The farmer has a mall

Chapter 158 The secret training is over, Chapter City!

Chapter 158 The secret training is over, return to the city!
Li Yi had something to do in the afternoon, so he went back to the city first.

Before leaving, tell Gu Nanyan to come pick her up after dark.

She wanted to refuse, but after Li Yi finished speaking, he didn't even give her time to react, so he strode away.

She didn't bother too much.

There was half an hour to rest after the meal, Gu Nanyan turned around and walked to her resting place.

Now that the weather has turned warm, in order to save time, Gu Nanyan asked someone to set up a tent around the training ground.

After the daily training, the soldiers went directly back here to rest.

Gu Nanyan's tent is the largest one, and there are always people on duty outside.

Inside the tent were wooden boxes more than one meter long and half a meter high. The boxes were locked and filled with stones.

Gu Nanyan sat at the table, closed his eyes and opened the mall.

888 jumped out, happily circling around her.

"Master, do you want to buy something?"

Gu Nanyan glanced at it sideways, and 888 immediately quieted down, squatting obediently on the table.

"Master, master, I have changed the price of the item to the lowest selling price. If you are interested in something, please don't do it carelessly!" 888 murmured.

Raising his eyebrows, Gu Nanyan flipped through the mall page, and found that the prices inside were several times lower than before.

Thinking of the ten or two million taels he spent before, Gu Nanyan bleeds from distress.

This bastard is really cheating her money!

Seeing the vicious woman on the opposite side looking at him with ill intentions, 888 also remembered the last time he was almost "strangled to death", shrunk his small body.

Gu Nan said with a bitter smile: "Your boss has dug coal before."

Otherwise why is it so dark!

888 didn't understand what it meant, and looked at her with a confused face.

"I don't know what the boss used to do, but he has been in this business for a long time." 888 pointed to the mall.

After finishing speaking, he cautiously approached Gu Nanyan.

"Master, tell me what you need, and I'll help you find it."

Gu Nanyan took a cool look at it: "What I want to look at is the cost price."

Is this thing playing tricks on her?

Don't think she doesn't know, with the virtues of this black shop, the lowest selling price may make a lot of money.

In modern times, in countries like country M where ordinary people can hold guns, each wooden warehouse costs between 3000 and [-] yuan. This is still the market price, and the ex-factory price will be even lower.

Calculated according to the modern rice price of three yuan per catty, in this world, one tael of silver can buy sixty catties of rice.

In other words, one tael of silver is equal to 180 yuan.

Calculated in this way, the price of ordinary wooden warehouses is converted into silver, which is only 20 taels!
Gu Nanyan covered his chest, looked at the price tag of more than 3000 taels in the mall, and looked fiercely at 888.

She gave the account to 888, and Yuan Tuanzi almost jumped up, but Gu Nanyan slammed her down on the table.

You dog, you have cheated her so much, there is no end to this matter!
"That's not how it works!" 888 said aggrievedly.

"The items in the mall are delivered from different time and space, and every time a customer purchases a product, it has to be sent to the buyer through a dedicated channel. This cost is very high!"

888 persuasively said: "This is the same as when you shop online in modern times. Do you have to pay for express delivery every time you shop?"

It tried to reason with Gu Nanyan, but Gu Nanyan, who felt that he had been robbed of money, was so distressed that he lost his reason.

She shook her head resolutely: "No, I never pay the courier fee, everything is free shipping from the merchant!"


"That's also because the merchant added the courier fee to the price of the item!"

Gu Nanyan: Don't listen to bastard chanting scriptures.

888 was speechless when he saw her reckless appearance.

However, Gu Nanyan pressed him on the table, as if he didn't remember clearly, 888 was wronged and wanted to cry.

It said that the boss must have a grudge against him!

Otherwise, why would the hostesses of other little friends' houses be gentle, considerate and reasonable, and let it be put on such a deep well.

No wonder the boss has a meaningful expression every time he sees him, he must have done it on purpose!

"We also don't charge the courier fee. You can see that the prices above are all the price of the item, and there is no delivery fee."

Gu Nanyan shook her head seriously: "No, you added the shipping fee to the product!"


Otherwise, it is still self-destructing, and it feels that life is meaningless.

One person, one ball confronted each other for 888 quarters of an hour. In the end, [-] couldn't stand Gu Nanyan's persistent eyes, and secretly sent a message to the boss.

888: "Boss, help, this woman is crazy again!"

Boss: "Here you are, dear, how can I help you?"

888: "My master, this buyer thinks that the price of the mall is too high, and is using violence against me to demand a price reduction. What should I do?"

Boss: "Okay dear, we already know about your situation, please take a picture of the scene."

888 blinked and took a photo of Gu Nanyan.

Send her over with her distorted face ferociously gnashing her teeth.


888: "What should I do now?"


888: "Boss, are you still there? Hurry up, wait online!"

Boss: "Hi, the customer service is not available for the time being. If you have anything to do, you can leave a message. The customer service will reply you as soon as it is online~"


888: "...I want to resign!"


Boss: "Ahem, I went to the bathroom, what did you just say?"

888: "I said I want to resign!"

Boss: "Oh, this question, I have received your picture here, the buyer seems to be a good person, I suggest you communicate patiently."

888: ? ? ?
Boss: "As for the price, everything is negotiable. If it doesn't work, let her lower the price."

888: "But the current price is already the lowest price within my authority!"

Boss: "Then I can only suggest to explain the situation to the customer patiently. Good communication can help solve the problem. I don't have any other solution for the time being~"

888: "...Then I'll transfer the conversation to you, you come and talk to her."

"Important reminder: Your authority has been upgraded from ordinary customer service to customer service manager. Congratulations on your promotion [Sahua]."


With Gu Nanyan's "unremitting efforts", he finally bought 20 sets of special forces equipment and a sniper wooden warehouse at a price of 200 taels.

In addition, as compensation for her being deceived before, 888 exchanged all the commission it got last time with sub-orders and handed them over to Gu Nanyan with tears in their eyes.

888 dejectedly took the [-] taels of commission that Gu Nanyan gave it, and disappeared in place in a grievance.

Gu Nanyan was in a good mood and moved all the stones in the box inside the tent into the space, then put the wooden warehouse in, and asked people to move out of the tent.

There are a total of 1000 people who have been trained. They used to be very accurate archers in the Zhenbei Army.

According to her instructions, Ashlan selected the 100 most outstanding performers and distributed the equipment to them.

Then he took the hundred new members of the kamikaze team into the back mountain and started secret training.

From this day on, every afternoon, the soldiers in the barracks could hear the continuous sky-shaking noises coming from the mountains.

As if the mountain god is angry, people dare not approach, and every time they pass by the foot of the mountain, they have to go around.

Some generals were worried, but because the princess's territory was not easy to inquire, they could only ask Li Yi who was sitting in the barracks every day for instructions.

However, Li Yi only said "don't worry about it", and continued to deal with military affairs.

When he was free, Li Yi would also visit Gu Nanyan, but most of the time he couldn't see her.

Li Yi didn't care, he came to report every day as usual, and he could see her a few times.

Soon after another half a month, one hundred recruits from the Kamikaze Squad finally finished their secret training, and they descended the mountain refreshed one by one, with pride on their faces.

General Li Yi's performance was scheduled to be three days later, Gu Nanyan took the 100 people and the remaining 900 people for two days, and then brought the 1000 people back to the city in a mighty manner.

People along the way saw them dressed strangely, and came to watch them one after another.

But seeing these people not squinting, walking forward in unison, with solemn and solemn expressions, the crowd of onlookers couldn't help but quiet down.

(End of this chapter)

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