The farmer has a mall

Chapter 162 Li Yi's Desire to Survive

Chapter 162 Li Yi's Desire to Survive

What kind of situation is the "heaven and earth falling apart", probably no one can answer it.

But after experiencing this incident in the Martial Arts Field, the first reaction of all the people present when they heard these four words was today's scene.

After the smoke cleared, not even a single fragment of the densely packed human-shaped wooden target could be found.

The ground originally paved with bluestone slabs was full of ravines and deep pits, and there were only sporadic fireworks scattered on the ground.

And the scattered people approached cautiously again, and there was nothing but a mess!

Gu Nanyan led the valiant kamikaze team to the emperor's stand with figure-of-eight steps.

She looked contemptuously at Guan Hanfei who fell to the ground in shock from the loud noise.

Seeing how flamboyant this guy is usually, she thought he was so powerful, but that's the end?
Gu Nanyan sneered, not feeling guilty at all.

Before, he had promised to buy a few cars before leaving after the crops in her Huangzhuang matured.

But this coward actually wants to renege on the good things he said!

Gu Nanyan regretted that he didn't ask him for a deposit at the beginning, otherwise even if the cooked duck flew away, at least there would be a place of duck feathers left, right?
Thinking of this, she bent down and patted Guan Hanfei on the shoulder.

Seeing her approaching, Guan Hanfei couldn't help shaking, and moved behind involuntarily.

Gu Nanyan didn't care, with a commercial smile on her face.

She said kindly to Guan Hanfei, who has not been calmed down yet: "The fruit planted in this palace will be ripe in a few days, and I will ask Cui Da, the treasurer, to go to the post house to sign a purchase contract with you today."

"You can just give a deposit of one hundred and eighty thousand casually, of course..."

She smiled more kindly: "I would be happier if I could pay the full amount!"

Guan Hanfei: "..."

I don't know if it was his illusion, but he seemed to feel the strong evil spirit around Gu Nanyan, making him breathless.

Thinking of the scene just now, Guan Hanfei couldn't help trembling.

"I-I know..."

As long as you stay away from me, you can say anything!

At this moment, he no longer has those charming thoughts about Gu Nanyan.

He just felt that the person standing in front of him was an evil star, and he couldn't help but rejoice that she had rejected his marriage proposal before.

Otherwise, he is afraid that there will be no bones left in a few days!

Gu Nanyan straightened up with a smile on her face, and looked over him at Li Mi.

She pointed to the single shells and sky thunder fragments all over the ground, and said meaningfully: "Don't forget my military expenses."

Li Mi, who was feeling agitated: "..."

What military expenditure, why hasn't he heard of it before? !
Since private soldiers are called "private" soldiers, even though they are still under the jurisdiction of the emperor, all expenses are paid by the owner himself.

Even if you can't afford it, you can return it to the court. There is absolutely no reason to ask the court for military expenses.

Li Mi thought about his warehouse that had bottomed out, and was about to refute.

But Gu Nanyan was looking at him with a chill.

Li Mi: "Okay, no problem, I will send someone to your house later!"

Everyone: "..."

Although it was against the rules, the strength of the kamikaze team that Gu Nanyan showed this time was daunting, so no one spoke desperately to stop it.

Including Fang Junhe who has been eyeing him.

His mood at this time was very complicated. On the one hand, he was shocked by the "performance" he had just seen, and on the other hand, he was glad that no matter how powerful she was, she would not survive today.

At the same time, he coveted the weapons in the hands of the kamikaze team.

If he could obtain such a sharp weapon, how could King Ning fail in the first place!
Not to mention King Ning, if these things are really in his hands, he will have no problem becoming emperor himself!

"The princess's performance today is very exciting. It not only shows the national prestige of our country, but also allows the envoys to see the bravery and fearlessness of our sons and daughters. It is reasonable to ask for some military expenses."

Taifu Bai stroked his gray beard and smiled.

Don't look at the calmness on his face, in fact, his old legs are still shaking.

Taifu Bai feels sorry for himself, and pities him to endure such stimulation at such a young age, it's really... really great!

He couldn't help laughing out loud.

