The farmer has a mall

Chapter 157 Barracks Training

Chapter 157 Barracks Training
After that day, Gu Nanyan didn't see anyone for a whole day, went out before dawn, and didn't return home until it was completely dark.

Mrs. Liu knew that her granddaughter was not an ordinary daughter's family, so she didn't stop her. She only rested every day after she arrived home safely.

Gu Nanyan persuaded her several times to no avail, so she could only go back as early as possible every day.

In the military camp on the outskirts of Beijing, Gu Nanyan and Li Yi went to the training ground together.

This training field was specially circled by Li Yi. It was about the size of two football fields. It was located in a very remote corner of the entire barracks and was very secretive.

Hou Gu Ashlan was standing on the sidelines directing, and the other four led a small team to run endurance around the training ground.

Seeing Gu Nanyan approaching, everyone didn't stop.

Rows of soldiers running with sandbags on their legs were sweating profusely.

It was the first time for Li Yi to visit since Gu Nanyan brought a thousand soldiers here half a month ago.

Seeing that all these people were much darker and stronger, and their faces showed more determination, Li Yi was very surprised, and began to watch their training seriously.

After the endurance run, it was military posture training. Soldiers in wooden armor stood under the sun and maintained various postures for two hours.

It wasn't until noon, following Ashlan's order, that they all fell to the ground with trembling limbs.

Li Yi was very curious about this training method, so he didn't go back until noon, and stayed with Gu Nanyan to eat the so-called "big pot meal".

Pots of rice bowls filled with vegetables and meat with balanced nutrition were brought over, and all the soldiers who delivered the food looked at them enviously.

One of the young men swallowed hard as he smelled the delicious food.

"A princess is a princess. Even the soldiers under her command eat delicious food and drink spicy food. Poor us, who have clear soup and little water all day long, the taste of birds will fade out of our mouths."

The other person sneered and said: "You can be content, we just follow the prince, at least every meal will still have a little bit of meat, if you change the other army camps to eat boiled cabbage all day long, that would be called clear soup with little water."

"That's not true." A thin and small man put the food on the table, with a look of approval.

"If you want to envy them, why don't you ask the princess to join the special forces, and have some delicious food with them." The thin man laughed and joked.

"Let's forget it." The young man curled his lips, thinking of the scene he saw a few days ago, he couldn't help shaking.

"You don't know that although this princess is a woman, she can torture people more fiercely than men."

He pouted forward and continued: "You see they are tired? It's not too light!"

He came to deliver meals every day, so he naturally saw a lot of things here.

"In the first few days, these people collapsed in groups, coming in vertically and going out horizontally every day. Even so, on the second day, if anyone is late for even a breath, or just can't get up, they will be punished by those westerners." The barbarian punished me, tsk tsk."

The young man shook his head with a pitiful tone.

"This is a trade of life for food. I would rather eat boiled cabbage than let Xihu people abuse me like this."

When he said this, a teenage boy happened to pass by, and he immediately became unhappy when he heard this.

"What do you know?!" The voice of the boy who was in the period of changing his voice was particularly unpleasant, which shocked the three gossiping people.

They looked back and saw that it was just a soldier, and they couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"What did you yell, you almost scared your grandpa out of your wits!"

The young man glanced at Gu Nanyan, and he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when he saw that she was talking to the Xihu people.

"That's what it is!" Xiaobing said angrily, with his neck stuck.

"What does it mean to trade your life for food? The instructor is all for our own good. Which eye of yours saw someone die!"

Seeing him shouting louder and louder, the thin man was afraid of attracting King Sheng and the others, wiped his cold sweat and said, "Little brother, don't be angry, he just opened his mouth dishonestly, and he didn't mean anything malicious."

"That can't be said nonsense. Although the instructors are all from Xihu, they take good care of us. If someone is really sick, they will help us ask Doctor Dou to see him."

