Chapter 170
Gu Nanyan's story of saving people was spread by word of mouth among the people who were originally watching and looking for trouble.

But within a few days, it spread throughout most of the imperial city.

After Hong Chun finished the treatment, the old man with a ruddy complexion and more energy was discharged from the hospital, and the reputation of Gu's Pharmacy became even louder.

For a while, Gu Nanyan was in the limelight, some came to see her for treatment, and some came to get the standing medicine.

Of course, those who came for treatment were naturally turned back, and Dou Bi took over all of them.

During the period, it was unknown who recognized Dou Bi's identity, so the news that the number one genius doctor was in charge of Gu's pharmacy was also spread.

The business of the pharmacy exploded overnight, and there was a steady stream of people queuing up every day, almost knocking Dou Bile down.

Considering his age, Cui Yao, who was also busy kicking the back of his head with his heels, had to recruit another doctor and two drug boys.

Gu Nanyan even hid in the attic to "pharmaceutical" every day, pulling carts of herbs into the backyard non-stop.

The business of the pharmacy is so prosperous, which Gu Nanyan did not expect. Although the number of people queuing up after half a month is less, it is still several times more than the number of customers in other medical centers and pharmacies.

After covering in the attic for nearly a month, she left enough medicines to sell for half a year, and handed over the full power of the pharmacy to Cui Yao.

And she herself went to Huangzhuang to stay for a few days.

The fruits in the greenhouse had matured half a month ago.

Seeing that these fruits were fresh and juicy, Guan Hanfei couldn't help but bought a few more carts, and then returned to Anyang Kingdom with Gu Yao's Zhenbei Army.

During this period, Li Yi met her a few times, knowing that she was too busy to take care of the crops in the greenhouse, so he volunteered.

He ordered people to clean up his shops on West Street and the most prosperous main street, and opened two fruity and fragrant shops.

Gu Nanyan wanted to refuse at first, but Li Yi said that the two shops are being rented out, and she will be charged monthly rent at the market price.

In addition, she and Cui Yao were inseparable, so she agreed.

So when she was still nesting in the attic, Li Yi had already arranged everything, and the two fruity and fragrant rooms were also open for business.

Since when the store opened, Li Yi invited many ministers from the court and China to act as facades, so the business was even better than the main store in Mingshan.

Gu Nanyan receives money every day and receives soft hands, happy to see his teeth but not his eyes.

At the same time, it was rare for his conscience to realize that he raised Li Yi's share again.

This time Li Yi did not refuse, and stamped the new contract with the corner of his mouth curled up.

Gu Yao and Gu Shen left with the army, and Mrs. Gu returned to the general's residence for a few days.

Hearing that Mrs. Liu said that the scenery in her granddaughter's Zhuangzi is good, she followed her and stayed with Mrs. Liu all day studying flowers and plants, and the two chatted happily.

It is now May, and the weather is much hotter, so Gu Nan ran between Yanhuangzhuang and the barracks.

After a period of training, the remaining 900 people also joined the kamikaze team. Gu Nanyan looked at these people with relief and melancholy.

The good news is that these 1000 people are of good quality, and the kamikaze team can now be regarded as the elite among the elite, becoming her most solid backing.

However, the equipment of the remaining 900 people is a problem.

Even if she is making money today, due to the short time, the money in her hand is only enough to equip dozens of people.

Gu Nanyan was very worried.

Based on this calculation, it would take at least nine months for her to equip the entire kamikaze team.

So one month later, although she made a lot of money, Gu Nanyan discovered that she was still a member of the Moonlight Clan.

She was so distressed that she wanted to torment others.

Remembering the military expenses that Li Mi still owed her, Gu Nanyan brought Bai Zhi and Bai Shao into the palace.

It was already mid-May, and the weather was getting hotter.

Li Mi was sitting in the imperial study with an ice basin, helpless.

He also heard that Gu Nanyan had entered the palace, and he had a bad premonition in his heart.

Gu Nanyan swaggered and sat across from Li Mi, squinting at the dog emperor who was obviously guilty.

"Where's my military expenditure?" She asked bluntly.

Li Mi wanted to pretend to be stupid and asked her what the military expenditure was, but unfortunately he opened his mouth and didn't dare to ask.

