The farmer has a mall

Chapter 156 Rolling

Chapter 156 Rolling
Because the two came too suddenly, the kitchen didn't have time to prepare, so Gu Nanyan asked Brown Tang to bring out a mandarin duck pot, ready to eat hot pot.

As soon as the bottom of the mandarin duck pot came out, the hot and spicy smell of the room could not help getting into everyone's noses, and Gu Shen didn't care about his mother's disgust, so he hurriedly sat down beside Gu Yao.

"Sister Nan, what does it smell like?"

It's too fragrant. Before I can eat it, my tongue is drooling and I'm almost swallowing it.

"The smell of chili and butter." Gu Nan said.

Gu Shen didn't know what chili and butter were, but he didn't ask.

Everyone here is his own person, Gu Shen picked up the bowl without any notice, and prepared to fill a bowl of the bright red soup to drink.

Among other things, half of the pot is red and half white, which is quite beautiful.

As soon as he picked up the spoon, he was stunned when he saw Bai Zhi bringing a few dishes over with his servants.

He knew that cucumber was grown by Sister Nan. Eating it raw was crisp and refreshing, and it quenched your thirst.

But what happened to these plates of raw meat?

He looked at the mutton slices, and then at the gurgling soup under the small brazier.

Sister Nan, is this going to be done now?

Gu Yao and Mrs. Gu were also very puzzled, but in order not to appear too ignorant in front of their granddaughter, neither of them made a sound, just waiting for Bai Zhi to serve the dishes.

"It's called hot pot, and it's also called shabu-shabu." Seeing the three of them stunned, Mrs. Liu hurriedly said.

"It's the method of eating that Sister Nan researched. You just need to put the meat in a pot and boil it, then dip it in the seasoning and eat it."

As Mrs. Liu said, she boiled a piece of mutton in clear soup and put it in the seasoning bowl for Madam Gu.

"Old lady, you have a taste."

Mrs. Gu hurriedly thanked her, and said with a smile to Gu Nanyan: "Miss Nan is really smart, this way of eating is fresh and interesting, it's the first time grandma has seen it."

She said and put the meat in her mouth.

In fact, she doesn't like the fishy smell of mutton, and the Gu family seldom eats it, but she always cheers on her granddaughter's thoughts.

But when the sliced ​​meat dipped in seasoning entered the mouth, Mrs. Gu's eyes lit up.

Gu Yao saw that his old wife who didn't like to eat mutton ate it with relish, so he couldn't help but imitate Liu's way of rinsing a slice, and then he couldn't stop. He didn't wipe all the red oil on his beard, and just kept rinsing the meat eat.

Seeing this, Gu Shen was also anxious, and after taking a sip, he didn't care to speak, and fought with his own father.

The food intake of the father and son was in the same line, and with the addition of Gu Nanyan, a big eater, the three of them ate all the ingredients prepared in the house for two days in a daze, which shocked all the servants out of their eyes.

After the meal, the three generations of grandparents and grandchildren slumped on the chairs satiated with wine and food, watching Mrs. Liu and Mrs. Gu happily.

"You too, how old you are and still grabbing food from your children." Mrs. Gu blamed helplessly.

Gu Shen nodded in agreement, touched his bulging stomach and said, "That's right, my son didn't even dare to eat more."

After all, he hiccupped.

Gu Yao: "..."

He was a little embarrassed, and said awkwardly: "I left in a hurry this morning and didn't have breakfast."

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the room couldn't help laughing.

Bai Zhi brought them a few cups of hawthorn water to help them digest their food. Gu Shen had just picked up the cups when he was kicked by his own father, almost spilling all over his body.

"What are you still doing sitting here? Hurry up and go to the military department. Your elder brother has been waiting all morning, and he doesn't know if he will use his lunch or not. It's good for you. Your belly is round and you almost swallowed the pot!"

Gu Shen rubbed his sore calf, and stared at Gu Yao with dissatisfaction.

"Brother is not stupid, what time is it and you don't have to eat."

He just wants to spend more time with his daughter, why is his father so ungrateful!

He got up muttering, and looked at Gu Nanyan aggrievedly: "Father is leaving first, I will lead you two live sheep when I have time, and we father and daughter have a good drink."

He heard from his father that the girl has good wine in her hand, but it's a pity that she has business to do today and can't drink it.

The corner of Gu Nanyan's mouth twitched, seeing Gu Shen walking out the door with his stomach supported, he was speechless.