Because he didn't eat well since he was a child, he was thinner than others, and he was a little powerless during training.

In addition, after coming to the capital, he was not acclimatized to the environment, and he was not able to be agile all the time. He developed a high fever after just one day of training.

It was the instructor Hou Gu who invited Miraculous Doctor Dou over in the middle of the night to relieve his fever.

"And the princess, in order to let us have physical training, the daily menu is written by her herself, and the food is all paid for by the princess herself!"

The soldier was angry and glared at the young man with hostility.

Instructor Hou Gu said that when they joined the special forces, they were a family, and they had to form a bond with each other and speak out as one.

Although he was the youngest among them, he couldn't allow outsiders to speak ill of their instructors and chief generals.

The young man lost his temper after being stared at by him. He was just saying a few words casually, but he didn't expect this kid to be so serious.

"Success, it's brother who made a mistake, I'm sorry little brother, I won't speak ill of your... instructors again, okay?"

Xiaobing snorted, but he didn't want to be unreasonable anymore. His face softened when he heard his mistake, and he said "be careful in the future" before turning his head and returning to the training ground.

The corner of Gu Nanyan's mouth in the distance twitched imperceptibly, and Li Yi curled his lips into a smile when he saw that she was in a good mood.

"Your men are good at buying people's hearts." Being able to train these people like this is not bad.

Coupled with following Gu Nanyan's subordinates, he will definitely accomplish something in the future.

Gu Nanyan was noncommittal, seeing everyone lined up to start cooking, she also took two dinner plates, and took Li Yi to the back to line up.

Everyone seemed to be used to Gu Nanyan like this, and greeted her one after another.

"Princess, today I have your favorite fried pork, you can eat more later."

A man in his thirties at the front said with a smile.

I don't know what was put in the fried pork. It's very spicy, but it makes people want to eat it more and more, especially with rice.

The princess looks so small, but eat more food so she can grow taller!
Another man who was about his age with a square face nodded repeatedly.

"That's right, there's ribs, corn and wax gourd soup. My mother said that women should drink more soup to maintain their health, which is good for the skin."

This person is a bit naive, scratching the back of his head in a silly manner.

"Princesses are born beautiful, so how can I use these foreign things to raise them? You see, we are all like charcoal blocks, and the princess is not tanned at all."

"You are like a block of charcoal, but we are a little darker, so it doesn't look like you..."

With Gu Nanyan joining the team, the team instantly became lively.

Gu Nanyan smiled but said nothing, and handed over the plate in his hand to Li Yi.

"Whatever you want to eat, let the rice cooker fill it for you, fill it up as much as you want, and ask for it if you don't have enough, it's a violation of military discipline to waste food here." Gu Nanyan warned.

Although Li Yi didn't have dozens of dishes for a meal like Li Mi, but as a prince, he probably couldn't live without extravagance.

No matter how he is in the palace, when he comes to her, he has to abide by her rules.

Seeing her serious face, Li Yi let out a low laugh.

He also straightened his expression and said: "This king only has two dishes and one soup in the mansion, and never wastes it. The princess is too worried."

Gu Nanyan saw the playfulness in his eyes, rolled her eyes at him and said nothing.

The two finished their meal and sat cross-legged on the ground with the others to eat.

During the war, the conditions were harsh, and it was common to gnaw dry pancakes on the road.

Therefore, Li Yi didn't think there was anything wrong with this, on the contrary, it was very novel.

I also saw that although Gu Nanyan didn't talk much, he occasionally joked with everyone.

He had never seen such Gu Nanyan before, and he was so free and easy.

Although he loves his soldiers very much, he is a prince after all, and he has never been with them like this before.

Gu Nanyan only stayed with these people for half a month, but it made people feel like they have been friends for many years.

But during Mingming's training, none of these people questioned her order.

Looking at the radiant woman in front of him, he felt as if his heart was about to jump out.

(End of this chapter)

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