The farmer has a mall

Chapter 175 The Strange Cave

Chapter 175 The Strange Cave

In the middle of the night, Gu Shen, dressed in armor, came to the cave where Gu Yao was.

The cave was pitch black, and when he walked in, he could only see a silhouette through the moonlight.

"But Shen'er?" Gu Yao clutched his chest and coughed twice, and was about to get up while supporting his injured arm.

"Father, it's my son." Gu Shen replied, stepping forward to support him.

Gu Yao, who was leaning on the stone wall, stabilized his breath, and drank a glass of water with his hand.

After seeing Gu Shen's attire, he paused for breath.

"Father, my son will take someone to Songyang County to ask for help tonight."

Songyang County is tens of miles away from Calabash Valley, and belongs to King Jing's fiefdom. It is the county seat farthest from the border town.

More than a month ago, the Zhenbei Army traveled a long distance and encountered the Daliang Army who had been ambushing here for a long time.

They are marching in a hurry, and they have been on the road without sleep, which has exhausted their physical strength.

Therefore, facing the energetic Daliang army, which had been resting for several days, it was almost powerless to fight back.

Forced to have no choice but to retreat to Calabash Valley.

Gu Yao led people to cover their retreat, and was hit by an arrow flying from a distance. Fortunately, he was wearing the armor given by Gu Nanyan, but he was hit by an arrow in the arm.

But the valley was humid, and he hadn't had a good rest. After all, Gu Yao was old, and he developed a high fever at night.

Before leaving Beijing, Bai Zhi gave them a small box, which contained a lot of things, one of which was antipyretic powder.

Gu Shen had someone give him medicine, and the high fever subsided the next day.

Seeing that these medicines worked so well, Gu Yao refused to take them again after he woke up, and insisted on keeping them for a few seriously injured soldiers.

Seeing that his fever had subsided, Gu Shen didn't insist, so he asked people to share the medicine.

However, in the next few days, Gu Yao's condition did not improve. On the second day, he started to have fever again, and the wound was red and swollen.

He marched in a hurry and packed lightly. There were not many medicinal materials accompanying the army, and the medicinal effects were not effective in reducing fever, so that Gu Yao hadn't recovered until now.

Looking at his [-]-year-old son with a resolute expression, he sighed and closed his eyes.

Calabash Valley is easy to defend but difficult to attack, and the mountain is so steep that it is impossible to pass through it. There are only two exits, front and rear, which are Huluzui.

If the two exits are enclosed, the people inside will not be able to escape even with their wings.

Otherwise, the Daliang army would not have chosen such a place and wanted to surround them to death.

But food has been out for several days now, and for some reason, there has been no reinforcements from the border town.

Gu Yao knew in his heart that the situation on Prince Jing's side was also worrying, and there was no way to allocate troops to rescue them.

This is why they have not sent anyone to break out for help until now.

The border town is only a few days away from here, and the news of their siege must have already spread. If Prince Jing still has the strength to spare, he will not fail to come to the rescue.

What's more, the military camp is at the border, even if someone breaks out, the officials in the county government office will not be able to force Daliang's army back.

When Gu Shen made this decision at this time, it was nothing more than a desperate struggle.

Gu Yao patted his son's shoulder, and squeezed out a smile on his pale, wrinkled face.

"As expected of me, the son of the Gu family, my father is proud of you."

Although doing so is tantamount to death, if it succeeds, the son will be able to save his life, and the old wife will not lose two relatives in a short time.

Moreover, Gu Yao had originally decided to lead all the Zhenbei Army to fight a bloody road tomorrow. At least it would be better to be able to pull a few soldiers back, than to starve to death here.

Seeing that Gu Yao didn't say anything more, Gu Shen helped him to lie down, and carefully tucked the quilt for him, then got up and walked outside.

When they reached the door, Gu Shen paused.

"Father, if my son dies this time, please take care of Sister Nan for me. I am useless as a father, and I have caused this child to suffer a lot. If it is possible..."

Gu Shen's throat swelled and his voice was choked with sobs.

