The farmer has a mall

Chapter 163 I Have Been Watching You For A Long Time

Chapter 163 I Have Been Watching You For A Long Time
The assassin, who had already run several hundred meters away, fell to the ground, curled up, hugging one leg and howling.

Gu Nanyan calmly put down the sniper gun in his hand, his eyes were cold.

When the assassin was tied up by the Janissaries, his right leg was bleeding.

Fang Jun, who was originally quite calm, stood up suddenly, and looked at the assassin who fell on the ground in disbelief.

This person has run away to only a black spot, how did Gu Nanyan hurt him!

Fang Junhe's face was gloomy, he clenched his back molars tightly, and his eyes on the black box were somewhat inexplicable.

And Li Mi seemed to be very angry, he stepped forward and kicked the assassin, his cold face twisted a bit.

If it weren't for the armor given by Gu Nanyan, Li Yi would have already had a hole in his body.

The position where he was hit was only half a finger away from his heart, even if he could save his life, it would also seriously hurt his vitality.

"Bring him down to me, let Song Yi have a good interrogation, and don't do it if you can't ask him who is the mastermind behind the scenes!" Li Mi gritted his teeth.

Song Yi who came over after hearing the news wiped the sweat from his forehead, and hurriedly ordered someone to take him to the Ministry of Punishment.

Seeing the emperor getting angry, everyone lowered their heads and did not dare to say anything, only Gu Nanyan looked at Fang Jun in a congratulatory manner.

However, Fang Junhe's eyes were always on the sniper's wooden warehouse, seeing Gu Nanyan staring at him, his eyes flickered.

"The emperor calm down, Suo Xingcheng Wang Wuhai was just a false alarm, Yichen thinks it's not suitable to stay outside the palace for a long time, the emperor might as well go back to the palace earlier." Fang Jun congratulated.

Li Mi was upset, and just about to nod his head when he heard the words, he heard him say again: "But..."

He looked at Gu Nanyan with a hesitant expression.

"Although the princess heroically saved King Sheng, according to Wei Chen, this matter could not be said to be aimed at the princess."

Li Mi frowned. He was not as sensitive as Gu Nanyan and Li Yi, so he only saw the arrow hit Li Yi, but he didn't realize that the original target of the man was Gu Nanyan.

"What do you mean by that?" He asked, his tone not very good.

He and Li Yi have been trying to bring down the prime minister, but this person is too cautious.

They only found some evidence that Fang Junhe accepted bribes or used the prime minister's status to facilitate the property under his name.

But Fang Junhe's roots in the court are too deep, these things are not enough to bring him down.

Instead, those officials who paid bribes will stand on his side and speak for him.

"Your majesty is wise and mighty. Under your rule, the country of Jianan is safe and peaceful, and the people live and work in peace and contentment. What's more, King Ning's party has already been eradicated. How could someone suddenly want to assassinate King Sheng?" Fang Junhe analyzed.

Li Mi was thoughtful when he heard the words.

Gu Nanyan squinted at his sanctimonious appearance, twitched the corner of his mouth and said, "You know the assassin's purpose quite well."

Fang Junhe showed a faint smile on his much thinner face.

"I'm also guessing. After all, everyone knows that the princess is training soldiers in the barracks. Besides, she has such a powerful weapon. It's hard to guarantee that people who are interested will not hear the news."

Fang Junhe paused, and said to Li Mi: "Say something outrageous, there is the Zhenbei General's Mansion behind the princess, who can stop it if she wants to usurp the throne, although the humble minister knows that the princess is loyal to the emperor, but those People who don't know don't think so."

All the ministers were startled by Fang Junhe's bold words, and all lowered their heads.

Anyone with a bit of a brain understands that he is clearly implying to the emperor that if Gu Nanyan has the heart of disobedience, Li Mi's throne may not be kept.

Gu Yao didn't react when he heard these words, but looked at his granddaughter worriedly.

"Prime Minister is serious." Li Yi said calmly after recovering from his breath.

"The princess has saved the emperor's brother in distress many times, and her loyalty to the emperor can be seen in the sun and the moon. This king thinks that compared with the princess, the prime minister has a greater chance of rebelling. After all, Princess Ning is the prime minister's biological daughter."

When he said this, the corners of his mouth rose slightly, as if he was joking.

But Fang Junhe could hear the coldness in his words.

"My lord is joking, I know that you love the princess, but this matter is related to the imperial power, and it is also related to the safety of the princess. I also kindly remind you."