She knows why she can eat so much, feelings are hereditary!
Mrs. Gu also ate a lot, and after drinking a cup of hawthorn water for digestion, she went for a stroll in the small garden with Mrs. Liu, supported by Nanny Sheng.

Only Gu Yao and Gu Nanyan were left in the room, and they stared for a while.

Thinking of the business, Gu Nanyan murmured, "Grandpa is going to leave Beijing in the near future?"

Gu Yao was startled, then thought of Gu Nanyan's friendship with the emperor and Li Yi, it's not surprising to know this.

So he sighed and said: "Should be leaving within half a month. Marquis Yongle urged him urgently, saying that the emperor of Anyang Kingdom was seriously ill, and urgently called him back."

Of course they don't believe this.

Even if the emperor is really seriously ill, it is the princes who should be summoned. It would be useless to call back a Marquis of Yongle who has no military power, but everyone knew it.

"This is just an excuse. He is afraid that if Anyang Kingdom really interferes, we will hold him here as a hostage." Gu Yao said contemptuously.

The two countries are fighting without beheading, even if the Anyang country is not authentic, they don't bother to use this method.

"So, Anyang Kingdom will definitely send troops this time?" Gu Nanyan asked with a frown.

Gu Yao nodded: "It shouldn't be wrong."

He looked at Gu Nanyan, the expression on his face softened: "This siege from three sides, this battle is not easy to fight, I don't know how long it will be before my grandfather can come back..."

He was silent for a long while and continued: "I know that what happened to Ge Shi made you sad, even grandfather is also responsible for negligence, it is because we did not take good care of you."

Gu Yao raised his hand, as if he wanted to touch Gu Nanyan's head. Seeing her expressionless face, he finally sighed.

"The General's Mansion is your home after all. Even if your grandfather and your father are not here, there are still your uncle and your grandmother in the mansion. If you encounter difficulties in the future, don't worry about it alone. Go back and discuss with your family. Although your uncle is only a servant, But the General's Mansion still has some contacts, so there is nothing that cannot be resolved."

Gu Yao babbled on for a while, then frowned at Gu Nanyan.

She waved her hand impatiently at Gu Yao: "When you get older, you just love to chatter. It's not sure whether Anyang will send troops or not. You're the one to blame."

Although Gu Yao didn't say it clearly, but her tone was like explaining the funeral, which made her irritated for a while.

Gu Yao was not angry either, he just stroked his beard cheerfully.

"You're right. When grandfather finishes delivering the envoys, he comes back to eat hot pot with my good granddaughter. You can't hide your good wine while pouring."

Suddenly remembering that Gu Shen also said this, he hurriedly added: "If your father asks you for a drink, you can't give it to him. It's a pity to give such a good thing to that bastard."

Seeing that Gu Yao had a smile on his face, but his eyes were still clouded with gloom, Gu Nanyan knew that he was just comforting himself.

In fact, he had no hope in his heart that Anyang would not send troops.

She thought for a moment and suddenly asked: "Are my ten thousand soldiers outside the city?"

Gu Yao was startled when he heard the words, he didn't expect his granddaughter to change the topic so quickly, so he nodded quickly.

"It's outside the city, with the Zhenbei Army."

"Is there an archer inside?" Gu Nanyan asked again.

Gu Yao nodded: "The archers picked two thousand for you. They are all veterans in the army. Not to mention every shot is perfect, even the worst ten arrows can hit five or six arrows."

These people will protect their granddaughter in the future, so of course he wants to give the best.

If someone as blind as Ge Shi bullied her again, he would be able to fight back.

Gu Nanyan didn't know what Gu Yao was thinking, so she just nodded in satisfaction.

As long as she is good at archery, she doesn't need them to hit every shot.

"Please help me send a message to King Sheng, saying that I have a way to make Anyang Kingdom dare not send troops, and ask him to help drag Guan Hanfei."

She paused, then added: "It's best to delay for a month."

Gu Yao was surprised when she heard this, she knew that her granddaughter was capable, and she also knew that she was not a big talker.

Seeing her confident look at this time, she couldn't help but straighten her face.

"What are you going to do, do you need the cooperation of your grandfather?"

Gu Nanyan shook her head, showing an inexplicable smile with the corner of her mouth raised.

"Since the purpose of Yonglehou's visit this time is to find out the strength of Jianan Kingdom..."

"Then I will give him a military exercise to let him know what crushing is!"

(End of this chapter)

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