"If it is possible, father will give sister Nan the dowry in advance of the money that the son of the separated family will get in advance, and ask sister-in-law to find a good family for her. I don't want wealth and glory, but I only hope that she will be safe and successful."

After he finished speaking, he stood there without moving, as if he was waiting for Gu Yao's promise.

Gu Yao chuckled twice, with bitterness on his face, but he pretended to be relaxed and teased: "Boy, are you thinking about family property before your father dies?"

"Sister Nan is the daughter of my Gu family. Even if there is no father, your mother and your brother's family will take good care of her."

Gu Yao looked at the top of the cave with a tired voice.

"Besides, with Nan's ability, no one can bully her, so don't worry."

I don't know who his granddaughter resembles, so she is not the one who suffers, and sometimes it is funny that she must be reported.

As if guaranteed by Gu Yao, Gu Shen's side face under the moonlight curved into a smile, and then strode out.

Gu Yao continued to stare at the top of the cave in a daze, an old tear slipped from the corner of some cloudy eyes.

At the same time, Gu Nanyan was dressed in black, and slowly approached the Calabash Valley alone, as if he was looking for something.

She avoided the Daliang army stationed around, circled around the mountain, and finally stopped at a cave.

This cave was discovered when she was studying the map. It is very hidden, and there is only a small ink dot left on the map. If you don't look carefully, it is easy to miss it.

There should have been a landslide near the entrance of the cave, and a huge stone was blocked there.

In order not to make any noise, Gu Nanyan carefully picked up the huge boulder and moved it aside when the surrounding Daliang army discovered it.

The entrance of the cave was a little narrow, so Gu Nanyan walked in sideways.

What was different from the outside was that the inside was very spacious, and a passageway that could accommodate two people appeared in front of her.

Gu Nanyan took out the flashlight and walked in along the passage, but after a quarter of an hour, the front of him suddenly opened up.

Looking at the cave the size of a football field, Gu Nanyan nodded in satisfaction.

Gu Yunze often collects some weird things for her, including many old miscellaneous notes.

She once saw a description of Calabash Valley in a book of former courts.

It is said that Emperor Wu of the Ming Dynasty in the previous dynasty was defeated by the founding emperor of Jianan and fled to the vicinity of Calabash Valley with his remnants.

And hid in the mountain to escape the hunt.

Seeing that the general situation was over, Emperor Wu of the Ming Dynasty hid the treasures of the previous dynasty in the cave, hoping that future generations could use these things to regain the throne, and then disappeared.

Gu Nanyan glanced around, seeing that there was nothing of value in the cave except stones, she couldn't help being disappointed for a while.

Sure enough, the miscellaneous notes are all made up. I'm afraid the author of the book discovered this hidden cave and imagined the treasure.

She smacked her lips regretfully, and began to pour food out of the space.

During the last special event in the mall, more than half of the 999 servings of wheat flour she bought was left. Gu Nanyan took them out and thought about it before opening the mall again.

Calculated according to the daily consumption of more than one catty of grain per person in the Zhenbei Army, these flours can only support the food of [-] troops for two days.

After she opened the mall, she struggled for a moment between flour and rice, and chose rice.

Another hesitation between buying and pre-ordering.

Finally gritted his teeth and chose to buy.

As the saying goes, if good steel is used wisely, it is better to pay this kind of small money in cash, otherwise, if there is an urgent need someday, it will be bad if the amount reaches the upper limit.

888 hid in the corner, watching Gu Nanyan pay with a guilty conscience.

It suddenly regretted that it should have told her the truth about the trial rules at the beginning, food was consumables, and the rules stated that consumables could not be returned.

Gu Nanyan can choose to try it out, and wait for the rice to be eaten before getting a refund for free prostitution.

It's just that the money has already been paid, so 888 will not be so stupid as to blow himself up, and quietly hides.

Gu Nanyan didn't find a certain dumpling with a guilty conscience.

She took out the rice she had just bought and covered her heart in distress.

As she walked out, she comforted herself that Li Mi would return the money in double when she returned to Beijing, and if he dared not give it back, she would go to the treasury to get it herself!

(End of this chapter)

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