He smiled embarrassingly and said, "Long time no see, Miss Nan, what are you up to recently?"

It's not that he doesn't know what Gu Nanyan is busy with. He just wants to divert her attention at this moment.

"I heard that your fruity fragrance and the medical center have a good business, but you have made a lot of money?"

Gu Nanyan glanced at him, and took the tea that Eunuch Zhao handed over.

"Not bad," she said.

Li Mi breathed a sigh of relief, as long as he can talk properly, as long as he is given a chance to speak, he can find a way to renege on his debt!
Li Mi felt a little sad in his heart, it was really not him who searched, the household department asked for money several times in the past few days, his head was getting bigger.

Thinking of what was written in the memorial, Li Mi pretended to sigh with emotion: "I envy you!"

Gu Nanyan: "..."

What are you envious of? Are you envious of Lao Tzu's hard fists?

"You know, the Hu people in the west had already invaded a month ago. They gathered thousands of tribes, gathered 5 horses, and attacked the city every few days."

You must know that Hu people are good at fighting, and they often have more than one enemy.

And most of them are cavalry. Although the number of King Jing's side is not much different, their strength is much weaker.

Faced with such a disparity, no matter how brave Prince Jing was, it would be difficult to resist.

Gu Nanyan lowered her eyes and said nothing.

This situation had been expected for a long time. Although Prince Jing's way of confronting the enemy was fierce, he did not have the backing to match it. It was no surprise that he aroused the opponent's anger but was unable to put it out.

"Prince Jing is retreating to defend a city, and Daliang is ready to move. The Pingnan Army can't move rashly. I have no choice. I have already ordered General Gu to lead the [-] Northern Army to support."

If it is said that Jianan Kingdom was attacked on three sides, Anyang Kingdom has not made any noise until now, and it is also thanks to her.

Gu Nanyan didn't react when he heard the words, but raised his eyes and said, "So you want to rely on my military expenses?"

Her eyes were a little dangerous, with the expression that if Li Mi dared to nod, she would strangle him to death.

Li Mi: "..."

Speaking of business, can we not mention such vulgar things as money!
"Ahem, that's not true." He coughed twice.

"However, I'm short of money recently, and the Ministry of Finance has paid for it. Prince Jing and General Cui are both asking for money. Now that the war is tense, I wonder if I can discuss it with you. I owe you some money for the time being."

Li Mi said cautiously.

I don't dare to rely on it, it's okay to procrastinate, right?
Gu Nanyan frowned upon hearing that, seeing that Li Mi's expression didn't look fake, she hesitated for a moment.

"How long will it take?"

After all, after getting acquainted, she can't push people too hard.

Otherwise, it will be difficult to steal money from this fellow in the future!
Thinking of this, her expression relaxed a little, and she praised herself in her heart for having a talent for making money.

Seeing that there is a door, Li Mi was overjoyed from the bottom of his heart.

"It won't take long, as long as the war is over, I promise to give you money from the first month's tax."

It is also reasonable.

Gu Nanyan nodded, and took a bite of her favorite pastry that Eunuch Zhao had prepared for him on the small table.

"According to your estimate, how long will this battle last?"

He remembered that the last time Li Yi confronted Anyang Kingdom, it was just over a month?
Li Mi swallowed his saliva, and said cautiously again: "This time is different from the past, the two armies are attacking, I am afraid that the battle will be stalemate."

Gu Nanyan stopped chewing.

"What do you mean?"

Li Mi laughed twice: "If the situation goes well, it may be over in less than a month."

"If it doesn't go well, how long will it take?" Gu Nanyan asked.

"Maybe three to five months."

Gu Nanyan's expression softened when she heard this, and she continued to eat her pastries.

Although it was a bit longer than expected, it was not unacceptable, the worst would be to let Emperor Dog pay the interest.

"Maybe three to five years..."

Gu Nanyan choked on a mouthful of pastry and almost suffocated, but fortunately, Bai Zhi hurriedly brought her a cup of tea, and she was relieved.

Immediately, he slapped the small table angrily, the table shattered, and the tea and pastries were scattered all over the floor.

Li Mi was startled, and rushed to squat behind the chair.

Li Mi: "Don't, don't get excited!"

Listen to my sophistry first!
(End of this chapter)

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