The farmer has a mall

Chapter 166 Gu's Pharmacy

Chapter 166 Gu's Pharmacy
The small building is said to have two floors, but a small attic is added above the second floor, which can be used as a warehouse on weekdays.

Gu Nanyan was very satisfied with this shop, she walked through the lobby on the first floor to the backyard.

There are several small bungalows in the yard. There is a big tree on the side of the bungalows, and there is a well not far away. Kitchens and toilets are all available, and they can live in.

Gu Nanyan was a little surprised when he knew that the former owner of this shop was the King of Xianyang County.

As far as she knows, people in the royal family rarely sell their properties.

One is because they are not short of money, and many things in their names are mostly inherited from their ancestors, and it is not very good to sell them. It is unfilial if it gets older.

The second is because of the face of the royal family. If people know that the prince of the dignified county has sold his property, I am afraid that there will be a lot of rumors.

Cui Yao smiled and said: "He also sold this shop for your sake, but you don't have to feel embarrassed, I added another [-]% to the market price, and I have already invited him to dinner It's not a debt to him."

He knows Gu Nanyan's temperament, and he never talks about feelings if everything can be solved with money.

Therefore, when Li Pinggui let go, he took the initiative to increase the price, and Li Pinggui naturally understood what he meant, so it would be considered as money and goods.

Gu Nanyan nodded, Cui Yao has always been careful in handling things, and she was happy to leave the matter to him.

"But..." Cui Yao was a little puzzled.

"I heard what you mean. I don't plan to open Guose Tianxiang here. Is there any other purpose in buying this shop?" After finishing speaking, he looked at the Ge's drugstore that was passing by.

He also knew the grievances between the Ge family and her, so Gu Nanyan asked him to buy a shop near the Ge family drug store, and he had some vague guesses.

Gu Nanyan nodded again: "I do have some ideas."

She looked at the layout of the first floor, raised her lips and said, "How about we open a pharmacy here?"

Cui Yao was taken aback when he heard the words, but he was not surprised.

He also knew that Gu Nanyan had some skills in medical skills, and he had expected that this guy would go against the Ge family, but he didn't understand why he had to be so devious.

After all, the deeds of the two shops on the opposite side are in her hands. If she wants them to close down, she can just take back the shops.

Gu Nanyan smiled meaningfully when he heard his question.

"It's so boring to just take back the shop."

She gritted her teeth viciously: "If I want the surname Ge to know that if I plucked a hair of my hair, I have to let them peel off the skin of my whole body in exchange!"

Cui Yao trembled all over, grinning and looking opposite.

Be good, this Ge family probably dug Gu Nanyan's ancestral grave in his previous life!

Let her use her perennially paralyzed brain to deal with them, I am afraid that she lacks great virtue.

The decoration of the shop is [-]% to [-]% new. Gu Nanyan only wrote down the things to be added and asked Cui Yao to buy them. She herself returned to Gu's mansion refreshed.

On the morning of the second day, almost all the shops on West Street were open, and Gu Nanyan swaggered in with two carts of purchased herbs.

The shopkeeper Ge of the Ge family drugstore had long since found out that the shop was bought by Gu Nanyan.

After what happened last time, he was still very afraid of Gu Nanyan.

Although I don't understand why she hasn't taken back the shop until now, it can be seen that the two carts of medicinal materials she brought have a bad premonition in her heart.

So he hurriedly asked someone to notify Master Ge, while he himself kept an eye on the movement on the other side.

Although the Ge family is gone, he is still a servant of the Ge family, so he will naturally notify the master of any situation in the shop.

After half an hour, Master Ge asked someone to bring him a message, telling him to wait and see what happened, and as long as Gu Nanyan didn't come to the door, don't provoke her.

Shopkeeper Ge was instructed to sit at the door all morning.

But Gu Nanyan didn't come out until after lunch time, but the young man who came with her had a plaque hung up.

Looking at the four big characters of "Gu's Pharmacy" in gold paint on a black background, shopkeeper Ge's bad premonition became even stronger.

He hesitated for a while, finally gritted his teeth, and ran to Cui Yao who was hanging a plaque with a smile on his face.

