Chapter 172

Gu Nanyan didn't take this matter to heart at first, but Li Yi came to Gu's mansion with a serious expression on the second day.

"An accident happened to the Zhenbei Army." He looked at Gu Nanyan, his complexion not very good.

Gu Nanyan paused with his hand on the table, looked at Li Yi, and signaled him to continue talking.

"Old General Gu and your father led the Zhenbei Army to support King Jing, and were besieged by Daliang's army in Calabash Valley. It has been more than ten days now."

Li Yi observed Gu Nanyan's expression with a worried expression.

When Gu Nanyan heard the words, it suddenly dawned on him that Xihu and Jianan Daliang were adjacent to each other, and they happened to be in the middle.

Yesterday Cui Yao said that his father found that Daliang's military strength did not match the information he had received before, so she felt that something was wrong.

Probably before Gu Yao sent troops, they sent people to set up an ambush on the way to stop the Zhenbei Army.

Seeing that she was silent, Li Yi lowered his head and wondered what he was thinking, thinking that she was worried about Gu Yao and Gu Shen.

"But don't worry, although the Zhenbei army is trapped in the valley and cannot get out, the Daliang army dare not enter. There is no danger for the time being."

Gourd Valley is just like its name, the valley is spacious and vast, but the exit and entrance are like gourd mouths, allowing only a few people to pass through at a time.

After the Zhenbei army entered the valley, Daliang had people surround the front and rear exits. If they rushed out of the valley, they might have their heads chopped off before they stepped out.

In the same way, Daliang's army did not dare to go in, so the two sides could confront each other like this.

"But..." Seeing that she was still calm, Li Yi said again.

"General Gu only brought less than two months' worth of military rations."

It will take more than 20 days from here to the border of Xihu, plus the more than ten days of being trapped, if we save a bit and persist for more than [-] days, it will be no problem.

But if the stalemate continues like this, the Zhenbei Army will not get supplies, and I am afraid that they will starve to death.

The Daliang army trapped them inside, probably because of this idea.

Li Yi's face was ugly. As a soldier, he naturally knew that it would be humiliating to be starved to death instead of dying in battle.

Not to mention Gu Yao, a great general, even ordinary soldiers would not be reconciled.

Gu Nanyan still didn't speak, Li Yi was a little worried, and stroked her hair to comfort her.

"Don't worry, the emperor has ordered this king to go to Mingshan with the tiger talisman and then mobilize the northern army of [-] towns to go to Calabash Valley to rescue General Gu."

No one can mobilize the garrison without the Tiger Talisman, so he can only go to Mingshan first.

It's just that it will take nearly ten days to go from here to Mingshan, and another twenty days to go from there to Hulugu. The rations of the Zhenbei Army may not last that long.

He didn't tell Gu Nanyan about this, so as not to hurt her any more.

Li Yi stared at her steadily, and it wasn't until a quarter of an hour later that Gu Nanyan said slowly, "Thank you so much."

Seeing her "forced smile", Li Yi was heartbroken.

But the emperor's brother had ordered him to leave immediately, and since the situation was critical, he didn't care about comforting him, so he hurried back to the palace.

Gu Nanyan sat in the yard for a while, then got up and went to the General's Mansion.

Gu Qing also received the news, and now he is fidgeting and pacing back and forth in the study.

Hearing that Gu Nanyan was coming, he hurried to the living room.

He looked behind the niece who came in, but he didn't see Mrs. Gu, so he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Now the atmosphere in the mansion is heavy, if his mother comes back, she will definitely notice it.

And he didn't want his mother to know about it yet.

"Why is Sister Nan here?" Although Gu Qing was extremely anxious, he calmed down and asked Gu Nanyan with a smile.

Gu Nanyan glanced at him, and said bluntly: "I already know about the Zhenbei Army, and I came here this time to want a map of the northwest."

When Gu Qing heard that she knew about this, his heart skipped a beat.Thought his mother knew it too.

The old lady's illness just happened, and he was really afraid that she would be stimulated again.

But when he heard his niece's next words, Gu Qing was a little puzzled.

