Chapter 171
Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Gu Nanyan gritted his teeth and beat up Li Mi, and left the palace angrily.

At Ge's house in Beijing, shopkeeper Ge was reporting the pharmacy's income and expenditure for this month. Ge Wancai looked at the medicine bottles on the table with a gloomy expression.

Since the establishment of Gu's Pharmacy, the business of the Beijing Traditional Chinese Medicine Center's pharmacy has been more or less affected.

Among them, the Ge family suffered the most.

After all, Gu's Pharmacy is just opposite, so it's impossible not to be affected.

"These medicines are really so effective?" Ge Xin asked, picking up the medicine bottle on the table.

Shopkeeper Ge's complexion is not very good either. He manages the pharmacy all by himself, so it is naturally his fault that the business is not good in the eyes of others.

"Back to young master, I don't know about other medicines, but wind-cold medicine and antipyretic powder are really easy to use."

Even the regular customers in his store are saying that the medicines in Gu's Pharmacy have miraculous effects.

It happened that the boy in the store was infected with the cold, so he hired someone to buy some medicines for treating the cold and reducing fever.

Unexpectedly, in just a few hours, the little fellow who was dizzy with the fever subsided.

Later, I bought some trauma medicines, and the effect was really good.

"Furthermore, the villain once asked the medicine boy on the opposite side that these medicines are all made by their masters. Not only that, but their medical skills are even better than the genius doctor Dou."

Originally, they all thought that these medicines were made by Miracle Doctor Dou, and they also thought about asking the Miracle Doctor to sit in their shop at a high price.

Ge Wancai was ready for the other lion to open his mouth.

Even if the price is higher, wait for the pharmacy's business to improve before asking him to leave.

But he never thought that these medicines were actually refined by Gu Nanyan.

He almost crushed the porcelain bottle in his hand.

Their pharmacy used to have a booming business, but recently it has been empty.

That smelly girl surnamed Gu obviously did it on purpose, and deliberately opened the pharmacy opposite them.

He asked with a livid face: "Are you sure that the bitch made the medicine himself, and there is no fake hand?"

Seeing that his master was in a bad mood, shopkeeper Ge became more cautious in his words.

"The small ones are [-] to [-]% sure."

Some time ago, all the carts of medicinal materials were transported to the backyard of the pharmacy, and he watched the carriage enter through the back door with his own eyes.

And Gu Nanyan would go to the store every day, staying for a whole day, and had never seen her on the first floor.

Instead, Miracle Doctor Dou was sitting near the door to treat people, so he could see it at a glance.

Ge Xin pondered for a moment, and a thought flashed through his mind.

He looked at shopkeeper Ge, and asked casually:

"Have you ever remembered the flavors of those medicinal materials?"

Shopkeeper Ge hurriedly replied: "I remember, every time the opposite side sees any medicinal materials, the villain will write them down on the paper."

After finishing speaking, he took out some rice paper from his pocket and handed it forward.

Since the two shops are facing each other, the herbal carriage will pass by his door every time.

He has been in charge of the pharmacy for many years, so he can tell what is on the car at a glance.

Ge Wancai reached out to take it in satisfaction, and after looking at it roughly, he found that it was some very common medicinal materials.

It's just that the combination of several herbs is different from other ones.

Ge Wancai and his son looked at each other, put the paper into his cuffs, and gave shopkeeper Ge a few words before letting him go back to the shop.

But when Gu Nanyan returned home, he ate alone and went to the pharmacy to look for Cui Yao.

Gu Laishhou arrived in the capital a few days ago, and now she is living in her Zhuangzi, taking care of the affairs there with Steward Yuan.

He should have arrived a month or two ago, but before he left, he found out that Mrs. Liu was pregnant.

After a long journey and bumpy roads, Gu Laishhou was not at ease. He wrote to Gu Nanyan knowing that there was nothing urgent, so he accompanied Xiao Liu until the fetus was three months old before setting off.

In ancient times, Xiao Liu's age was considered an advanced maternal age, and a careless adult or child would be in danger.

Although Mrs. Liu was worried about Gu Nanyan, under the persuasion of her and Mrs. Gu, she stayed in the village to take care of Mrs. Liu.

