Chapter 167

"It's also because I was too nervous. I thought that girl surnamed Gu had some skills, but it turned out to be a silver pewter gun head!" Shopkeeper Ge said flatteringly.

Master Ge sat at the head, his chubby face was full of red.

He squinted, with a sinister look in his eyes.

"This slut is not as simple as you think. You have to let people pay more attention, and let me know in time if there is anything."

Although shopkeeper Ge didn't take it seriously, he quickly agreed.

In his opinion, Gu Nanyan is just a no-brainer, he is just a bit more skilled, and he is sure to lose money in the business field.

After Shopkeeper Ge stepped back, a middle-aged man sitting on the other side of Master Ge also had a gloomy expression.

"Father, we can't just forget about my little sister. Although we sent her to the general's mansion for convenience, she is also my sister..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Master Ge's cold snort.

"You have the nerve to say it!" Master Ge scolded.

"If you and your mother hadn't been too pampered to her, how could you have raised her so recklessly? The wife of the General's Mansion would not do such a thing, but did such a shameful thing with that damned Luo Heng!"

Thinking of this, Master Ge was almost out of breath.

Originally relying on the big ship of the General's Mansion, his business went smoothly, and many people rushed to cooperate with him.

But ever since the news of beating the Ge family got out, the Ge family has become the object of everyone's avoidance.

It's only been a while now, and the Ge family's business has shrunk by half. If it continues like this, I'm afraid it will return to the point where it was a waste of time!
"Where's that evil one?" Master Ge was furious when he thought of Gu Yunfeng, who is now Ge Yunfeng.

When the General's Mansion returned Ge Shi's body to them, of course Ge Shi and Luo Heng's scoundrels were also sent along with them. This was something he never expected.

He thought that a big family like the General's Mansion paid much attention to face, even if they knew about Ge Shi's infidelity, they would not publicize it, let alone send her child back in a grand manner.

In that case, at least he can use that wicked name to drag on for a while longer to find a way to get out.

Who knew that there were thousands of calculations, but Gu Shen didn't want any face if he didn't count!

Ge Xin saw that his father was in a bad mood, and replied honestly: "Feng'er is in the mother's yard, I heard that he is not feeling well, and he is making a fuss."

Ge Wancai was furious when he heard the words, and overturned the table in front of him, and the tea was spilled all over the floor in an instant.

"Trouble, he still has the face to make trouble! You go and tell your mother, if he continues to make trouble, throw him out. My Ge family will not have such a person!"

Seeing that his face was flushed with anger and his chest was heaving, Ge Xin hurried forward to give him relief.

"Father, please calm down. It's not that you don't know mother. Since my little sister... Feng'er is her only thought. If he is gone, mother may not be able to survive."

Ge Wancai had a grim expression on his face, and he calmed down after a while.

"A loving mother has many losers. It is your mother's weak temperament that raised her two daughters like that!"

He looked at Ge Xin, and said with some relief: "Fortunately, you have followed your father all over the world since you were a child, otherwise you might have been taught by your mother."

He paused, thinking of something, his face turned ugly.

"That girl Huihui is not young now, let her learn more about the rules of a rich family. In the future, if she marries a good family, she will be able to take care of the family. She knows how to hang out with a bunch of useless merchant girls all day long..."

Faced with Master Ge's dissatisfaction, Ge Xin dared not speak out even though he was full of grievances.

His daughter wanted to associate with the officials, but they had to respect the Ge family!

Even before Ge's accident, it was only officials of the fifth and sixth ranks who had contacts with them, not to mention now, even the family of merchants avoided them.

In Gu's Pharmacy on West Street, Cui Yao was sitting in front of the counter watching the scenery bored.

The three-day free clinic period has passed, Gu Nanyan saw that no one came to the door, so he extended the free clinic time for another three days.

Cui Yao couldn't understand her way of playing house like a child's house.

