Chapter 165

Gu Shen No. [-] didn't feel guilty at all for leaving the mess caused by his daughter to his elder brother.

At this moment, he was looking at Gu Nanyan pitifully, his eyes full of grievances.

"Your grandparents can live in, why can't your father?" Gu Shen said unconvinced.

Gu Nanyan rolled his eyes at him: "If you can't do it, you can't do it."

The general's mansion can't stay here, so what's the fun with her here?
Forget it with Gu Yao, after all, she promised Mrs. Gu to live here for a few days, and she couldn't let the old couple separate.

Besides, he will escort Anyang envoys back to the country within a few days.

But Gu Shen is such an old man, when he heard that his parents lived here, he dragged his bags and followed her immediately, using her as a shelter!
Hearing her daughter's unquestionable rejection, Gu Shen was even more aggrieved.

After hearing the news that the two old men were going to live here, in order to cultivate more relationship with his daughter, he deliberately asked for leave at the barracks, and rushed over in a hurry, but he was ruthlessly rejected by his daughter.

Gu Shen looked at Gu Yao who was sitting on the rocking chair, holding a birdcage to bask in the sun, feeling sore in his heart.

"Daddy will go north with your grandfather in a few days." Gu Shen said dejectedly.

"If there is anything during this time, I will go to your uncle. If there is no accident there, we will be able to return to the capital in at least two months."

This accident is of course that the Anyang Congress will not send troops.

Of course, after watching Gu Nanyan's military exercise, Emperor Anyang would not go his own way and insist on attacking the Jianan Kingdom unless he was too confused.

Just to be on the safe side, Gu Nanyan took out a body armor and handed it to Gu Shen.

Gu Yao gave him the one early in the morning, so this time she only took out one for Gu Shen.

Seeing that his daughter cared about his happiness, Gu Shen was very happy, and looked at Gu Nanyan with more loving eyes.

"Sister Nan, don't worry, Daddy will return safely!" Gu Shen solemnly promised.

This time, without waiting for her daughter to chase her away, she swaggered to Gu Yao with the bulletproof vest in her arms to show off for a while, and then returned to the general's mansion step by step.

Gu Yunge and Gu Yunze, who hadn't seen each other for a long time in the afternoon, came to greet Gu Yao and Mrs. Gu, and then followed Gu Nanyan to her yard.

"Your yard is nice."

Gu Yunze looked around, the house was small but exquisite.

It is now April, and the lotus pond under the gazebo has green leaves. Baizhi bought a few koi a few days ago and put them in the pond. The red and green looks full of spring.

Gu Nanyan poured hot tea for the two of them, raised her eyebrows and said, "Is there something you need to do to find me?"

Gu Yunze also imitated her and raised his eyebrows: "I can't come to see you if I have nothing to do?"

Seeing Gu Nanyan's speechless expression, he couldn't help laughing: "Thanks to you, my eldest brother was promoted to captain, and I came here today to thank you."

Gu Yunge originally held the post of captain in the army, and was considered the lowest position in the general's mansion, but now he is at the same level as Gu Zhengkang of the West Academy.

Gu Nanyan was puzzled when he heard the words: "What do you thank me for being promoted?"

"Of course I would like to thank you." Gu Yunge drank the cold flower tea in front of him in one gulp.

"If it wasn't for you, how could the emperor personally order me to be promoted by the Ministry of War?"

You must know that promotion in the military camp is not easy, the most direct thing is to accumulate military exploits.

Just like Gu Zhengkang in the west courtyard, he also climbed to the position of captain after killing several small leaders on the battlefield.

Thinking of this, Gu Yunge couldn't help gloating: "Our third uncle is going to beat his chest."

Gu Yunze also hooked his lips into a smile, and then said: "That's not certain, maybe he will be promoted to one and a half ranks in a few days, but I heard that there have been many visitors to the west courtyard recently, and there are many people from the Ministry of War among them."

Generally speaking, if there is no emperor's will, the general will be responsible for the appointment and dismissal of the army, but if he agrees, the Ministry of War can also directly transfer people from the army.

