The farmer has a mall

Chapter 168 Murder

Chapter 168 Murder

"Has your father been injured recently?" Dou Bi asked directly without answering.

The young man nodded: "It was indeed hurt."

"Some time ago, my father went to set up a stall at the gate of the city. On the way back, he was scratched by something on the arm, but the wound was not too deep, so he didn't do much treatment."

He paused and then asked in doubt: "Why does the old doctor ask such a question, but the injury is related to my father's illness?"

He looked at the old man's arm: "The wound has healed."

Dou Bi didn't say much, and opened the old man's sleeve to take a look.

I saw that there was indeed a half-finger long wound slightly thicker than the silk thread, and it had indeed healed.

Dou Bi shook his head and sighed: "Do you know what disease your father has?"

The young man rubbed his fingers nervously.

Before they came here, they had been to many medical clinics, so they naturally knew what disease his father had.

The man remained silent, with one arm tightly wrapped around the old man who twitched from time to time, his expression seemed a little desperate.

Dou Bi didn't expect him to answer, and according to the instruction of taking care of Nanyan a few days ago, he picked up the alcohol on the table to wipe the silver needle that had just pricked the old man, and then threw it into the trash can beside him.

"Thinking about it, you should also know that the disease your father has is called seven-day wind, and there is no cure for this disease."

There are not many people who suffer from this disease, and he has only encountered three in his decades of life, and all of them convulsed and suffocated to death without exception.

Even if he is a genius doctor, he will be helpless when encountering Seven Rifeng.

And so far, no one has heard of anyone who has been cured of this disease.

The man closed his eyes in despair.

Before they came here, they had been to all the medical clinics in the entire capital, and everyone avoided them and drove them away like the plague.

I'm afraid that his father's death in their hospital will bring down the reputation of the hospital.

He had no choice but to take his father back.

Seeing his father having convulsions every day and having difficulty breathing, he couldn't even alleviate his pain.

However, when his father fell ill again this morning, the neighbor aunt couldn't bear it, so she told him that there was a new pharmacy in the capital and asked him to bring his father to try it.

It's just that the pharmacy is a bit weird, claiming that it can cure diseases without feeling the pulse.

Hearing this, Hong Chun felt that the doctor who could cure diseases without taking the pulse was probably a miracle doctor, so he brought his father directly over.

The man gritted his teeth and knelt down in front of Dou Bi with a plop, but his hands were still tightly protecting the old man.

"I beg the doctor to find a way to save my father. As long as you are willing to save him, I, Hong Chun, will repay you by doing my best."

Dou Bi has seen this kind of thing a lot, so he is not surprised.

"It's not that I don't want to save you, it's that your father's illness has no cure, and there's nothing I can do." He sighed and shook his head, his words were helpless.

He can't cure the seven-day wind, and others can't cure it, and judging by the condition of this old man, he may die soon.

Dou Bi did not expect that such a patient would be ushered in as soon as the pharmacy opened. Let alone a signboard, if the old man died here, the pharmacy might not be able to continue operating.

Cui Yao obviously thought the same way. Seeing the man kneeling on the ground motionless, although he felt sorry for him, he could only step forward to chase him away.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he stepped forward, the old man began to tremble violently, and then fell to the ground.

Different from the occasional convulsion just now, his whole body convulsed violently at this time, as if suffering from epilepsy, and his eyeballs turned white.

Even his cheeks were twitching, and the corners of his mouth showed a strange arc, but in a short while, he couldn't even breathe smoothly, and his face quickly turned from red to blue.

The commotion was a bit loud, and many passers-by began to stop and watch, blocking the door tightly.

Cui Yao said inwardly that he was not good, in this case he could not drive people away at all.

Cui Yao lost his sense of control for a moment, and looked at Gu Nanyan reflexively.

Gu Nanyan, who was standing not far away and observing the old man, stepped forward, grabbed him, took out a small knife from Dou Bi's medicine box, and quickly stabbed the old man down the throat.

This move stunned everyone present, and the crowd outside let out exclamations.

"Kill, kill!" A woman standing in front shouted in horror, covering her mouth with a pale face.

The rest of the people were also terrified, and the crowd fell silent for an instant.