Seeing that the sixth day was about to pass, Cui Yao watched with twitching face as Gu Nanyan changed the number six on the sign to nine, hesitated for a while, but still didn't dare to step forward to break the sign.

"I said, grandma, can you stop messing with this brand and find a way to find some customers instead."

Facing her laid-back look, Cui Yao beat his chest and stamped his feet, as if annoyed and indisputable.

Gu Nanyan looked at him with a confused face when he heard the words: "Why do I have to find a way, isn't this what you should do?"

Cui Yao choked when he heard the words, and didn't know how to answer for a while.

It's really up to him, the shopkeeper, to figure out a way, but he doesn't know anything about medical skills, so he really doesn't know what to do.

Cui Yao pondered for a moment, finally gritted his teeth and slapped the counter.

"Tomorrow I will ask all my servants to come to see the doctor, and my father will pay for the medicine! I don't believe it, so many people can't attract anyone to take advantage of me!"

Gu Nanyan: "..."

She looked at Cui Yao speechlessly, feeling that she was unreliable, she was nothing compared to this guy.

"What are you in a hurry for? It's just opened for business. It's normal to have no business. When the name gets out, it's natural that customers will come like a cloud."

Seeing how relaxed she said it, Cui Yao couldn't help humming: "If you want to be famous, you must at least have customers!"

Gu Nanyan blinked, smiled at him and said, "Want a guest?"

She pointed out the door: "Isn't that right?"

Cui Yao was startled when he heard the words, thinking that Gu Nanyan was joking with him, but just as he was about to glance at her, he heard a noise at the door.

When Cui Yao turned his head, he saw a man with an anxious face stepping in.

The man was wearing a gray cloth with some damage on the cuffs.

Cui Yao looked behind him, and saw that there was still a person lying on his back.

This person's hair was black and white, and his hairstyle was a little messy. He was also dressed in common clothes, but he didn't know if he was asleep, and kept his head down, twitching occasionally.

Dou Bi was originally sitting in front of the consultation table and sighed boredly, but when someone came to the door, he hurriedly sat up straight and put on an inscrutable look.

After the man entered the door, he looked at the three people in the room hesitantly, and seeing Cui Yao hurriedly asked, "Are you seeing the doctor for free?"

After finishing speaking, he seemed a little embarrassed, and before Cui Yao could speak, he said again: "I don't want to take advantage, but I don't have much money..."

The man took out a piece of broken silver from his pocket, just as the person behind him twitched again, hurriedly supported him, and pursed his lips.

Seeing that he was cramped, Cui Yao just smiled and led him towards Dou Bi.

"The pharmacy has just opened, and it is indeed offering free consultations."

Hearing this, the man expressed his thanks with joy on his face, and carefully placed the person behind him on the opposite side of the consultation table.

Gu Nanyan took a look, and then he saw the man's appearance clearly.

It was an old man in his fifties, with his eyes closed but a smile on his face.

It's just that the smile looks a little stiff.

Gu Nanyan frowned, but said nothing.

Dou Bi stroked his beard and half-closed his eyes, putting a hand on the old man's wrist.

The man saw that he took the pulse without asking about his condition, his lips moved, but he didn't say anything.

After a cup of tea, Dou Bi also frowned.

Seeing this, the young man seemed a little nervous and looked at the old man anxiously.

"Doctor, my father..."

Dou Bi waved his hand to signal him not to speak, then raised his hand to check the old man's head, took out a silver needle from the medicine box on the table and stabbed his arm.

As the needle fell, the old man twitched and almost fell off the chair, but the young man hurriedly supported him.

"Does the patient have trouble swallowing recently, and the head and neck cannot move freely?" Dou Bi asked with a frown.

The man was startled, looked at him with some surprise, and then said pleasantly: "Indeed, the old man is really a miracle doctor. I went to other medical clinics to see a doctor, and no one could see my father's illness at a glance."

He seemed a little happy: "Doctor, can my father's disease be cured?"

(End of this chapter)

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