Although the Minister of the Ministry of War has a good relationship with Gu Qing, the entire Ministry of War is not his opinion.

Gu Yunge frowned when he heard this, his displeasure was not concealed.

Because of Gu Nanyan, the General's Mansion is very popular now, even the concierge has a lot of fawning, let alone Gu Zhengkang who is the son of Gu Yao's concubine.

It's just that the East Court has always disliked people from the West Court. Although there have been no quarrels in these years, Mrs. Gu was so seriously ill before that it has nothing to do with the West Court.

If Gu Zhengkang took advantage of Gu Nanyan's influence, it would be normal for them to feel uncomfortable.

However, both of them are open-minded people, as long as the west court doesn't use Gu Nanyan's name to cause trouble, they can't control so much.

Gu Yunge took a food box from the servant behind him.

"Mother knows that you have the habit of drinking milk on weekdays, so she specially found a prescription and made some milk cakes for you to try."

He took out a plate with a blue and white background, and there were several pieces of white snacks in the size of two fingers.

"If you like it, I will make it and send it to you from time to time."

A gentle smile appeared on Gu Yunge's originally rigid face.

Gu Nanyan saw that the milk cake was crystal clear and attractive, so she couldn't help but picked up a piece and took a bite.

The q-bomb taste mixed with the rich milky fragrance instantly fills the mouth.

The milk cake was ice-cold and melted in the mouth, it was sweet but not greasy, Gu Nanyan's eyes lit up, and she ate several pieces in succession.

Seeing that she liked it, Gu Yunge couldn't help chuckling.

He hadn't seen this younger sister for several years, but this time she came back to give him a strange feeling.

But seeing her eating like this today, it seems like I have returned to my childhood.

He couldn't help but reached out and rubbed Gu Nanyan's head, and he didn't think he was disobedient when Gu Nanyan was chewing milk cake, but laughed out loud.

"Sister Nan is still so cute. I don't know which man will be so lucky in the future to marry the treasure of our general's mansion home." Gu Yunge teased.

Gu Yunze pursed his lips in displeasure when he heard the words: "What are you going to marry? Sister Nan is not ready yet, and it won't be too late to get married when she is eighteen or nineteen years old."

Although 19 years old looks like an old girl to outsiders, there is only one girl in their east courtyard, her grandparents love her very much, and their eldest family also likes her very much, so they must keep her for a few more years.

Besides, even if you don't look at Nanjie'er's status as the only concubine in the General's Mansion, with her ability alone, she can still worry about getting married!

When Gu Yunge heard what his younger brother said, he nodded in agreement.

A girl as good as Sister Nan really has to pick a husband and son-in-law, and it's okay to wait a few more years.

"Speaking of which, there will be another month before Sister Nan's birthday ceremony, and I don't know if grandfather and second uncle will be able to come back in time." Gu Yunze said with some regret.

Having said that, it will take at least ten days for the army to move from the capital to the border of Anyang country, and it will take a whole month just on the road.

Gu Yunge also understood this point, he said with a smile: "It doesn't matter if you can't come back, our eldest room will take care of it, and you won't be wronged anyway."

When Gu Yunze heard this, he immediately regained his energy.

Although the Second Household does not have a mistress now, this matter still has to be arranged by his mother, Mrs. Guo, but in the final analysis, the banquet still needs to be held in the Second Household Courtyard.

It is different now, the second uncle is not in the mansion, and the second room has no elders, so the banquet can be held in their room at that time.

Then Gu Nanyan is doing Jiji in the name of the big house!
The two brothers thought of something, and looked at Gu Nanyan with four eyes, their eyes slightly brightened.

The delicious Gu Nanyan:? ? ?
Since Gu Yunge and Gu Yunze were in a hurry to go back to discuss the Jili with Guo Shi, the three of them chatted about a cup of tea, and they left in a hurry.

Seeing them running away in a hurry as if they were afraid of being stepped on their tails, Gu Nanyan was baffled.

But before she could think about it, Cui Yao came to Gu's mansion with two deeds, and took Gu Nanyan straight to the two-story building that he just bought on West Street.

(End of this chapter)

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