"What are you doing!" Seeing this, Hong Chun's eyes were about to burst, and he grabbed Gu Nanyan and was about to push her away.

But was thrown out by Gu Nanyan's backhand.

She found a straw from the space and inserted it into the old man's cut throat, stood up and looked at Hong Chun with a cold expression.

"If you want to save your father, be honest."

She didn't say much, she just said to Cui Yao: "Take him to the consulting room."

There was a room near the stairs on the first floor, and Gu Nanyan converted it into a consulting room with a hospital bed inside.

Cui Yao hurriedly nodded, his face was a little pale, obviously frightened by Gu Nanyan's actions.

But without saying a word, he picked up the old man on the ground, followed him and staggered towards the consulting room.

"Girl, can you cure this disease?"

Dou Bi was stunned for a moment when he saw Gu Nanyan make a move, and then he was overjoyed.

He knew that Gu Nanyan cured the little prince's tuberculosis last time, and he also knew that her medical skills were probably much better than his own, but he didn't expect that she could even cure Qi Ri Feng!

Gu Nanyan didn't look back, and just said lightly: "Try it."

Dou Bi was even more excited when he heard the words, he knew Gu Nanyan's character, as long as she was willing to make a move, she must be [-]% to [-]% sure.

After that, without thinking too much, he raised his foot and wanted to follow.

But after Hong Chun got up, he gritted his teeth and ran towards Gu Nanyan.

Seeing this, Dou Bi hurriedly stopped him, but was pushed back by his strength.

"Go away!" Hong Chun said angrily, his eyes were red.

Dou Bi was afraid that he would spoil him, so he could not let go of his arm as he was observing Gu Nanyan's good deeds of healing.

It's just that he is old after all, and his strength is not as good as that of young people. He was pushed and pulled a few times and almost fell, and his heart was a little angry.

"If you want your father to die, you can continue to make trouble. Don't blame the old man for not reminding you. If there is anyone in this world who can save your father, it must be Miss Gu. If you make her angry and drive you out, I'll see you go." Where are you crying!"

Dou Bi was afraid that he would cover his eyes and not hear what he said, so his voice was a little loud, and the voice of shouting was splitting.

Hong Chun didn't believe it, he glared at Dou Bi, his clenched fists were tightly clenched, as if he would hit him in the face at any moment.

"That wicked woman stabbed my father in the neck, is this saving lives?!"

His father was already seriously ill, and now this kind of thing happened again, how could he survive!
Hong Chun couldn't help regretting that he shouldn't have brought his father here today.

This medical clinic must be a black shop. He originally thought that a doctor who can cure a disease without taking a pulse must be a genius doctor, but now it seems that he is just a liar who cares about people's lives.

Dou Bi looked helplessly at the people who were discussing outside the door. At this time, some people had already reported to the officials, and the others also looked filled with righteous indignation.

The shopkeeper of Ge's pharmacy opposite was also standing in the crowd, stretching his neck to look in.

He originally thought that the lady of the General's Mansion was just having a bad temper, but he didn't expect that she would dare to kill someone!
But this time it wasn't me who suffered, so shopkeeper Ge gloated a little, and hurriedly sent someone to send a message to the master.

Seeing the anger of the crowd, Dou Bi was afraid that this group of people would rush in, so he could only explain: "Everyone, listen to me, just now our boss was just desperate to save people, and did it as a last resort, not trying to kill someone."

The screaming lady spat at him, and Dou Bi grabbed Hong Chun and couldn't avoid it, so he could only let the pile of unknown liquid splash on his body.

"You're lying to a fool, my old lady just saw that little girl with a white knife in and a red knife out, and she is so cruel at such a young age..."

Dou Bi was not angry when he was spat on, but shook his head helplessly.

He said to Hong Chun who was about to break free: "You must have seen what happened to your father just now. If Miss Gu hadn't acted in time and opened an opening in his throat to breathe, he might have suffocated to death!"

"I'm not going to stop you from saving your father, but if he loses his life because of it, it's you who caused it!"

After he finished speaking, he let go of his hand, no longer blocking the emotional Hong Chun.

 I lost my manuscript, I'm so angry!
(End of this chapter)

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