"Little brother, I'm the shopkeeper of the Ge family medicine store across the street. I wonder what kind of business your boss wants to own such a big shop?"

Shopkeeper Ge tried his best to slow down his voice, holding his hands in a gentle manner.

Cui Yao squinted at him, and pointed to the top: "Are you blind! Can't you see such a big sign, or is it that the shopkeeper of the Ge family can't read?"

His tone was so aggressive that shopkeeper Ge was so choked that he couldn't speak, and the smile on his face could hardly be maintained.

"Naturally." He said a little embarrassedly.

"Ask even if you know it!" Cui Yao looked annoyed.

"Also, who is your little brother?! My surname is Cui, and I am from General Pingnan's residence. You can call me Master Cui!"

He twitched the corners of his lips in disgust, any cat or dog would dare to marry him, and he would not be afraid that his father would cut him in half!
When shopkeeper Ge heard that he was from the General's Mansion and his surname was Cui, he thought he was a servant just like himself.

But no matter where the general's mansion is, even the gatekeeper has a higher status than him, not to mention that this person's dress is more imposing than his master's, so he should be very popular.

Shopkeeper Ge wiped the sweat from his forehead and apologized in a hurry.

Cui Yao didn't bother to talk to this kind of person and didn't talk to him, he just directed the servants to move the counter inside.

Shopkeeper Ge didn't please him well, and obviously felt that the other party didn't want to see him, so he had to leave embarrassingly.

My heart is full of hatred.

But since the master has confessed, he doesn't dare to show it, lest this person take the opportunity to find fault.

Let's say that Gu Nanyan asked people to take the two carts of medicinal materials to the backyard, and then plunged into the small attic until it was almost dark before going downstairs with a "tired face".

Cui Yao could tell at a glance that she was faking it, but he didn't expose her, and took the medicine she "hardly" prepared as instructed by Nan Yan.

In the early morning of the second day, Gu's Pharmacy opened with the sound of firecrackers.

In addition to Cui Yao and Gu Nanyan, Dou Bi also followed with excitement.

The afternoon before yesterday, Gu Nanyan went to the military camp, and told Li Yi about opening the pharmacy in front of Dou Bi.

Although there are also doctors who boil the medicinal materials and mix them with flour to form pills.

But in this era, there is no such thing as a patented medicine. It is the patient who tells the doctor about the symptoms, and the medicinal materials are boiled and drunk immediately.

Therefore, when Dou Bi heard that she was selling patented medicines and did not need to prescribe them, Dou Bi felt very itchy.

He also heard that Gu Nanyan didn't have a doctor yet, so he immediately volunteered.

Li Yi glanced at Gu Nanyan with a half-smile, and readily agreed.

Anyway, there are no difficult and miscellaneous diseases in the barracks that need to use Dou Bi, and he is just overqualified if he stays here.

After the pharmacy opened, Gu Nanyan continued to go to the attic to "pharmaceutical", while Dou Bi excitedly checked the medication instructions she had written overnight.

After all, this place used to be a restaurant, so the area is not small.

According to Nanyan's instructions, Cui Yao divided the first floor into two parts.

On the shelves on one wall are written "Chinese patent medicines" in big characters, and on the other side are "Overseas patented medicines", that is, western medicines.

Since it was newly opened and it was a patent medicine that the common people had never seen before, no one dared to come even though there was a three-day free clinic sign on the door.

During the period, many people came in to inquire, and retreated when they heard that there was no need to prescribe medicine.

After all, the treatment needs to be symptomatic, and even the prescription is not prescribed. Who knows the effect of these long-prepared medicines?
In case something goes wrong, wouldn't it be a big loss for being greedy for petty gains!
Everyone felt that the owner of Gu's Pharmacy was too unreliable. They had never seen anyone see a doctor like this. Isn't this a trifling matter of human life?
Cui Yao and Dou Bi were a little impatient in the face of the fact that no one cared about it just after opening.

Gu Nanyan could hold her breath, and for several days in a row she was bored in the attic to make medicine, and then whistled and rode back home in a carriage without any worries.

In a house not far from West Street, shopkeeper Ge succinctly reported the situation of Gu's Pharmacy in the past few days.

(End of this chapter)

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