When Gu Nanyan went to Cui Yao, he originally wanted to ask about his father's current situation, but he didn't expect that he didn't know what to do, which made Gu Nanyan roll his eyes at him several times.

It was already the end of June, and the weather was getting hotter.

Plus people queuing outside basking in the sun.Gu Nanyan couldn't help frowning.

She asked the drug boy in the store to cook a big pot of mung bean soup, and asked them to distribute it to the people queuing outside.

Those people are naturally grateful and thank you again and again.

Dou Bi and Cui Yao are also wiping away their sweat. Although the weather in ancient times was a little lower than in modern times, it will soon be July, and it is so hot now. Wouldn’t it be too hot to die in August?

Since she was a child, she has been afraid of heat but not cold. In summer, she can't wait to stay in the air-conditioned room and never go out.

Gu Nanyan thought for a while, then sat in the consulting room and took out a charcoal pencil to write and draw.

In the Ming and Qing Dynasties, there was a simple version of the fan.

Although Gu Nanyan has never studied it, he still knows the basic principles.

It's like a little metal frog she played with when she was a child, it can jump by itself as long as the string is fully wound.

She first drew the shape of the spring on the paper, then drew the shapes of several gears, and marked the specifications carefully.

Originally, she could buy these things from the mall, but she subconsciously didn't want to rely too much on the mall, and ended up being controlled by it.

This painting took nearly two hours, she handed over the painting to Cui Yao, and seeing that there was really nothing wrong with her, she swaggered out the door.

After staying in Gu's house for a few days, Cui Yao came to visit.

I thought he was here to give me the thing I painted last time, but I didn't expect that he was here to send her a message.

"The Ge family has been purchasing a large amount of medicinal materials recently, even though many medicines from pharmacies and clinics have been taken away at retail prices."

He ran in a hurry, picked up the teacup and took a sip.

"I thought they had a big business, but I didn't know that there was an extra brand early this morning, which said Ganmaoling Granules and Antipyretic Powder." Cui Yao's face turned black when he said this.

These two medicines are the best sold in their store, followed by medicines for treating trauma.

Gu Nanyan was not in a hurry when he heard the words, "Sell it as soon as you sell it, do you need to be so nervous?"

How the Ge family behaves can be seen from Ge Shi.

The regular customers of Ge's pharmacy have all gone to her store recently, and Ge Wancai naturally has to find a way to get them back.

Cui Yao was startled when she saw her calm face, not surprised at all.

"You already knew about this?" he asked.

Thinking that Gu Nanyan insisted on concocting medicine in the attic before, and insisted on letting the purchased medicinal materials pass by Ge's medicine shop, she seemed to understand her intentions.

Seeing that he had calmed down, Gu Nanyan licked the corners of her mouth in satisfaction.

"Don't worry, no one can make the same medicine as us. Even if they do, the effect will be greatly reduced."

Not to mention those western medicines, even Chinese patent medicines cannot be extracted by ancient techniques.

Cui Yao was relieved when he heard the words, knowing that she knew what she knew, so he didn't ask any more questions.

"My father sent a letter two days ago." Cui Yao said when he remembered something.

"Da Liang has sent troops to fight my father. They claim to have 20 troops, but according to my father's analysis, it may not be enough."

"And their offensive is not strong. They attacked the city for a month, and they retreated after an hour each time. The leader is a little-known little guy."

Holding the teacup in his hand, he frowned.

"My father said that Daliang's army may have other plans, so they have already written a note about it and handed it over."

Gu Nanyan thought about it.

Cui Yanping has only 20 soldiers, and it is indeed a bit strange that he can persist in not losing a city for a month in the face of an army of [-].

What's more, their teaming up with Xihu happened suddenly this time. It stands to reason that they wanted to catch Jianan Kingdom by surprise, but according to Cui Yanping, it seemed that they were dragging the Pingnan Army.

However, the alliance between the two countries has its own ideas. Maybe the emperor of Daliang wanted Xihu to be the first bird, and it is not impossible for them to come out to pick up the bargain after the two sides have almost fought.

Thinking of this, Gu Nanyan didn't think about it any more.

After all, there was no letter from Gu Yao, no news is good news.

Maybe Xihu is just a test, after all, Daliang once attacked the land of Xihu, and it is normal for both sides to have their own thoughts.

(End of this chapter)

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