The farmer has a mall

Chapter 160 Kamikaze Team 1

Chapter 160 Kamikaze First Squad
After two laps, Ashlan led the team to Gu Nanyan.

Everyone recovered from the atmosphere just now, thinking that the performance was over, they just wanted to applaud.

Then I saw a team of imperial guards coming in from outside the arena, carrying rows of human-shaped wooden boards and placing them in the arena.

These boards were placed against the wall, and circles inside each other were drawn on them, somewhat like archery targets.

Guan Hanfei sat up straight. The archery skill Gu Nanyan performed last time was still fresh in his memory. Even their best crossbowmen could not achieve that perfect accuracy and proficiency.

"The kamikaze team comes out!" Ashlan shouted.

As his words fell, one hundred and four people, including Ashlan and others, took a step forward, turned around at the same time, and trotted in front to stand in four rows.

These people wore the same clothes as the other 900 people, but they had a black box around their waists.

Startled, Li Mi stood up instantly.

Although he agreed with Gu Nanyan's military exercise, he didn't ask more questions out of trust.

Li Yi didn't say anything to him, he only said that Gu Nanyan led people to conduct secret training in the mountains.

This was the first time he saw what Gu Nanyan's soldiers looked like.

He was even more shocked when he saw the familiar black box pinned to their waists.

He only saw Gu Nanyan take out this thing once.

It was when Mingshan was besieged and killed.

He hadn't seen the thing since that incident.

It was just his curious temptations, wanting her to show it to him for a closer look, but Gu Nanyan ruthlessly rejected them all.

Li Mi's heart beat wildly, he saw the power of this thing with his own eyes, it could kill people invisible.

Gu Nanyan used it to kill a dozen or twenty crossbowmen within a few breaths, and the other party didn't even notice where the attackers were.

Such a powerful weapon, now these 100 people actually have one!
Only then did Li Mi start to look at these people.

They were facing the stands sideways at this time, and Li Mi could only faintly see something on the shoulders of the third row of people.

Then he took a closer look at their waists, good guy, Li Mi almost fell off the steps!

The small jars look so familiar, isn't it the thunder that Gu Nanyan gave to Concubine Cui to deter Cui Yanping?
Li Mi swallowed, and sat down pretending to be calm, but his fingertips trembled a little.

Although Li Yi had never seen the secret training of the kamikaze team, he had also seen Tianlei.

But his reaction was much calmer, except for the flash of surprise in his eyes, he sat there expressionless the whole time.

"What kind of medicine is sold in your granddaughter's gourd? Do you want to take them to perform rifle shooting?" The gray-haired but rosy-faced Mrs. Bai asked curiously.

As far as foot shooting is concerned, ordinary archery targets are made of straw rope, which can be reused, and can better grasp the arrows, which is convenient for scoring.

And in order to distinguish between them, there must be at least two meters between the two targets.

But the rows of human-shaped archery targets pasted with white paper are only about half a meter away from each other.

The most important thing is that there are too many, and there is a large piece densely packed!

As Gu Nanyan's grandfather, Gu Yao naturally received more attention than others.

Seeing that everyone was looking at him suspiciously, he couldn't help but smile mysteriously.

"Everyone, don't be impatient and just watch it. It will be meaningless to say it too early."

When everyone heard the words, they only regarded him as a trick, but seeing that he really didn't want to say anything, they didn't feel embarrassed, so they turned their attention to the field again.

Gu Yao breathed a sigh of relief, he hadn't seen this granddaughter since they had dinner together that day.

Li Yi only knew that she went to the military camp every day to train a thousand soldiers he had personally selected.

As for what his granddaughter was going to do at this time, he certainly didn't know.

It's just that if you say it, wouldn't it appear that you are not close enough to your granddaughter?

Gu Yao was a little depressed, and glanced at Li Yi.

This kid seldom goes back to the military camp once, but this month he followed his granddaughter and wandered around the military camp all day long.

Thinking of what he said during the palace banquet, Gu Yao felt a crisis in his heart.

Although Sister Nan is about to reach the age of Ji, she has also reached the age of marriage.

But he just found her, if he turned around and was taken away by King Sheng, his old wife would be very sad.

Besides, Sister Nan has been living outside the house, and he hasn't had the chance to get along with his granddaughter.

