Chapter 154

Zhuangzi was already on the right track, with Steward Yuan and Zhuang Jia watching, Gu Nanyan discussed with Liu Shi to go back to the city.

Although Mrs. Liu was a little bit reluctant, she was even more worried about her granddaughter, so she immediately asked her mother-in-law to pack her bags, and returned to her house in the capital with her granddaughter early the next morning.

After Gu Nanyan settled down with the Liu family, she originally wanted to go to the General's Mansion to check on Mrs. Gu's condition, but before she could leave the house, the old lady came to Gu's Mansion in person in a carriage.

It was Gu Shen who sent her here. Mrs. Gu seemed to be angry with him, she shook off his hand that was about to support her, and walked in front of Gu Nanyan in a few steps.

Although the old man is weaker than ordinary people, he is very energetic.

"Grandmother's grandson, suffering."

Old Madam Gu's eyes were red, and she fondly touched her head with her old hand, with a look of sadness and joy.

"That poisonous woman dared to harm you like this. It was your bastard father who insisted on fixing her and raised that bitch's heart!"

Mrs. Gu wiped away her tears, then turned to look at Mrs. Liu who also had red eyes.

"I would also like to thank my sister, if it weren't for you, I don't know how many sins my good grandson would suffer."

Nanny Sheng had already told her about Ge's matter, and she almost passed out after hearing this, her teeth were bleeding from biting her teeth.

She didn't like that woman from the beginning, but her son insisted.

She thought that she would take care of Sister Nan anyway, the daughter of a businessman from the Ge family, and forgive her for not being able to get out of the sky, so she didn't stop her.

Who knew that her momentary carelessness caused her granddaughter to suffer so much!
After knowing the truth, she didn't give Gu Shen a good face for many days, and she still doesn't talk to her son until now.

Gu Shen looked at his daughter aggrievedly, and was about to say something when Gu Nanyan shook his head and brought Mrs. Gu, who was chatting affectionately with Mrs. Liu, into the main room.

Gu Shen: "..."

Pushing aside Mrs. Gu who had been holding onto her hand, Gu Nanyan felt her pulse.

The residual poison has been cleared away, and there is no need to continue taking medicine, so she wrote a few medicinal recipes for nourishing the body and handed them to Nanny Sheng.

"These herbs are all warming and tonic. Even if you are not sick, you can use them to strengthen your body. Grandma's health is already good, but she has been bedridden for many years and has insufficient energy and blood. She still needs to be nourished slowly."

Nanny Sheng happily took it, stuffed it carefully into her cuff, and thanked her repeatedly.

"Miss, I don't know, the old lady doesn't even take the medicine prescribed by Miracle Doctor Dou. She just said that every doctor has different methods of treatment. When you come back, you will naturally help her take care of her body. If you use someone else's medicine, it may backfire. , you can make Miraculous Doctor Dou angry." Nanny Sheng said with a smile.

"That's the reason." Mrs. Gu said.

"Then what kind of miraculous doctor, who has healed the old man for so long but has not been cured, it is my sister Nan, who cured the disease as soon as he took the medicine."

She proudly showed off her granddaughter to Nanny Sheng, and Nanny Sheng covered her mouth and snickered.

Her words aroused unanimous approval, and even Mrs. Liu said: "No, my cough for many years was cured by my daughter. I have seen the doctor many times before. The medicine prescribed is bitter and unpalatable. The key is that it is useless." !"

"Thanks to Nannie, a few pills cured me."

When Mrs. Gu heard someone agreeing with her, she was refreshed, and she pulled Mrs. Liu to chat like her long-lost sisters.

Gu Nanyan just smiled and said nothing, but she was very satisfied with Mrs. Gu's compliance with the doctor's advice.

As the saying goes, medicine is three-point poisonous, whether you can take it or not.

The medicated diet is different, the effect is mild and long-term use is not in the way, and it is better than drinking medicine.

Gu Shen saw that the few people were chatting happily, but he couldn't get in the mouth all the time, sweating profusely.

He secretly hated himself for being so strong and healthy, and now the two old ladies kept praising his daughter, but he could only watch.

He cautiously took two steps in the direction of Gu Nanyan, and took out a stack of bank notes from his pocket.

"Here is 20 taels of silver. The old man Ge asked me to give it to you. Among them, 10 taels are to subsidize your loss, and the other 10 taels are to apologize to you."

He stuffed the bank note to Gu Nanyan, carefully observing her expression.

Seeing his daughter's eyes brighten up, looking at him with admiration, Gu Shen couldn't help being excited.

