Chapter 153
Gu Nanyan once heard from shopkeeper Wu that Li Yi didn't like meat, so she asked Brown Tang to make some vegetarian dishes, and also made a pot of boiled fish for herself.

Li Yi was very interested in the bright red boiled fish, but in the end, no one cared about those vegetarian dishes.

"No wonder Cui Yao is full of praise for your cook, the craftsmanship is really good."

After the meal, Li Yi held the teacup and sighed, he was a person who didn't care about his appetite, but today he added an extra bowl of rice than usual.

Gu Nanyan curled her lips and gave him a dissatisfied look.

It's her fault that she didn't expect this guy to be a spicy food addict. She only ate half of the big bowl full of fish and the side dishes in it.

Rubbing his still-satisfied stomach, Gu Nan was so smoky that he just wanted to drive people away.

However, Li Yi didn't seem to notice it, he curled his lips in a good mood, caught a glimpse of Gu Nan's puffing smoke from the corner of his eyes, lowered his head and took a sip of tea to hide his smile.

"I have already informed brother Huang about the iron plow truck, he attaches great importance to it." Li Yi said slowly.

"He also agreed to the request you made with Mr. Zhuang, but the details of this matter will still be discussed in the court, and I am afraid that many people will object."

Gu Nanyan rolled her eyes: "That's your business, I don't care about it, no one can take the plow cart from me without the patent right."

Li Yi smiled and nodded: "Don't worry, this matter is related to people's livelihood. Even if you don't say it, Brother Huang and I don't want some profit-seeking people to take advantage of the opportunity to fish in troubled waters. They will definitely convince the courtiers."

Gu Nanyan was somewhat satisfied upon hearing this, and no longer had a stinky face.

The two were silent for a while, and it happened that Ashlan took the Kamikaze team out for training.

Seeing their strange outfits and the black box hanging around their waists, Li Yi raised his eyebrows.

"Speaking of which, Xihu's side is not very stable recently, and I'm afraid there will be another war." He sighed.

Originally they would only go to the border towns to plunder in winter, but now that the weather has turned warmer, several tribes have attacked one after another.

They even intercepted and killed the passing merchants. In just one month, more than a dozen fur dealers who often went to and from Xihu were killed, causing panic among the people.

King Jing sent troops many times, but this time the tribes moved quickly, and he only had time to collect the corpses.

Gu Nanyan was not surprised to hear the words. From Ashlan and the others, it can be seen that although they are impulsive and irritable, they attach great importance to their clansmen.

Prince Jing was very ruthless with Xihu, almost killing him on sight, how could they be reconciled?

"How many troops does King Jing have?" Gu Nanyan asked.

Li Yi took a sip of his tea and said calmly: "Back then he asked himself to be stationed at the border. His father took pity on him when he was young, and specially allowed him to lead 5 troops. Adding the original [-] garrison, there would be [-]."

In previous years, there were only a few thousand people at most in Xihu. Although they were all good at equestrianism and stronger than the Han people, 5 people were enough.

"If it's just Xihu people, these people can handle it." Gu Nanyan said.

It's just that they are so confident this time, it doesn't seem that simple.

Li Yi obviously thought of it too.

"The spies stationed in Xihu reported that they have been in frequent contact with Daliang Kingdom recently. The head of Utur, the largest tribe, sent his youngest daughter to Daliang as his concubine years ago. It is said that he is very favored and has already conceived a dragon fetus. "

Daliang Kingdom, Jianan and Anyang are listed as the three major powers, and their strength is comparable to that of Jianan Kingdom.

Gu Nanyan smacked his lips, quite speechless about Jianan's current situation of being surrounded by enemies.

"If Daliang and West Lake join forces, it's unlikely that Bao'an Yangguo won't interfere. Have you guys thought about a countermeasure?"

Li Yi nodded: "Cui Yanping has been ordered to return to the Pingnan Army Garrison in three days, be careful not to send troops from Daliang, but..."

He looked at Gu Nanyan, and said softly: "The Pingnan Army only has 10 troops. If there is a problem with Xihu, I am afraid that the Zhenbei Army will be needed for reinforcements."

Upon hearing this, Gu Nanyan paused for a moment with her fingers pointing at the table.