If you become a princess, wouldn't you have fewer chances to meet each other?
Gu Yao stroked his beard, and planned to discuss with his wife how to abduct Miss Nan back to the mansion after returning to the mansion, so as to prevent some wolves from peeping.

Not to mention that everyone in the stands had different ideas, the kamikaze team in the audience was divided into four rows and stood opposite the wooden warehouse target.

Ashlan stood at the back, facing everyone's gaze as motionless as a mountain.

"Reporting to the princess, the kamikaze team is ready, please give instructions!" Ashlan walked up to Gu Nanyan and knelt down on one knee, saluting respectfully.

Gu Nanyan nodded, the corners of her mouth curled up slightly, and the hair tied on top of her head fluttered in the wind.

"Kamikaze No. [-] Squad listens!" She raised her voice.


As the crisp sound fell, the first row of the kamikaze team quickly put their hands on the gun pockets on their waists, with a serious expression.


After hearing the order, more than 20 people quickly drew their guns in unison, opened the safety and loaded it skillfully, and then pulled the trigger.

The sound of bang bang bang suddenly sounded from the wooden warehouse, and the venue was filled with gunpowder smoke.

The sudden loud noise startled everyone, and some even sat down on the ground.

The people onlookers screamed again and again, and the scene was chaotic for a while.

Even several high-ranking officials in the stands stood up, and the Minister of the Ministry of War even ran to Li Mi in a few steps, shouting for escort.

Li Mi sat on the head with an old god, with a calm look, and raised his eyebrows proudly at Concubine Cui Gui who was looking at her.

Concubine Cui rolled her eyes at him, and stuffed the cloth balls in her ears again.

She said what the man suddenly stuffed her with two balls of cloth, so it was because of this.

Then take a look at Li Mi's exposed bright yellow undershirt, the damage on the cuffs.

Concubine Cui Gui and the queen who was also stuffed with two cloth balls looked at each other, and they couldn't help but chuckle.

The sound of the wooden warehouse stopped, and Li Mi saw that before everyone could react, he quickly took out the cloth balls in his ears, pretended nothing happened, and patted the minister of the Ministry of War standing in front of him.

"Ai Qing, please go back and sit down. This is just a performance by the princess, and there is no danger."

Bingbu Shangshu's face was pale, and he wiped the beads of sweat oozing from his forehead.

Seeing that there was no danger, he bowed his waist and confessed to the emperor.

Li Mi should not care about it, his mind is completely on the martial arts arena at this time.

Although the distance was a bit far, it was now at noon when the light was sufficient, and everyone could clearly see the small holes in the human-shaped wooden barn target.

These small holes were all concentrated on the head and heart of the wooden warehouse target, especially in the front rows, some of which were punched out with a hole the size of a baby's fist!

Everyone was terrified and looked at the black box in the kamikaze team's hands in horror.

Guan Hanfei stood up abruptly, with disbelief in his eyes.

He didn't see anything hit the target, he only saw the smoke coming out of those black boxes after hearing the sound.

But the holes the size of chopsticks just appeared out of thin air.

There is only one possibility in this situation, and that is the thing that hit the target, the speed is so fast that it is difficult to distinguish with the naked eye!

But is this possible?
Guan Hanfei subconsciously vetoed it.

He specialized in developing bows and crossbows in Anyang country. The speed of bows and crossbows is already the fastest weapon so far. No matter how hard he worked, the speed of bows and crossbows could not be increased by half.

Thinking of this, Guan Hanfei felt relieved.

He felt that all of this was just a small trick arranged by Jianan Kingdom long ago.

The purpose is just to frighten them so that they don't dare to make trouble when Xihu and Daliang send troops.

The hole in the target was just prepared by them, and they used some tricks to hide it from everyone.

You must know that the faster the weapon, the stronger the lethality and penetration.

How could the Jianan Kingdom, which had always been inferior to them in this regard, make such amazing progress.

Guan Hanfei snorted coldly, and was about to step down from the stands, wanting to take a closer look at those targets to find out their flaws, and expose their schemes in public.

Unexpectedly, just as he stepped down the steps, he was stopped by Long Yi who was standing guard under the stage.

"The performance has just started, where is Hou Ye going?" Li Yi said indifferently.

(End of this chapter)

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