"What do you want a map for?"

"Of course it's useful." Gu Nanyan said flatly, with no ups and downs in his voice.

Hearing this, Gu Qing had a bad premonition, he was shocked from the bottom of his heart, and stood up suddenly.

"Are you going to Gourd Valley?!"

Gu Nanyan did not deny it, but Gu Qing firmly opposed it.

"No!" he said.

"The situation in Calabash Valley is complicated. I don't know how many large Liang troops there are. I will never agree with what you, a girl, did in the past!"

He knew that his niece had some skills, but he didn't know that she wanted to go to the enemy's camp alone, wouldn't she be courting death?
When Gu Nanyan heard his stern voice, she didn't raise her eyelids.

"I can go into the palace and ask Li Mi."

Coming to the General's Mansion is just because of convenience, not the only choice.

Gu Qing choked when he heard the words, he was already used to her calling the emperor by his name, but why did he feel that his niece gritted his teeth when he mentioned the emperor?

Gu Nanyan looked reassuring, but Gu Qing had no choice but to continue persuading.

"Sister Nan, be good. Uncle will find a way to save your grandfather and father. Besides, King Sheng is already on his way to Mingshan to dispatch troops. You must not act rashly."

He was earnest, but Gu Nanyan didn't feel it at all.

"To give or not to give?"

For a man who is a mother-in-law and a mother-in-law, she just wants a map, and this guy can also preach to her.

Seeing that Gu Qing wanted to persuade her again, she raised her buttocks and wanted to leave, but Gu Qing hurriedly stopped her.

He rubbed his throbbing temples, his voice was tired.

"Uncle Tutu can give it to you." He looked at his niece and said.

"But you have to promise me that no matter what, you can't act rashly, and you will make a decision after discussing everything with me."

"Your grandmother's illness is just right, and your grandfather and father don't know what's going on. If something happens to you, she is too old, so she may not be able to bear so much stimulation."

Lu Qing's face was exhausted. At this time, Jianan's domestic and foreign troubles were happening, but he, the Minister of the Ministry of War, could only wait for the news in the mansion.

He couldn't help feeling a little regretful, wondering whether it was wrong to give up joining the army and devote himself to the military department.

Gu Nanyan hummed lightly, and the perfunctory meaning in it was very obvious.

After successfully getting the map, Gu Nanyan went to Huangzhuang again, and after greeting Mrs. Liu and Mrs. Gu, she found that they hadn't heard the news, so she didn't say much, and went directly to the military camp.

On the way to the military camp, Gu Nanyan sat in the carriage and summoned 888.

"I want to pay on credit." She said bluntly.

888 puffed up his body in a daze, but didn't react.

"What's on credit?"

Gu Nanyan took out 20 taels of banknotes from the space, and put them in front of 888 years ago.

"Eight hundred sets of special forces equipment, we need it now."


Did it get robbed? 20 taels is just enough for [-] sets, so it's shameless to ask it for [-] sets? !

"That...Master, our company does not have credit for this business."

Look at her expression, she has a serious look on her face, is she asking for credit?
She is going to rob!

Gu Nanyan nodded solemnly, expressing her understanding of what it said.

888 felt that the master was very reasonable, and just about to breathe a sigh of relief, she heard her say again: "[-] sets of special forces equipment, I want it now."


Is this woman deaf?Didn't you hear what it just said!

And it's a matter of course dead virtue!

888 felt that it was probably too talkative at ordinary times, so that this woman didn't take it seriously.

So 888 put on a serious face and said solemnly: "Please wait a moment, I will go to the boss to apply!"

Gu Nanyan: "..."

She's so talkative, she's ready to do it!

The sadness in 888's heart flowed like a river.

I don't know why, but recently it feels more and more insincere, and there is an emotion that drives it.

It opens the contact interface that only you can see, and opens the chat box with the boss.

After thinking for a while, I finally entered a line of words on it.

Customer service 888: "Dear leader, my master wants to talk to you alone, may I transfer the chat interface to her now?"


(End of this chapter)

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