Chapter 173
A quarter of an hour later, there was no news on the other side of the screen.

Just as Gu Nanyan was waiting impatiently, the light curtain in front of 888 flickered.

"You are already a mature customer service, it's time to learn to communicate with the owner yourself."


At the same time, in an all-white room far away, a short-haired man in a white suit was pacing back and forth in the room.

"What does the tigress want to do with me?" The man pinched out the cigarette in his hand impatiently.

"Did she regain her memory?" He trembled all over and blinked uneasily.

Hearing the beep, he opened the light curtain with some resistance.

888: "Report to the leader, the master is currently refusing to communicate and only wants to make a request. I can't handle this kind of situation with my current ability. Please talk to her personally."

At the back is a moving picture of Gu Nanyan sitting in the carriage frowning and shaking his legs with his arms folded impatiently.


He swallowed, thought for a while and asked cautiously, "What does she want?"

Shouldn't you want to see him?
The man felt chills on his back and goosebumps all over his body.

888: "My master wants to pay on credit. Since the mall does not have the function of credit, and the master looks like he will run away at any time, we can't rule out the possibility that she will kill me so that I can inherit your contact information!"

The man was stunned. If the mental power is strong enough, he can indeed obtain the information in 888's body, so this sentence is not a joke.

A familiar feeling of oppression hit his face, and the man rubbed his temples with a headache.

Looking at the new news in front of him, 888 in another time and space opened his mouth in disbelief.

"Congratulations, customer service manager 888 has been promoted to manager of Time and Space Department A, and his authority has been elevated."

Immediately afterwards, there was a burst of dazzlement, and there was a "Try" button at the bottom right of each product in the mall.

888 was a little confused, subconsciously clicked on it, and a prompt box popped up in the middle of the light curtain.

Q1: What is a trial?

A1: Trial means that you can get the right to use the items in the mall (including all consumable items) without paying first.

Q2: Can trial products be returned?

A2: After the trial, if you are satisfied with the product, you can pay for the purchase. If you are not satisfied, you can return it at any time (consumed items can not be returned).

Q3: How long is the trial period?
A3: The time is at the discretion of the department manager.

888:! ! !
What the hell is the trial period!

It has never heard other seniors say that the company has such an operation.


It got promoted again? !

Didn't it mean that promotion is very difficult, and it takes at least a hundred years for each level to be promoted.

But it was only a few months old, how could it be promoted to department manager?

888 felt a little uneasy in his heart, and looked at the trial question and answer.

There is also this probationary rule, which is obviously for free prostitution!
Although his remuneration and salary will be much higher after he is promoted to department manager, the little commission given by Gu Nanyan is of no use to him.

But wouldn't it be a bad idea to let the buyer go whoring for nothing, and it's sure that with Gu Nanyan's virtue, he will definitely choose to use it before returning it!

Looking at the grayed-out portrait of the boss, 888 thought deeply.

It seems that every time it mentions that the owner wants to talk to him, the boss has some unusual reactions, and in the end, he avoids direct contact with Gu Nanyan by giving it the promotion permission.

It seemed...afraid of her?

888 felt that he had gotten to the point, and looked at Gu Nanyan with seriousness.

Even the boss is afraid, which shows how terrifying, cruel, and unreasonable this woman is!

But no matter what, this time the crisis is lifted.

888 wiped away the sweat that didn't exist on his forehead, and told Gu Nanyan the good news.

Of course, he added a time limit to the probationary period, so that she wouldn't notice anything.

"The three-month trial period?" Gu Nanyan narrowed his eyes.

888 saw that she had a bad look on her face, and thought that the set time was a bit short.

Afraid that she would do something to him, he just wanted to add "it can be postponed", when he saw Gu Nanyan looking at it with a serious expression.

"Can I return the product after the trial period!"


So you're really going to go whoring for nothing, aren't you?

It just didn't say that she can return the product if she is not satisfied, only that she can pay before the end of the trial period.

After all, no matter how small a mosquito’s legs are, it’s still meat. With [-] sets of equipment, it can earn tens of thousands of taels of silver by collecting money from both ends!

To say tens of thousands of taels is not a lot here, and a farmer with 200 taels is considered the richest owner in the village.