What he didn't tell Gu Nanyan was that half of the 20 taels was indeed "willingly" paid by Old Man Ge, while the other half was insisted on by him.

Just kidding, dare to yell at his precious daughter, how can a mere 10 taels of silver be compensated!
Seeing his daughter's beaming face now, Gu Shen secretly thought about what excuse he would find when he went back, so as to hit Old Man Ge for a fortune.

After all, the Ge family has earned a lot of money relying on the big ship of the General's Mansion in the past few years. It is estimated that the total net worth is one million and 80 taels, which is not even half of the 20.

Gu Nanyan was indeed very happy. She was cheated several times by 888, and she was very depressed. Who knew that 20 yuan fell from the sky, would this count as a lucky person without worrying?

Gu Nanyan, who was in a good mood, looked at Gu Shen much more pleasingly.

"It's rare for grandma to come here. I'll ask the chef to cook some refreshing side dishes. You can stay here for lunch." Gu Nanyan said with a smile.

With so much money given away, it is still necessary to save a meal.

Mrs. Gu was overjoyed, and hurriedly agreed, but saw Gu Shen looking at her eagerly.

"Your father is busy with military affairs, and he has to go back to work, so he doesn't have to cook for him." Mrs. Gu snorted.

It's so easy to see her granddaughter, she still has a lot of thoughtful things to say to her granddaughter, why leave this obtrusive thing behind, and steal Nan's attention from her?
Mrs. Gu said that she was not that stupid.

Gu Shen looked at his mother in disbelief: "Mother, my son is taking a rest today!"

Mrs. Gu curled her lips: "What are you doing, your father is so busy hitting the back of his head with his heel, he went to court today before dawn, and he is busy saying that he hasn't come back yet. As a son, you don't know how to help him share the burden, and you want to take a break by yourself. An unfilial son!"

Gu Shen: "..."

He just wanted to have a meal with his daughter, so how could he be unfilial!

When I was in the general's mansion last time, I didn't catch up, and my father took the lead.

After finally having another chance, his mother tripped him up again!
Gu Shen: Did I pick it up? !
Although he felt aggrieved, Gu Shen was still defeated in the face of the threatening eyes from Mrs. Gu.

He stepped out of the gate of Gu's mansion with his head turned three times, stood at the gate thinking for a while, and then hurried to the military department.

Mrs. Gu expressed her satisfaction with her son's "knowledge" and pulled Gu Nanyan to yell, and twitched the corner of her mouth when she yelled.

In the end, the concierge came to report that Cui Yao was visiting, and she had an excuse to leave the main room, leaving Mrs. Liu chatting happily with Mrs. Gu.

Seeing the guests, Mrs. Liu took Mrs. Gu to her yard to visit her small garden.

Although the courtyard is not as big as the General's Mansion, it is very warmly furnished. Madam Gu likes it but feels lonely.

"Sister Nan doesn't want to go back to the General's Mansion and insists on living outside. I am very worried. Fortunately, you are taking care of me, so I can rest assured."

She sighed, she was very envious of Mrs. Liu being able to live with her granddaughter.

Seeing her thoughts, Mrs. Liu said with a smile: "Children have their own ideas when they grow up, and we can't control them when we are old."

She changed her voice and said again: "Although this house is not big, there is still a spare yard. If the old lady doesn't mind it, I'll let someone clean it up. You can come and live in it when you have free time."

She can understand Mrs. Gu's loneliness very well. If she is allowed to live separately from her granddaughter, she will feel empty in her heart.

Mrs. Gu was very moved when she heard the words, but she was a little hesitant when she thought of Gu Nanyan's lukewarm temper.

"I think, but I don't know if Miss Nan will be unhappy."

Liu Shi didn't take it seriously, and waved at her.

"How can you be unhappy, don't look at her bad temper, in fact, she is very soft-hearted, otherwise she would not have brought them home without knowing the identity of the emperor."

Mrs. Gu nodded in agreement, and then happily asked Mrs. Liu to take her to see her granddaughter's residence.

At this time, Cui Yao, who came to visit, was reclining on the chair with a disfigured face, looking lifeless.

Gu Nanyan frowned and kicked him.

"Who are you showing me this look? Tell me quickly if you have something to do, I'm very busy!"

Cui Yao looked at her resentfully, wanting to scold her for being heartless and unreasonable.

He was almost bored to death, and this woman still looked fierce.

But thinking that he had something to ask for, Cui Yao swallowed aggrieved.

(End of this chapter)

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