Chapter 159
In the martial arts arena in the capital, Guan Hanfei sat in the stands with a bored expression on his face.

He proposed to return to Anyang a month ago, but the emperor had already agreed to it, but for some reason it has been delayed until today.

During this period, he also mentioned the matter of returning to China many times, but Li Yi used various excuses to shirk them all, which made him very dissatisfied.

Thinking of Anyang's plan, Guan Hanfei, who felt that his patience was about to run out, was a little irritable.

"I don't know why the prince invited me here today?"

He had already sent a letter back to the country through a secret channel, announcing his current situation to the emperor, and planned to sneak out of the city tonight.

Manpower has been arranged outside the city to escort him back to Anyang safely.

Seeing his cold and restless face, and his handsome face showing stubble, Li Yi picked up his teacup and drank lightly in a rather pleasant mood.

"My lord heard that the young master has returned to the country recently, and the special order has prepared a performance to see you off."

Guan Hanfei's eyes flickered, he hid his heart beating wildly, and said seemingly unintentionally: "My lord is joking, my emperor is seriously ill, and I specially summoned this Marquis back to the palace, but the emperor of Jianan has repeatedly delayed and stopped him. I don't know what the lord sent ?”

Li Yi pretended not to see the guilty conscience on his face, lowered his eyes and said with a low smile: "Master Hou may have misunderstood."

"The peace talks between the two countries are a major event. Now the envoys have to turn back when the peace talks fail. For the sake of your safety, the emperor ordered Old General Gu to carefully plan the escort route. It can be said that he has taken great pains."

Guan Hanfei sneered, and looked at Gu Yao who was sitting beside Li Yi.

"That's what I'm worried about, but I don't know how long it will take for Old General Gu to complete it."

He said mockingly: "If you want me to tell you that General Gu is old, if you feel powerless, you might as well hand it over to someone else."

What he said was ambiguous, and people couldn't understand whether he was talking about escorting him or had other meanings.

Gu Yao stroked his gray beard, the old god was there.

"Please worry about it, Lord Hou. Although I am old, I can still walk and dance. As long as I have a breath, I will continue to serve the country!"

Li Yishen thought it was true and said: "The general is dedicated to his duty, which really makes me admire."

Guan Hanfei saw that the two of them sang together, but none of them answered his own question, and his nose was crooked in anger.

Seeing that his face was turning blue, Li Yi curled the corners of his mouth: "The emperor has issued an order, the Zhenbei army is ready, and they can leave the camp at any time. Even if the young master wants to leave tonight, no one will stop him."

Guan Hanfei's heart skipped a beat when he heard the words, knowing that his plan might have been exposed.

He collected himself and pretended to be grateful.

"In this case, I would like to thank the general for your trouble. After returning to the country, the Marquis will definitely report the sincerity of your country to my emperor. If you want to come to him, the old man also hopes that the two countries can coexist peacefully and communicate with each other."

Li Yi was noncommittal, and turned his gaze to the entrance of the Martial Arts Field, but did not speak.

Near noon, all the officials had arrived, and Li Mi, the emperor, finally arrived late. As an emperor, he naturally wanted to be the last one to show his dignity.

Li Mi sat at the top of the stands, followed only by Eunuch Zhao and a few imperial guards.

"I would like to invite all my loves to come here today. One is to see off the envoys of the Anyang Kingdom. Several of them have come from afar. I am busy with the government and have not entertained them well. I am really ashamed." Li Mi regretted.

All the envoys stood up and saluted quickly, and Li Mi raised his hand to ask them to return to their seats.

"Secondly, my righteous sister, Princess Huguo, heard about this and specifically asked me to lead my subordinates to show their talents."

"I really have no choice but to agree to this imperial sister."

Li Mi shook his head dotingly, as if he was very helpless.

When Guan Hanfei heard that Gu Nanyan was going to perform, he finally regained some energy, and couldn't help but sit up straight with anticipation on his face.

Since the last palace banquet, he hasn't had the chance to see Gu Nanyan again. He thought he could only leave with regret, but he didn't expect that there would be a surprise today.

