The farmer has a mall

Chapter 155 Buying Thunder

Chapter 155 Buying Thunder

"My father will leave in two days." Cui Yao pondered.

"I don't know if you've heard that the Xihu side is going to be in chaos, and Daliang may join forces with them, and my father's Pingnan Army is on the border of Daliang."

Gu Nanyan nodded: "I heard Li Yi say it."

Cui Yao was a little surprised, King Cheng told Gu Nanyan so soon about the emperor's decree yesterday morning?

He had heard his father say that King Sheng was interested in her before, and he had said during the palace banquet that he wanted to marry her as his concubine, but he still didn't believe it. Now it seems that the relationship between the two is very good.

Cui Yao pouted, feeling as if his little friend was going to be taken away by wolves.

"Since you know that I don't talk nonsense, the main purpose of coming here this time is to ask for your help." He said seriously.

"My dad wants to buy some sky thunders, let me come over and talk to you." He paused.

After a while, he said again: "However, if you don't want to do this, don't make it difficult. This time I came to the door in the name of General Pingnan's Mansion, and it has nothing to do with the relationship between you and me."

He looked at Gu Nanyan seriously.

"My father means that as long as you are willing to sell Tianlei to him, the price is up to you. At the same time, General Pingnan's Mansion will owe you a favor."

Gu Nanyan frowned when he heard the words, lowered his eyes and thought for a moment, then asked: "Is it tricky on the side of Daliang?"

What Li Yi told her was that Xihu might join forces with Daliang.

Not to mention whether it will be fought or not, just talking about the [-] soldiers of the Pingnan Army, even if Daliang sends troops, it is not certain who will win and who will lose. Why does Cui Yanping attach so much importance to it?
Pay attention to asking her old enemy's granddaughter for help!

Cui Yao sighed, his expression was so depressed that she had never seen before.

"Let me tell you the truth. Although my father claims that Pingnan has an army of [-], the actual strength is less than [-], which is only half of the Zhenbei army."

Gu Nanyan was surprised now.

It can't be seen that the surname Cui is quite courageous. Whether it is modern or ancient, lying about military information is a serious crime.

Besides, when it comes to the battlefield, there is still a big difference between 10 people and less than [-] people. This guy doesn't want to live anymore?
Gu Nanyan thought of something and asked, "Does Li Mi know about this?"

Cui Yao nodded first, and then shook his head: "The emperor knows that my father is different from your grandfather, there must be water in it, but he doesn't know that there is so much difference."

Gu Nanyan was speechless: "Even so, Daliang sent troops, and the 8 people were not just for show. What is your father afraid of?"

Even if they can't fight, it's no problem for so many people to defend the city and wait for reinforcements. It's surprising that Cui Yanping is so cautious.

"It's not that I'm afraid." Cui Yao shook his head slowly.

"You know, Marquis Yongle has bid farewell to the emperor this morning."

Gu Nanyan was startled: "Why?"

Didn't it mean that he was still waiting for Emperor Anyang's instructions, and he couldn't leave within a month or two? Why did he suddenly change his mind? Could it be that the situation has changed?
Gu Nanyan sat up straight involuntarily, she still wanted to earn a fortune from that little boy, why is this person leaving?

"I don't know the specifics. I only know that there is news from the Pingnan Army that Daliang has assembled 20 soldiers to reorganize at the border. Your grandfather is probably going back to the Zhenbei Army's garrison."

Hearing this, Gu Nanyan frowned.

"There are also changes in Anyang Kingdom?"

Cui Yao shook his head: "I don't know either. My father told me so. I'm afraid you have to ask Old General Gu about the specific situation."

If the Anyang Kingdom also came to play, Gu Yao would not be able to separate himself, and the Pingnan Army could only resist 20 troops with [-] soldiers.

Gu Nanyan felt a little headache and rubbed her temples.

She pondered for a moment and said, "I'll give you an answer about Tianlei tomorrow, but I don't have many in stock, so I can only take out a dozen or twenty at the moment."

She had to ask Gu Yao about the specific situation before deciding whether to give it or not.

She has stored no less than a hundred of her self-made sky thunders in the space, but after all, it was in ancient times, and this kind of powerful Rewu could be used as long as it was not needed.

Cui Yao was pleasantly surprised when he heard the words, a dozen or twenty had already exceeded his father's expectation.

Looking at Prince Ning's mansion, one can see how against the sky this thunder is, enough to deter Daliang's army at a critical moment.

