The farmer has a mall

Chapter 174 The Kamikaze Squad Out of Beijing

Chapter 174 The Kamikaze Squad Out of Beijing
Seven days passed in a flash, and Gu Nanyan took her princess token and led more than 1000 people out of the city to their destination.

Few people except Mrs. Gu and Gu Qing knew about her going to the battlefield.

Therefore, Li Mi in the palace did not receive the news until he had walked for an hour.

Li Mi heard that Gu Nanyan led 1000 people out of the city and headed west, and stood up from the dragon chair in shock.

"Nonsense!" He slapped the table angrily.

"She's a girl, she's still a princess, how can she just go to the battlefield!"

Where is the battlefield, and where is Calabash Valley?
Even the general Gu Yao was ambushed, what would she do with a little girl with no experience? !
Although she can indeed fight, can she fight tens of thousands of troops by herself?

And he was overwhelmed and only brought 1000 people!

"Have someone chase her back to me immediately!" He ordered Eunuch Zhao.

Eunuch Zhao was a little embarrassed, he glanced at Li Mi and said: "Your Majesty, you know the princess's temperament best, I'm afraid you won't listen to persuasion."

Li Mi paused when he heard that, and thought of her stubborn temper.

"Just say that if she dares not to come back, I will withhold her military expenses, and you will never get a penny from me in the future!"

Although the words were harsh, Li Mi was obviously a little guilty.

Eunuch Zhao also lowered his head and rolled his eyes.

If you dare to withhold the money from that aunt, you are not afraid that she will empty out the national treasury after beating you up?

"The emperor calm down." Eunuch Zhao said hurriedly.

"The slave has already been chased by someone. It would be great if he could be persuaded to come back. If the princess insists..."

Eunuch Zhao looked around and sent everyone in the house down.

"The servants reported that although the princess only brought 1000 people, the clothes of these 1000 people were almost the same as those in the military exercise that day, and they also carried the black box on their backs."

He has seen the power of the black box with his own eyes, so he is calmer than the emperor who cares about it.

"You have seen the situation that day, the princess will not be in danger with these people."

"There are black boxes for 1000 people?" Li Mi was surprised.

Where did this girl get these things, and why does she have one of them like she doesn't need money?
Seeing Eunuch Zhao nod his head, Li Mi felt relieved, and then frowned again.

"It's easy to hide with a sharp gun, but it's hard to defend against a hidden arrow. As far as I know, Sister Nan has never been on the battlefield. There are so many people, what if they are plotted against by the enemy..." Li Mi became nervous again thinking of this.

"Your majesty, have you forgotten the armor that the princess gave you and the Ninth Prince?"

Li Mi paused when he heard this, and touched himself.

Thinking of the last time his brother was shot by an arrow but only left some bruises on his body, he breathed a sigh of relief.

It's just that the expression is still not very good.

"You can't make up your own mind, at least let someone tell me!"

If he knew, at least he could call more people to her.

Of course Eunuch Zhao understood what he meant and poured a cup of tea for Li Mi.

"The situation this time is different from the past. Even if General Gu is not besieged in Calabash Valley, facing the alliance between Xihu and Daliang, it may not be easy to win this battle."

"And the princess can often do things unexpectedly, which makes people unpredictable. Maybe it can solve this dilemma."

Not to mention anything else, let's just talk about the thunder that day, if a few were thrown out, the enemy would be too scared to take a step forward.

Hearing this, Li Mi sat in front of the imperial case and thought about it.

Not far from the capital, Gu Nanyan led the team forward.

Although the journey was far away, these people were already used to daily weight-bearing training. Although they were carrying weapons, their weight was much lighter than usual, and their speed was faster than expected.

Gu Nanyan had learned how to ride a horse during these seven days, and now she was following behind the team, talking to Ashlan who was also riding a horse.

With the map in her hand, Ashlan pointed to one of the raised places and said: "We can pass through this mountain, which is much closer than the official road. Although the mountain road is difficult, everyone usually trains on the mountain. , I think there is no problem."

Gu Nanyan nodded, agreeing with what he said.