Li Yi saw that his eyes lit up, and his attitude was not as perfunctory as before, so he looked at his brother very unhappy.

Yan'er obviously wanted to frighten them, so why did he say something so wrong from his mouth!
Seeing his younger brother's cold face, Li Mi secretly smiled.

His younger brother has always been moody and angry. Before he met Gu Nanyan, he had a straight face all day long. He had never seen any other expressions on him. Those who didn't know thought he was a monk.

Now that he finally has the emotions of an ordinary person, Li Mi couldn't help but sigh while teasing him.

It’s true that there is a son in my family who has just grown up, the brat who followed his butt all day long and called his brother when he was a child, now has a sweetheart.

"I don't know what talent Nan Jieer will perform, but I'm really looking forward to it." The queen on the side laughed.

"Sister Nan has always been good at shooting, it seems that today we are all lucky." Cui Guifei smiled at Yanyan.

A kind of minister also looked forward to it.

The competition between Gu Nanyan and Totem last time was exciting, although they were secretly divided into several factions, and there were not a few factions that fought openly and secretly on weekdays.

But in front of foreign envoys, I still hope that Gu Nanyan can win some face for the country.

Of course, Fang Junhe was not among these people.

"Is everything ready?"

Fang Junhe lowered his eyes, and asked the subordinates behind him calmly.

"Master, don't worry, that person has already ambushed among the people, and he will strike when he finds an opportunity."

Fang Junhe asked again: "Are you sure?"

The subordinate smiled flatteringly, and said in a low voice: "The man I'm looking for is a veteran in the army. As long as you look for the target, you can hit the target without fail, and the master can rest assured."

Fang Jun He Wenyan nodded in satisfaction, and looked at the entrance of the martial arts field with heavy eyes.

The emperor didn't know what was going on today, and he didn't bring many guards, so it happened to be convenient for him to attack.

"After that person succeeds, you know what to do."

The subordinate hurriedly said: "This subordinate understands, and will definitely deal with it cleanly."

This is what it means to kill someone.

If it was in the past, Fang Junhe would definitely not be so careful, but the emperor was grabbing him, and Li Yi was targeting him unabashedly, so he had to guard against it.

In the stands, Li Mi's routine speech ended, and with Eunuch Zhao's loud shout, Gu Nanyan entered the arena with a thousand soldiers.

She was wearing a remodeled princess court dress today, a black dress embroidered with golden patterns, which set off her a bit of heroism.

All the soldiers behind her were wearing beige camouflage uniforms, and they followed her in unison.

Everyone has determination on their faces.

The moment they appeared on the stage, the people present felt a sense of power, as sharp and intimidating as a sword lying in front of them.

Hou Gu Ashlan followed from one side of the team and issued orders, and everyone walked forward and walked around the field without looking sideways.

The sound of military boots falling on the bluestone board was orderly, firm and loud, and the audience in the entire martial arts arena held their breath and sat upright involuntarily.

As for Li Mi and the other generals, they all felt their blood boil, and they felt a hot current gushing out of their hearts.

"Okay!" Li Mi couldn't help but applaud.

As the emperor, of course it was not the first military parade for him, and the number of people was much larger than this time, but he had never been so excited before.

Thinking that these people are all sons of their Jianan Kingdom, I couldn't help but feel even more excited.

Seeing everyone's reaction, Li Yi couldn't restrain the corners of his mouth from rising.

Although he had seen this scene a long time ago, today's occasion actually made him feel agitated involuntarily.

His eyes fell on Gu Nanyan who was standing alone on the parade platform, his eyes were gentle.

Of course, the one who touched me the most was the envoy of Anyang Kingdom.

Guan Hanfei sat there without saying a word, with a gloomy expression.

If he didn't understand Li Yi's purpose until now, then he has lived all these years in vain.

He naturally knew about Xihu and Daliang joining forces, and it's not that he didn't know about Anyangguo's plan to take the opportunity to intervene.

This was obviously a trick used by Li Yi and the emperor to deter them.

But the scene in front of him really shocked him.

The strength of an army can be seen from the mental outlook of an army.

Faced with such a situation, Guan Hanfei frowned, his expression was extremely ugly.

(End of this chapter)

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