After today's incident, Yonglehou will definitely write a letter to send people back to Anyang Kingdom as soon as possible, so as to prevent their soldiers from coming to "send them to death".

The crisis facing the southern country of Jia has been reduced by more than half!

The food and grass saved and the deaths and injuries avoided, not to mention a little military expenditure, should be seen by Grand Tutor Bai, and Gu Nanyan should be rewarded well.

The other ministers obviously thought the same way, and they all nodded in agreement except Gu Yao.

Among other things, just because of the lethality of this little ancestor, they would not dare to oppose them!

Gu Nanyan expressed her satisfaction. She looked around, wondering if she should boast about these things, and then saw Fang Jun and He Zheng dog winking at the people behind him.

The man received the hint from his master, and responded almost inaudibly.

Gu Nanyan raised her eyebrows, feeling that this bastard was going to make trouble again.

Then I felt a gust of wind hit the back of my head.

It happened so suddenly that everyone present hadn't reacted yet.

Only Li Yi shrank his eyes and flew up.


He quickly blocked behind Gu Nanyan, and then let out a muffled snort.

Gu Nanyan, who originally wanted to catch the arrow, felt lonely. Facing Li Yi's chest, she couldn't help frowning.

"Xiao Jiu!" Li Mi was shocked, got up hurriedly and walked towards Li Yi quickly.

In an instant, people turned upside down in the stands, some shouted for escorts, and some shouted to catch assassins, and the imperial guards also surrounded them one after another.

Li Yi's lips turned white, cold sweat broke out on his head, and he coughed a few times.

Gu Nanyan was being held in his arms at this time, and his face was not very good-looking.

"You, are you okay?" Li Yi asked.

He seemed to have hurt his heart and lungs, and felt a little difficult to breathe.

Seeing that Gu Nanyan remained silent with a cold face, it seemed that she was showing signs of getting angry.

Li Yi said with great desire to survive: "I'm fine, I've been wearing the bulletproof vest you gave me last time, it was just a little bit painful from being hit."

Gu Nanyan's height only reaches between his chest and abdomen.

And his subconscious bending down to protect her just happened to cause the arrow to hit his left back chest, so he was a little stumped.

When Gu Nanyan heard the words, the hand placed on Li Yi's chest moved.

Hard and firm to the touch, rising and falling with breath.

She pursed her lips, and tore open Li Yi's clothes amidst the exclamation of everyone.

What caught my eye was a black vest, which was exactly the body armor she had given Li Yi before!
Seeing this, Gu Nanyan breathed a sigh of relief, then angrily pushed the man in front of him away.

She just wanted to scold Li Yi for being overconfident, but she was able to catch the arrow, but he was meddlesome.

It can be seen that his face was pale, obviously he was hit hard by that force, the corners of his mouth moved, but he didn't curse in the end.

Seeing that his younger brother was safe and sound, Li Mi let out a heavy breath.

His legs and feet were a little weak when he relaxed, but fortunately, Eunuch Zhao behind him supported him.

Since the death of their father and mother, the two brothers have lived together in the palace that cannibalize people, and they are closer than ordinary brothers.

Whatever happened to one of the two, it was a heavy blow to the other.

Li Mi looked at Gu Nanyan and saw that she was feeling his younger brother's pulse and wanted to ask about the situation, when he heard a commotion in the crowd in the distance.

It turned out that the Praetorian Guards had discovered that the assassin was among the people and were chasing him.

However, there were many people who came to watch. The roads on the third and outer floors were tightly blocked, and the imperial guards couldn't get through at all. They watched helplessly as the man with the crossbow ran away.

Gu Nanyan cast a cold look at Fang Junhe, who sat on his seat as if nothing had happened, with a calm expression.

This is sure if you can't catch the assassin, even the emperor can't do anything about him!
Gu Nanyan sneered, and untied a black box from Ah Shilan's body that was more slender than the big box just now, with a small cylinder on top, and held it in his hand.

Everyone saw that she put the slender end of the black box on the half-squatting Ashlan's shoulder, and wrapped the strap around her hand, then squinted one eye, and leaned in front of the small cylinder.

After a breath, with a loud bang, there were bursts of exclamations in the distance.

(End of this chapter)

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