Chapter 164
As soon as Gu Nanyan made a move, he knew if there was one.

Although Fang Junhe was not hemiplegia, his nose and ribs were broken by Gu Nanyan, so he might not even think about going out in two or three months.

Seeing Fang Junhe lying on the ground, who was completely unrecognizable and bleeding from the nose, Li Mi couldn't help shivering.

To say that Gu Nanyan is really immoral.

As the saying goes, when you hit someone, you don't hit them in the face, but she doesn't know why, every time she hits someone, she only hits her in the face!
Li Mi touched his cheek, and hissed as if feeling empathy.

"Li, Lijie is a slut!" Fang Junhe's painful face was distorted, and he said inarticulately while covering his broken nose.

Gu Nanyan raised her eyebrows when she heard the words, and patched his legs again.

Then he let out a breath of relief amidst the slight sound of bone cracking and Fang Junhe's wailing.

Not to mention, this person looks very thin, but he has a lot of flesh on his body. It doesn't feel too good to be punched to the flesh!
Seeing that she had finished beating someone, the men in black around her dispersed one after another, and Fang Junhe's men finally rushed in.

"Princess, how did my master offend you, you actually did such a murderous hand!" The subordinate was annoyed.

"He wants to kill Lao Tzu, and beating him up is not a bad thing."

Gu Nanyan pursed her lips, then looked at him and said, "And you are also an accomplice, wait for me to take a break before discussing it with you."

Subordinate: "..."

He looked at the injury on his master's body, abruptly turned the words in his mouth, and stepped back unconsciously.

"Princess has no proof, so you can't wrong people." He murmured.

"Evidence?" Gu Nanyan's eyes widened, as if in shock.

"What do I want this thing for?"

When did you need a reason to beat up a scumbag?

Seeing that subordinate staring blankly at her, Gu Nanyan waved his hand impatiently.

Seeing this, Li Yi asked Long Yi to arrest this person and hand them over to the Minister of Punishment.

The shock that this military exercise brought to Guan Hanfei far exceeded everyone's expectations.

Originally planning to go out of the city that night, the young master only asked someone to send a letter out, and then he stayed in the post house obediently without going out.

He wanted to leave earlier, but Cui Yao found him that afternoon with the contract.

Not to mention selling him a few thousand catties of fruit at a price several percent higher than the market price, he received the payment before receiving the goods, which is called pre-sale!
No way, in order not to let his more than 6 taels of silver go to waste, he had to wait in the post house for the fruit to ripen.

Gu Nanyan, who received the money, narrowed her eyes with joy.

Thinking that Li Mi owed him a sum of military expenses, he laughed so hard that he couldn't see his teeth.

In order to repay Gu Nanyan for selling it to Cui Yanping, Cui Yao has been looking for a shop on the West Street non-stop for the past few days. Coincidentally, there is a two-story building for rent opposite Ge's drugstore.

After being nodded by Gu Nanyan, he spent some more effort to find the owner of the restaurant and planned to buy the shop.

What Cui Yao didn't expect was that the owner of this shop was Li Pinggui, King of Xianyang County.

Hearing that Gu Nanyan wanted to buy a shop, he agreed without saying a word, and went to the government to transfer the ownership on the same day.

It is not that difficult to find a shop on West Street, but it is a bit difficult to find it right next to Ge's shop, and what's more, Gu Nanyan said it too suddenly, Cui Yao broke his leg and couldn't find a suitable one.

Now the king of Xianyang's move can be regarded as a great help to Cui Yao.

In order to express his gratitude, he specially reserved a banquet in the restaurant and invited Li Pinggui over.

After the two drank for three rounds, Li Ping Gui'an couldn't bear the curiosity in his heart, and asked Cui Yao about Gu Nanyan's military exercise that day.

"Nowadays it is spread among the people that Gu Yatou is an immortal from the sky who has the ability to turn the world upside down. That day she turned her hand into a cloud, and the entire martial arts arena was instantly shrouded in mist. It's all in pieces, and everything you look at is turned into fly ash."

Li Pinggui clicked his tongue twice. Although he is the king of the county, he has become more and more low-key in recent years, and he did not attend that day.

Even so, he heard the loud bang in the mansion, and he beat his chest for not seeing such a grand scene.

Cui Yao was extremely helpless when he heard the words. He walked outside every day, so he also heard the rumors.

People who knew that he had a good relationship with Gu Nanyan came to ask, but he didn't know how to explain, after all, he was not there that day.