But here it is different.

888 is a high-tech smart product, its fur is made of special materials, and it can be upgraded!

And this upgrade is not a white promotion, you need to apply to the technical department, and you have to pay money after passing.

It needs 1000 million taels of silver for the first upgrade, and 5000 taels for the second upgrade!

They can be upgraded many times, and it is said that the highest level can change the body into a human appearance.

888 yearns for it, but at the same time feels a little frustrated.

At this rate, by the time Gu Nanyan dies of old age, it won't even be able to collect the money for the first upgrade!

It looked at Gu Nanyan with resentment.

Fortunately, after being promoted to department manager, he has the benefit of a free upgrade.

888 was very interested, and decided to go back and fill out the application form after Gu Nanyan finished solving the problem here.

Regarding whether the product can be returned after the trial period, 888 did not answer directly, but changed the topic decisively.

After transferring [-] sets of equipment to Gu Nanyan, he enthusiastically asked her what else she needed.

Gu Nanyan thought for a moment, clicked on the food interface, and found rice.

The price of rice is a little more expensive than wheat, and the displayed market price is twenty yuan a catty.

Gu Nanyan squinted at 888.

888 automatically revised the price without her asking, but it still costs eight cents a catty.

Compared to last time when the wheat cost a penny and a catty, Gu Nanyan had an intuition that this guy was cheating her money.

But thinking that it had helped him a lot this time, he didn't care about it.

However, there is still a lot of wheat in the space, and these things just take up space when they are bought, so it is better to buy them now.

Gu Nanyan spent a few days releasing [-] sets of equipment in batches.

Gu Nanyan glanced at the resolute soldiers with their equipment on their backs. Until now, the Kamikaze Squad was truly a special forces unit worthy of the name!

Nodding in satisfaction, Gu Nanyan ordered Ashlan to make everyone familiar with the weapons on his body within seven days, and then leave camp to go to Calabash Valley after seven days.

Afterwards, he returned to the Gu residence in a carriage.

To her surprise, Mrs. Gu came back from Huangzhuang and was sitting in the living room waiting for her.

Gu Nanyan was stunned, and walked towards Mrs. Gu who came to welcome her.

Touching Gu Nanyan's hair, Mrs. Gu had a loving face.

"Why doesn't grandma stay in Huangzhuang for a few more days?" Gu Nanyan asked.

Mrs. Gu smiled and said nothing, and pulled her to sit down.

Then he ordered Nanny Sheng to bring some pastries.

Gu Nanyan was feeling hungry, so he picked up a piece and gnawed on it.

"Sister Nan is leaving the city?" Mrs. Gu asked with a smile, her eyes full of pity.

Gu Nanyan paused while eating the cake, swallowed the food in his mouth and said, "Grandmother knows?"

Mrs. Gu nodded: "Your uncle told me all about it."

Before she came, she went back to the General's Mansion. Although Gu Qing tried his best to conceal it, but the news spread all over the capital, how could he hide it from her?
"Sister Nan has grown up." Mrs. Gu said with a smile, her eyes were slightly moist.

"Grandmother thank you on your grandfather's behalf."

She knew that she couldn't stop this granddaughter who had always had ideas.

I also know how dangerous it is for my granddaughter to pass by at this time.

As her husband is a general, she has already prepared for his final shroud in horse leather.

But apart from her husband and son, Hulugu also has [-] soldiers.

She also wanted to keep sister Nan selfishly. After thinking about it for a few days, she couldn't open her mouth.

Sister Nan is a descendant of the General's Mansion. Although she has not received much protection from the General's Mansion, she has inherited the blood of the Gu family.

She couldn't stop Sister Nan from spreading her wings, so she could only watch her fly away with a smile.

Gu Nanyan looked at the weathered old lady in front of her, feeling puzzled.

The kamikaze team needs to practice in order to better manage the fief in the future.

And she also needs to be familiar with this war-torn world.

Therefore, she decided to go to Calabash Valley not purely for Gu Yao and Gu Shen, but more for herself.

But at this moment, Gu Nanyan didn't know what to say to this old lady who really loved her.

(End of this chapter)

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