The most important thing now is to arrive before Gu Yao runs out of ammunition and food, otherwise she will starve to death for the first time she makes a move. Wouldn't it damage her reputation for the rest of her life?
Moreover, the mountain road is the best concealment for soldiers, and it can help them avoid the enemy's spies.

"That's how it was decided. You are familiar with the way to Xihu, so I will arrange the route for you." Gu Nanyan said.

Seeing Ashlan answer, Gu Nanyan asked again.

"Has the food from last time been sent to your tribe?"

Ashlan hurriedly cupped her hands: "Thank you, master, for your concern. It has already been delivered. The subordinate also asked that person to bring a letter to convey what the master said. The person who sent the letter said that Father has already started looking for a remote place to camp."

"That's good." Gu Nanyan said.

"If you need anything, just say it."

It is also a very important step in wartime to settle down the family members of the generals.

Ashlan was very grateful, very glad that she sold herself to be a slave, otherwise she would not have met her master.

The journey was not short, and the time was running short, so everyone consciously quickened their pace, only stopping at night to rest every day, and only half an hour for lunch at noon.

Bai Zhi also followed. Originally, Gu Nanyan wanted her to stay in the capital, but she was unwilling to live or die. In desperation, she had no choice but to take Bai Zhi with her and let Bai Shao stay in Gu's residence.

Thinking of Bai Shao's crying expression before they left, Gu Nanyan found it funny.

The food accompanying the army was not much, just enough to feed 1000 people for a month.

At noon, Gu Nanyan asked someone to take out some marinated meat, put it in the flattened steamed buns, and shared two for each person.

This way of eating is simple and time-saving, and can save a lot of rest time.

And the taste is also good. The two fist-sized steamed buns in everyone's hands were eaten up in a short while.

After resting for a while, continue on the road, and camp in the wilderness at night.

The backpacks behind the kamikaze team were all filled with camp tents, and the weather was warm, so everyone slept soundly except for a few people on watch.

They rested well at night and were naturally efficient during the day. After walking for more than ten days, the group of people had already reached the border town a hundred miles away.

It is only a few dozen miles away from Huluzui.

Gu Nanyan took out the military binoculars and stood on a high place to look in the direction of Calabash Valley.

"Master, we can reach Calabash Valley in less than a day, but do we need to travel all night?" Ashlan asked from the side.

Gu Nanyan slowly shook her head.

"The order continues. Everyone camps on the spot and rests for a day. During this period, no fire is allowed."

There might be Daliang's spies in this place, although they are few in number, there is no guarantee that they will not be discovered.

And after driving for more than ten days in a row, even though these people have been trained, they are still tired.

When everyone heard Ashlan's order, although they were anxious about the situation of the Beibei Army, they took out their tents lightly and quietly set up camp.

They were all from the Zhenbei Army, so they were naturally more worried about their former comrades in arms.

But they also knew that there might be a tough battle to be fought in the future, so they went back to rest in the tent after dinner.

At the same time, in Calabash Valley dozens of miles away.

Gu Shen's face was full of stubble and dirt, when he saw a soldier bring a bowl of porridge over, his expression was very ugly.

Daliang's army has been guarding Huluzui for two months, and has no plans to attack, and every time they send people out to investigate the situation, they never return.

As of today, the 5 troops have been out of food for three days. If there is no rescue, these [-] people will starve to death here.

He waved to Xiaobing, but didn't take the bowl of clear rice soup.

"Give it to the wounded, I will not be hungry."

Xiaobing heard the words but refused: "You haven't eaten for a few days. This is the last bit of rice on the stove. There are only two bowls. You can eat it."

Old General Gu was injured, so the other bowl was naturally reserved for him.

Gu Shen shook his head: "Divide it."

He looked serious.

"This is an order!"

Xiaobing had no choice but to take out the rice soup.

Due to being hungry for too long, he staggered when he got up, and the bowl in his hand was crooked and almost spilled, but fortunately, Gu Shen held it up with one hand.

After he left, Gu Shen stared at the blackened night sky in a daze, and clenched his fists firmly in his eyes after a while.

(End of this chapter)

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