"The rumors are unbelievable, how can they be so exaggerated." Cui Yao waved his hand.

He also heard from his father about the power of Tianlei. Although it is indeed shocking, it is a bit exaggerated to say that Gu Nanyan descended from heaven.

"It's just a weapon that Gu Nanyan tossed out. My father asked me to find her before leaving Beijing and asked her for some."

Cui Yao puffed out his chest when he said this.

Among other things, just because of Gu Nanyan's reticent temperament, it's because they have a good relationship. If someone else came to the door, such as his father, let alone Tianlei, I'm afraid they won't even come out!
Facing Li Pinggui's surprised expression, Cui Yao bared his teeth proudly.

"But this time it's also because my father is going to send troops to fight. If he is not careful, he may implicate General Gu. Otherwise, that stinky girl probably wouldn't have taken Tian Lei out."

"Tianlei?" Li Pinggui looked curious.

"But that weapon was used in the martial arts arena that day? Although I was in the mansion that day, I could hear the bursts of thunder clearly, and the entire mansion could feel the tremor."

He reached out and poked Cui Yao's arm: "Will this be too high-profile, after all, her grandfather holds 10,000+ military power, isn't he afraid of arousing his fear?"

Li Pinggui pointed at it, and Cui Yao naturally understood what he meant.

He frowned, obviously worried about this too.

Although it seems that the emperor is very tolerant towards Gu Nanyan, as the saying goes, being with the king is like being with a tiger, who knows if he will be unhappy one day and will cause trouble for that girl?
But he couldn't say that, he just wanted to remind Gu Nanyan when they met, it's better to be on guard against some things.

Cui Yao changed the topic with a smile and started discussing about the shop. Li Pinggui saw that he didn't want to say more, and he wisely didn't mention it again.

But Gu Nanyan stayed at home obediently after the military exercise. During the period, many officials and family members came to visit, but they were all stopped by the gatekeeper. Except for the Gu family, no one entered the Gu residence.

The General's Mansion is also very busy these few days, not to mention Gu Yao, even Gu Qing has many colleagues come to the door, and the Minister of the Ministry of War even talks to him every day, and he never leaves Gu Nanyan in three sentences, and wants him to introduce him.

Lu Qing was very speechless, his niece was a girl, how could he just meet a foreigner?
He rejected it countless times, but someone still brought it up the next day.

Lu Qing really had no other choice, so he took sick leave for a few days on the grounds that he was not feeling well, and stayed in the general's mansion and never went out again.

Gu Qing has always acted aboveboard, and it was the first time for Guo Shi to see her husband hiding from others like a thief, she couldn't help but find it funny.

"You are free, you hide in the house every day and don't even come out of the door." Guo Shi said angrily.

She had just sent away the wife and daughter of Shangshu of the Ministry of War, when she entered the door, she saw Gu Qing leisurely drinking tea with a book.

"I have a pity for me, a woman who deals with those female relatives all day long. This wave after wave makes my voice hoarse."

These people kept talking good things, her ears were callused, and she was too embarrassed to chase them away.

Although she is very proud of her niece, she can't help tossing about like this every day.

Gu Qing was a little embarrassed when he heard the words, and felt that it was really unethical for him to leave these things to his wife, so he quickly helped her to sit down.

"Thank you Madam." He poured a cup of tea and handed it to Mrs. Guo.

Guo Shi took it very usefully and took a sip.

Unexpectedly, before the teacup was put down, the concierge came to report, and another family member came to visit.

Guo Shi waved his hand to let the porter go down, and rubbed his forehead with a headache.

"Father and mother can go back home?" Seeing how hard she was working hard, Gu Qing couldn't bear it in his heart.

"No, the mansion has been chaotic these past few days. They are all old, so it's better to hide outside."

From the second day of the military exercise, Gu Yao and Mrs. Gu went to Gu Nanyan's place.

I thought they were just going to see their granddaughter, but they didn't come back for several days, and they even asked the servants to bring a letter, saying that Sister Nan had reserved a yard for them, and they wanted to stay with her for a few days.

Mrs. Guo is very envious. If it weren't for Zhongjiu being in her hands now, she would like to live with Sister Nan for a while.

Gu Qing nodded his head in agreement, and suddenly thought that there was another person in the East Court who hadn't seen him for a few days.

"Where's the second brother? Why haven't I seen him these days?"

Guo Shi rolled her eyes at him angrily when she heard the words.

"Second brother left the house a few days ago. He said that he had something to do in the army, so he hasn't come back for a few days!"

(End of this chapter)

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