Even if it can only be delayed for ten days and a half months, it will be enough for his father to turn the situation around in the ever-changing battlefield.

Cui Yanping felt relieved, and at the same time looked at Gu Nanyan worriedly.

"Actually, you really don't need to look at my face. If it's difficult, let my father think of other ways."

The two families have always been at odds, Gu Nanyan gave him Tianlei, General Gu didn't know if he would be dissatisfied.

Moreover, this thing has already been exposed to the emperor, so if she gives it to the general of a country like this, will she be jealous?

Facing Cui Yao's worried eyes, Gu Nanyan rolled her eyes angrily.

"Why do you have such a big face, I need to show you face?"

She was just afraid that this guy would be absent-minded because of his father's affairs, which would affect her business.

Cui Yao: "..."

Although Gu Nanyan said so, he didn't feel angry at all.Instead, he grinned and nodded in agreement.

"You're right, my young master has such a magnificent face, apricot cheeks and peach cheeks, it's really not big."

Gu Nanyan:? ? ?

Completely shameless, right?

Thinking of this, Gu Nanyan took out two deed papers from the space and slapped him on the face.

"You came at the right time. I have nothing to do these few days. Let me search around these two shops. If there are other shops for sale, I will buy them and live together under my name."

Cui Yao grabbed the two deed papers and looked at them: "These are the two rooms your mother left you?"

"The store is not small. It happens that Kamikaze Delivery and Guose Tianxiang are opened together. Why buy another one?"

Gu Nanyan glanced at him sideways: "Of course it is useful, the other two shops are currently being used by the Ge family, so there is no need to take them back for the time being."

Although he didn't understand Gu Nanyan's intentions, Cui Yao agreed honestly, and after sitting for a while, he happily went home to announce the good news to his father.

It was almost noon at this time, and Brown Tang made a few light dishes according to the master's instructions.

When Gu Nanyan arrived, Mrs. Liu and Mrs. Gu were already waiting.

Mrs. Gu's spirit is not bad, and she didn't feel tired after chatting with Mrs. Liu for a long time. Madam Jiang Sheng was overjoyed, and her attitude was even more enthusiastic when she saw Gu Nanyan.

In Nanny Sheng's heart, Gu Nanyan is simply a lucky star, as long as she is there, the old lady will be in peace and well-being.

"Miss came just in time. The chef has just finished serving the dishes. Come and eat quickly."

Nanny Sheng graciously pushed away the seat next to Mrs. Gu, and Gu Nanyan took the opportunity to sit down.

Old Mrs. Gu cast a reproachful glance at Nanny Sheng, and then looked at Mrs. Liu apologetically.

Mrs. Liu didn't care. Seeing her granddaughter sitting down, she hurriedly asked someone to serve the meal.

"I was just saying that there is an empty courtyard next to yours. Let the mother-in-law clean it up. There will be a place to rest when your grandmother comes over." Liu said with a smile.

Gu Nanyan didn't say anything when she heard the words, but when she saw Mrs. Gu looking at her anxiously, she was startled.

"What's missing?" she asked.

"If the storeroom doesn't have any, let Bai Zhi buy them."

Bai Zhi hurriedly stood up when she heard the words: "I will go over with my mother-in-law to take a look, I will clean it up later, so you can take a lunch break after eating."

Although Mrs. Gu was very happy, she still hesitated.

"Will it cause you trouble?"

Bai Zhi hurriedly said: "You are serious, if you have something to do, just tell the old lady, you are the grandmother of the young lady and our master."

If the lady doesn't object, it means she acquiesces. As a servant, she naturally has to make arrangements.

Seeing Gu Nanyan's indifferent expression, Mrs. Gu was relieved, thinking that she could often come to live with her granddaughter in the future, she couldn't close her mouth in joy.

"Miss Nan is tired, let's drink some soup first." She scooped up a bowl of pork ribs and corn soup for her granddaughter herself.

Gu Nan said that Xie was about to move his chopsticks when the porter brought Gu Yao and Gu Shen in court clothes.

Mrs. Gu was very surprised to see her husband.

"Didn't you say that today's lunch will be eaten in the palace, why did you come back?"

She glanced at Gu Shen angrily, her disappointment could not be concealed in her tone.

The corners of Gu Yao's eyes twitched, and he sat calmly opposite his old wife, coughed lightly and said, "I heard from Shen'er that you left the mansion, so come and take a look if you're worried."

It's true to be worried, after all, this is the first time she has gone out in so many years.

Secondly, of course, I came to my granddaughter to eat!

(End of this chapter)

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