Chapter 152

Early the next morning, Steward Yuan and his son pushed a cart of wolf corpses to Gu Nanyan's yard.

"Princess, I don't know what you plan to do with these wolves." Yuan Guanshi asked.

Gu Nanyan glanced into the yard, pondered for a moment and asked, "Is there a merchant nearby that collects these wild animals?"

Steward Yuan nodded: "There is a fur shop in the city that collects all kinds of prey all year round. If someone in our village catches hares or the like, they will sell them."

"Then push it to the city and sell it." Gu Nanyan said indifferently.

Guanshi Yuan agreed, and was about to resign, but was stopped by Gu Nanyan.

"Have any strangers come to the village recently?" she asked.

Steward Yuan paused, shook his head and said, "Cao Min has never heard of a stranger coming."

"Then is there someone who has been in and out frequently recently?"

Guanshi Yuan shook his head again: "It's not like I go in and out often, but..."

"But what?"

Yuan Guanshi looked hesitant and said: "It's a widower surnamed Sun who lives in Dongtou. His wife and brother came to look for him last month, but he went out twice."

Huangzhuang is no different than other places, although you can go in and out, but you have to report to Guanshi Yuan, otherwise the gatekeeper will not let people out easily.

"I heard that his brother-in-law made a lot of money recently, and his life is very comfortable. I am grateful to his brother-in-law who has been helping him and gave him a lot of money." Yuan Guanshi sighed.

Widower Sun, whose full name is Sun Cheng, escaped from the famine a few years ago, and his whole family starved to death on the road, leaving only him and his wife and brother.

His brother-in-law is a lazy person who hangs around with gangsters all day long and doesn't do anything about childbirth.

Fortunately, Sun Cheng often sent him some rice grains so that he would not starve to death on the street.

"It can be considered that he has a conscience. He didn't forget Sun Cheng when he made a fortune, and even sent him several carts of things."

Gu Nanyan paused and asked, "Do you know what you gave?"

Steward Yuan shook his head: "The car was covered with oiled paper cloth, and it was pulled directly into Sun Cheng's yard. No one saw it."

"But it should be some food such as rice grains and meat. The neighbors nearby said that they smelled a strong fishy smell."

Gu Nanyan's expression remained unchanged after hearing the words: "Then what did Sun Cheng do before he came to Zhuangzi?"

"I heard it was just an ordinary farmer, but his deceased wife's family was a hunter."

Gu Nanyan knew something in his mind, and said something to Bai Zhi behind him, Bai Zhi stepped back in response, and led Ashlan in after a while.

"Go to Sun Cheng's house with Steward Yuan and bring him here."

Ashlan took the order, but Yuan Guanshi was puzzled, seeing this battle, he was quite disturbed.

"I don't know how Sun Cheng offended the princess?"

He didn't remember that the princess had any contact with Sun Cheng, so he was very puzzled.

"The princess tells you to go, so go, so much nonsense!" Ashlan said in a low voice.

His voice was not low, which startled Guanshi Yuan, and knowing that he had overstepped, he hurriedly made amends and went to Sun Cheng's house with Ashlan.

"The princess thinks there is something wrong with this Sun Cheng?" Bai Zhi asked, and Bai Shao also looked puzzled.

Gu Nanyan nodded and explained her doubts.

Hearing that these people came for his master, Bai Shao was so angry that he almost jumped up.

"This guy surnamed Sun is so brave, he dared to let wolves into Zhuangzi, what is he trying to do?!"

Bai Zhi's complexion is also not good: "There are more than 100 people in the village, of which more than half are old and weak, women and children. If those dozens of wolves are really allowed to enter the village, I am afraid that the whole village will be ruined."

She had heard people say before that wolves were very cunning animals, and if they set their sights on any village, they would definitely be killed or injured.

What's more, there are a lot of wolves this time, if the princess is not so powerful, maybe something will happen.

"This person is too cruel, so many lives are lost." Bai Shao said bitterly.

"Human life?" Gu Nanyan pouted.

"In the eyes of some people, human life is worthless."

The two of Bai Zhi couldn't help being silent when they heard the words, they seemed to be a little depressed when they remembered their experience of being trafficked by human teeth.

Gu Nanyan wasn't talking either, she just sat there and waited quietly.

