have the power to fight.

"Why do you take people there?" Gu Nanyan curled her lips.

"It's just a few wolves, why do we have to send an army?"

Although her five special forces were well trained, she didn't want to reveal their strength for the time being. Even the people in the village rarely saw them, so no one informed them.

Li Yi was even more helpless upon hearing this.

"Yesterday, there were more than ten or twenty wolves in total. A pack of wolves of this magnitude really needs to be notified to the government, and then the government will report to the imperial court, and the imperial court will send troops to exterminate them."

Gu Nanyan rolled her eyes when she heard the words, it's so troublesome, when the army arrives, the wolves will probably have enough to eat and drink!

"However, it stands to reason that there should be no wolf dens here. This is Huangzhuang. The government will send people to check every year to see if there are any signs of wild animals."

"Although the last inspection was a year ago, it is impossible to gather so many people in one year."

Li Yi frowned tightly, rubbing the jade wrench on his thumb.

"It's really impossible." Gu Nanyan said.

"I walked around the place where they gathered, and the traces of haunting were very light."

Li Yi's eyes moved slightly: "Do you suspect that someone put them in on purpose?"

"It's not doubt, it's certainty."

Those traces are very new and should have appeared only in the last few days.

This Zhuangzi was not completely closed in the first place, and it was easy for outsiders to sneak in. It would not be impossible to transport those wolves in batches.

Li Yi's expression was ugly when he heard the words. If that's the case, those people were obviously targeting Gu Nanyan.

After all, it was no easy task to collect so many wolves, and it took so much effort to be able to send them in, and it was not for dealing with any farmer.

Li Yi clenched his fists, his eyes seemed to be covered with frost.

"Don't worry, I will definitely investigate this matter."

Not to mention that he would never let anyone hurt Gu Nanyan, even with her current status as a princess, this is considered an assassination of the royal family.

Gu Nanyan didn't care, that person didn't succeed this time, and he would definitely attack again. She just had to wait quietly for the other person to show his feet.

It can be seen that Li Yi had a serious look on his face, Gu Nanyan swallowed the words of refusal as soon as they reached his lips.

She paused and said, "Then...thank you."

Li Yi was stunned, and then raised the corners of his lips.

"There is no need to thank you and me." He picked up his tea and took a sip.

"If you don't want to thank me, how about treating me to a meal? I heard that Gu Fu's cooks are very skilled." He put down the teacup and said seemingly unintentionally.

Gu Nanyan didn't expect this fellow to crawl along the pole, and was speechless.

"What did Cui Yao say?"

"Well, it is said that he and that Mr. Guo like the food at your house very much, but it's a pity that although I have known you longer than them, I haven't had a chance to taste it yet."

Gu Nanyan: "..."

I don't know if it was her illusion, but I could hear a trace of grievance in his tone.

She reached out and touched the black jade that Li Yi gave her, and then thought about the help Li Yi had given her all the time, but she hadn't even invited anyone to eat, so Gu Nanyan felt a little embarrassed no matter how thick-skinned she was.

So Gu Nanyan waved his small hand with guilt, and said very straightforwardly: "Since you like my food, I'm not such a stingy person."

She paused, feeling a little heartbroken.

"To be honest, last time Cui Yao and the others ate meals made of brown sugar from my family. If you like it, I... I will lend her to you for a few days and let her teach your cook what she is good at! "

She wanted to say that she would give him the brown sugar, but she was really reluctant to part with that girl's craftsmanship. Besides, she didn't have the habit of giving people away as objects, so she changed her words abruptly.

Li Yi: "..."

Seeing his constipated look, Gu Nanyan gritted her teeth.

"A few days is a bit short, otherwise... half a month?"

Li Yi: "..."


"No need!" Li Yi's face was black.

He opened his mouth, forced a smile and said: "This king is not the kind of person who cares about appetite, so don't bother."

"It happens to be off tomorrow, so you can ask the cook to cook a few dishes, and I will come over to have dinner with you at noon, and this will be counted as your thanks."

After Li Yi finished speaking, he got up in a hurry, and walked away like a dog chasing after him.

"It's settled like this. I still have some official documents to deal with, so I won't stay here any longer. You should have a good rest." After saying that, he had already left the yard.

Gu Nanyan:? ? ?

I haven't finished talking yet, why run away!
Speechlessly, she looked at the place where Li Yi disappeared and rolled her eyes.

If you eat, you can eat, she doesn't lack that stutter, so why run so fast?
She had ordered a pair of armor for Zheng Tiesheng a few months ago, and it was in her space right now.

Originally, I wanted to leave it to him, but this guy ran away without waiting for anyone to finish speaking!
(End of this chapter)

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