Li Mi originally thought that what he said was not unreasonable, but when he heard this, he immediately understood what he meant, and his eyes turned cold.

"Then according to Ai Qing's intention, what should be done?"

He asked in a deep voice, and suddenly thought that Fang Junhe's son was killed by Gu Nanyan, if this matter was really aimed at her, then Fang Junhe's suspicion is not small.

Facing Li Mi's suspicious eyes, Fang Junhe just smiled faintly.

He said earnestly and earnestly: "In my opinion, the princess is a woman after all, and it's too flamboyant to have such powerful weapons in her hands. It's better to let the princess hand over these weapons and let the emperor take over. This will not only stabilize the imperial power, but also strengthen the power of the emperor." Reduce those who want to spy on the princess."

How can other people sleep on the side of the couch!

He didn't believe that Li Mi, as the emperor, would allow Gu Nanyan to have such a powerful army and so many weapons that kill people invisible!
When the emperor snatched the things over, he would find a way to use his contacts in the court to get them into his own hands.

Even if you can't get it, it's considered a blow to Gu Nanyan's spirit this time.

Fang Junhe stood with his waist bowed and hands folded towards the emperor, hiding the calculation in his eyes.

It's just that he obviously underestimated Li Mi's trust in Gu Nanyan.

Among other things, if Gu Nanyan really wanted to harm him, he might have died hundreds of times already.

What's more, the Gu family is loyal. As Gu Yao's granddaughter, he believes that Gu Nanyan will never do such a thing as seeking to usurp the throne.

"You worry too much." Li Mi's voice was cold.

"I have ordered that today's matter must be thoroughly investigated, and the Minister of the Ministry of Punishment will preside over the trial. I believe that Song Yi will definitely find out those who have the heart."

What he said was meaningful, and he took the matter away.

Fang Jun was stunned when he heard the words.

No matter which dynasty or generation it is, existences like the Kamikaze Squad are thorns in the eyes of the superiors, and they are either removed or destroyed.

But when it came to Li Mi's place, it seemed that there was no splash at all, so it was just gently peeled off like this?

He was about to say something more, but just as he was about to open his mouth, he saw a black shadow flash past.

Before he could react, he felt his world spinning for a while, followed by a sharp pain in his back, and he fell to the ground on his back.

"I've been paying attention to you for a long time, and I just met you today, why don't you have a long talk?"

Gu Nanyan stepped on him, supported her thigh with her elbow, and half-bent down to congratulate Fang Jun who was in a daze.

Before he could respond, he threw his head in the face.

The dog actually dared to kill me. Your son wouldn't recognize you if he didn't beat you up today. I wrote my name upside down!

The people who reacted gasped, secretly thinking that this girl is too courageous, she dared to beat the court official in front of the emperor!

Someone saw Gu Nanyan's foot firmly on Fang Junhe's chest, as if he could not breathe, and hurriedly wanted to call someone to pull her away.

After all, there are still envoys around, so no one can be killed!
If not, the story of a princess killing the prime minister of this dynasty in public will spread to Anyang, and they will become a joke in Jianan.

The man looked around, wanting to call Long Yi and the imperial guards outside the door to fight, but he saw Li Yi winking at Long Yi.

Then several men in black descended from the sky, surrounded Gu Nanyan and Fang Junhe, and completely blocked the sight of the crowd.

Ministers: "..."

They looked at Li Yi with strange eyes, but saw the latter say with a blank face: "The princess and the prime minister have important matters to discuss, everyone, why don't you go first."

Naturally, Li Mi also saw Gu Nanyan's actions, and his originally gloomy face instantly brightened.

He suppressed his beating heart, and glanced around with a faint smile.

"It seems that the two of them have a lot to talk about. All the lovers are tired all day, so go home and rest."

After finishing speaking, he looked in Gu Nanyan's direction again, and saw that the man in black surrounded her tightly and stretched his neck, hoping to see what was going on inside.

As for the father-in-law of the former King Ning, he also wanted to beat him for a long time, but he just endured it because of the image of the king of a country.

Now that sister Nan can vent his anger on his behalf, of course he couldn't wish for it.

Li Mi poked and thought secretly, it would be best if Gu Nanyan could beat him to the point of paralysis, so as not to feel troubled seeing him every day when he went to court.

At the same time, he got up and went to Gu Nanyan's side, with an expression on his face that he was watching the show.

(End of this chapter)

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