More than a quarter of an hour later, Guanshi Yuan hurried in, but Ashlan was nowhere to be seen.

With panic and fright on his face, he stumbled to Gu Nanyan.

"Princess, it's bad!" Steward Yuan said with a trembling voice.

"Sun Cheng, he is dead!"

Sun Cheng came to Zhuangzi late, and the place he lived was relatively remote, and it was the time of spring planting, so everyone was very busy.So no one found out what happened to him.

When Gu Nanyan arrived, many people had surrounded the door of Sun Cheng's house, and Ashlan blocked the door like a door god, preventing anyone from entering or leaving.

There is a doctor in Zhuangzi, and Yuan Guanshi invited him over?
He is standing at the table where Sun-sung is leaning over at the moment, holding a soup bowl and smelling it.

Then he put down the soup bowl and shook his head regretfully.

"Gao Langzhong, do you know the cause of Sun Cheng's death?" Yuan Guanshi hurriedly asked after seeing this.

Seeing Gu Nanyan, Gao Langzhong first saluted her, and then pointed to the soup bowl in front of him with a sigh.

"This bowl of soup smells like moonshine grass. Sun Chengcheng died after drinking this bowl of soup."

Yuan Guanshi was surprised when he heard the words: "You mean someone poisoned you?"

Gao Langzhong shook his head: "It may not be poisoning either."

"Moon stalk is a very inconspicuous poisonous weed. Its shape is similar to ordinary weeds, but it is much smaller. The leaves are like crescent moons and are very thin, so it is called moon stalk."

"Many people often mistakenly harvest it to feed poultry, but this kind of thing is not harmful to animals. Even if you eat one and a half, you can eat it normally as long as you discard or clean the internal organs when slaughtering."

He handed the decoction to Guanshi Yuan, who took it with his hand and looked into the bowl.

"This is... rabbit meat?" Steward Yuan asked uncertainly.

"Exactly." Gao Langzhong nodded.

"I just went to the stove to check. The rabbit's internal organs are still there, and there are moonshine residues in it."

Gu Nanyan frowned when he heard this.

"If you say that a little bit of residue can poison people to death, wouldn't it mean that people are poisoned to death every day? After all, you also said that this month's thread grass is often picked by mistake to feed poultry."

Gao Langzhong shook his head: "Most people eat it until 01:30, but their skin is itchy and some red bumps appear on their body."

"However, Sun Cheng just happened to have some pollen allergies recently, and the poison of the moon stalk grass this time made his condition worsen rapidly, and he suffocated to death."

He unbuttoned Sun Cheng's skirt, exposing his swollen neck.

Gu Nanyan looked down.Sure enough, he saw some swelling near his Adam's apple, and there were scratch marks on the nearby skin. It was presumably that he scratched himself because he was out of breath before he died.

Gu Nanyan squatted down, grabbed Sun Cheng's hand and looked carefully, and sure enough, he saw a lot of skin flakes between his fingers.

"How do you know that Sun Cheng is allergic to pollen?" Gu Nanyan asked.

It's just early spring, and there won't be a large area of ​​wild flowers blooming, so his judgment made Gu Nanyan puzzled.

Hearing this, Gao Langzhong gave her a faint smile. He was in his forties, and the crow's feet in the corners of his eyes appeared in this smile, which gave him a sense of easygoing.

"Because Cao Min lives next door to Sun Cheng. He came to Cao Min last night and said that he was visiting a friend with his wife and brother. There were some potted flowers in that person's room. After he came back, he didn't feel very well, so Cao Min gave it to him. Prescribed a prescription and planned to go to the city early this morning to grab the medicine."

"It's just that I didn't expect that his condition would be so serious." Gao Langzhong shook his head regretfully.

Gu Nanyan didn't ask any more questions after hearing the words, and only asked Yuan Guan to report to the officials in advance, and asked Ashlan to guard the door.Don't let people spoil the scene.

Then he glanced at Sun Cheng's body.Then he took Baizhi Baishao back to his residence.

After she went back, she sorted out the whole thing, and felt that Sun Cheng's death was not that simple, but she couldn't figure out where there was an omission.

It just so happened that Bai Zhi came in at this time and told her that Li Yi was here, so she didn't think about it anymore and followed Bai Zhi to the front hall.

(End of this chapter)

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