Now the Zhenbei Army is commanded by Gu Yao, and Gu Shen and Gu Yunge are also serving in the army, which means that if there is a war, all three of them will go to the battlefield.

If we go for reinforcements at that time, we will divide our troops and let Anyang Kingdom not move. If we take the opportunity to create chaos, this battle may be difficult to fight.

The two chatted for a while, and when Li Yi returned to the palace, Gu Nanyan went to the training place of the kamikaze team.

She told Xihu's situation again, and several people were a little worried.

"Our Heda tribe is just a small tribe, and there are only more than 100 people in the whole tribe. If Utur wanted to find someone to form an alliance, he would not look for them." Ashlan frowned.

"It's just that there are many young and old in the clan. If there is a fight, I'm afraid it will be hurt."

Xihu was originally a place where the weak preyed on the strong, and the various ethnic groups opposed each other. Burning, killing, looting, and even extermination of ethnic groups often occurred.

When the war begins, Utur will definitely let people stockpile food and grass in advance, and the source of food and grass is a small tribe like Heda who has no power to resist.

Gu Nanyan saw the worried faces of several people, pondered for a moment and said: "You should ask someone to bring the letter back first, so that they can get ready and try to go to places where there are few people."

Gu Nanyan took out 200 taels of silver notes from the space and handed them to Ashlan.

"You should have people bring these back to the tribe's land first, and ask your tribe to buy food in small quantities and store it multiple times. It should be enough for them to eat for a while."

She paused and said: "If there is a war, I will think of a way then."

There is still a lot of food in her space, but it is not suitable to send food directly at this time, so as not to attract the attention of other tribes.

When Hou Gu Ashlan saw the bank note handed to him, she hurriedly rejected it, but Gu Nanyan stuffed it into her hand impatiently.

He was holding the bank note, his eyes were red, and the others were also a little at a loss, but more moved.

They sold themselves into slavery, thinking they would turn into mud under their feet and be at the mercy of others.

But now not only are they freed from slavery, they are well fed and clothed, and there is also monthly silver for them to send back to the clan.

This kind of life was something they didn't even dare to think about before, even the First Tribe, whom they envied very much, didn't have such a comfortable life.

Also, when Gu Nanyan said that Xihu was going to fight against Jianan, they were very worried, for fear that she would dislike their identity as Xihu people and drive them away.

"Ashi Lan thanked Master on behalf of the Heda tribe. From now on, our life will be yours, but if you are ordered to go through fire and water, you will not hesitate!"

Ashlan and the other four knelt down on one knee, swearing with their fists on their chests.

Gu Nanyan didn't care. In her opinion, only when the family is safe can the soldiers fight with peace of mind.

Now that the kamikaze team is in a critical period of training, she also doesn't want to distract a few people and affect the training effect.

Gu Nanyan explained a few more words and left.

Several people stood there silent for a while, Suhe Baru scratched his head and said: "It would be great if the patriarch and the others could also come here. Look at the people in Zhuangzi, each family has a field, and they can live in one place safely. , unlike our Xihu, who live by aquatic plants..."

Hou Gu Ashlan didn't speak, but tightly held the bank note in his hand, with hope in his eyes.

Sun Cheng's body was taken away by the government, and after Wu's autopsy, it was confirmed that he had indeed died of suffocation caused by eating moonshine grass by mistake.

But his brother-in-law left the city on the morning of his death and disappeared.

Gu Nanyan thought the clue was broken, but received a letter from Li Yi.

Sun Cheng's brother-in-law, Shi Laizi, was captured by Long San and has already been imprisoned in the secret prison of King Sheng's Mansion.

"The master personally interrogated, this Shi Laizi is just an ordinary gangster, the person who asks him to do business meets him at night every time, and his face is covered, he doesn't know who that person is at all, he only knows that it is a man who is not young. "Long San said respectfully.

"However, Shi Laizi said that the man smelled very strongly of medicine, and his words were very disrespectful to you. I think he has a lot of enmity with you."

Medicine smell?

Gu Nanyan lowered her head in thought.

Being able to deal with her with such a roundabout method as letting wolves in the village, and being able to control the matter, shows that this person has some strength, but he is very afraid of her, for fear of revealing his identity.

If this is the case, then the identity of this person must not be high. Thinking about what happened recently, Gu Nanyan quickly got a clue.

(End of this chapter)

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