The farmer has a mall

Chapter 176 The Invulnerable Baby

Chapter 176 The Invulnerable Baby
Outside Calabash Valley, the moonlight had already begun to slant westward, and the sound of swords clashing could be heard not far away.

Gu Nanyan had just moved the boulder back to its original position when he heard movement.

She frowned and looked towards the source of the voice.

She saw the torch flickering over there, and with her eyesight, she could clearly see that two parties were fighting.

Gu Shen slashed at the person in front of him, avoiding the oncoming red-tasseled spear, and watched the Zhenbei army around him fall one by one with red eyes.

There are more and more Daliang troops around, but only a dozen people are left in the 100-man team that originally broke through.

The owner of the red-tasseled gun sat on a tall war horse, looking down at him with a leisurely posture, as if he was looking at flowers on horseback.

"Little General Gu, you are at the end of your battle, why don't you surrender to our main beam, and save your life in vain."

Xiao Chong held the rein of the horse with one hand, speaking bewitchingly.

"With the prestige of the old general, if you are willing to surrender, you will definitely be appreciated by the Holy Majesty. Why not do it when the time comes?"

Gu Shen rescued a small soldier and cut down two of them, and said angrily to Xiao Chong: "You shameless bastards, you only use tricks to take advantage of others' danger. I, Gu Jiaerlang, am loyal to the emperor, how can I fight with you villains?" For the team!"

Xiao Chong laughed when he heard the words, he was not ashamed.

"As the saying goes, soldiers never tire of cheating. Since I can take you down with the least loss, why should I stick to small details? The little general doesn't even know how to use soldiers?"

Xiao Chong is about the same age as Gu Shen, but he is a small general, obviously he does not take him seriously.

In his opinion, the Gu family members are all reckless men who can only use brute force, and he can defeat them as long as he uses a little tricks.

It was as if this time, he was just playing tricks.

While having people hold Cui Yanping back, he walked around to the only way for the army from the rear, forcing the opponent into a corner.

He won the northern army of fifty thousand towns without any effort.

Seeing his complacent appearance, Gu Shen felt resentful in his heart.

His father has fought for decades, so he naturally knows the art of war.

But Daliang Jun's behavior of taking advantage of the chaos in Xihu to take advantage of it is really annoying.

Besides, Calabash Valley is only a few tens of miles away from Prince Jing's fief, so there should be sentries nearby to observe the surrounding situation at all times, and report it immediately if there is any disagreement.

But this time, tens of thousands of people were ambushed by the Daliang Army at the door of the house, and no one reported to them during the period!

Such an outrageous omission was something that Gu Yao and he did not expect.

Even so, with Gu Yao's experience, he wouldn't be besieged. He would definitely let the army rest a hundred miles away, and then enter the city after regaining strength.

However, King Jing's people sent people to pick them up during the rest of the night, saying that the Xihu people stepped up their offensive for some reason, and King Jing might not be able to resist losing another city, so they rushed to the border town overnight.

Prince Jing is the prince, and Gu Yao is only a courtier after all, and the king's order cannot be violated.

And the person who sent the letter was King Jing's long-term follower, Gu Yao had seen it before, even though he had some doubts, he had to obey.

Unexpectedly, just after walking dozens of miles, someone made dumplings!

Gu Shen gritted his teeth, and waved his sword one after another in anger, as if he wanted to vent all the unwillingness in his heart.

Corpses piled up around him quickly, and the Zhenbei Army behind him fell down a few more people.

Half an hour later, Xiao Chong finally put away the teasing smile on his face, and looked at Gu Shen with a serious expression.

Although the other party seemed to be exhausted at the moment, he alone was able to protect the few soldiers behind him, which lasted for more than an hour.

There were no less than a hundred Daliang soldiers who died under his knife!
This is not what Xiao Chong wants to see.

Although he wanted to continue playing with Gu Shen, it would be detrimental to his prestige if he continued like this.

Xiao Chong squinted his eyes, rode his horse forward, and aimed at the moment when Gu Shen's knife struck out, aimed at the back of his heart and stabbed it.

Although Xiao Chong is insidious and cunning, his kung fu is real.

Coupled with the fact that Gu Shen was physically and mentally exhausted, and there were besieging soldiers all around, this stab could not be avoided no matter what.

Gu Shen gritted his teeth, tensed his muscles, and let the opponent stab him in the back.

Xiao Chong thought he gave up resistance, and was about to mock him.

However, he saw that his extremely sharp spear point only pierced the opponent's silver armor and tore his clothes. It was difficult to go any further!
He retracted the spear, seeing that Gu Shen was just pushed back, he was so shocked that he forgot to shoot for a while.

Although the spear didn't pierce the flesh, the strong force made Gu Shen grin his teeth, he almost passed out, and the back of his heart was suddenly numb.

But seeing Xiao Chong's dazed look, he still raised the corners of his mouth proudly.

This black armor was given by his own daughter.

Although it feels like an ordinary piece of clothing, it is full of toughness.

Even if his father flaunted it in front of him all day long, it is said that the iron-sharp sword given by his daughter would not be able to pierce it, let alone this man's scrap metal!
Thinking of Gu Nanyan, Gu Shen felt uncomfortable.

He was afraid that he would never see his daughter's cold little face again.

I can't see the day when she gets married in a fiery red wedding dress.

I don't know about that child, will he blame him for not fulfilling his responsibility as a father?
Xiao Chong was dazed for a moment, his eyes glistened after he tasted the smell.

His red-tasseled spear was forged with a lot of gold, so it is not an exaggeration to call it a magic weapon.

However, Gu Shen was able to not even break the layer of oily skin under his gunshot, there must be something wrong with him!

Thinking that Gu Yao only injured his arm under the random arrows before, and the arrows hit his body without bleeding at all, he thought it was because his armor was hard.

Now it seems that these two people probably have treasures in them!

Xiao Chong's eyes were burning, and he forgot about the emperor's confession of asking him to recruit security. He decided to kill Gu Shen here first, and then talk after getting the things on his body.

So Xiao Chong calmed down and attacked Gu Shen again, this time the attack was full of ruthlessness.

Gu Shen saw that he was getting serious, and desperately wanted to see his daughter again, and even fought him to a tie!

Seeing this situation, Xiao Chong fought even more mercilessly, and fought him with great strength.

After all, Gu Shen was hungry for a few days, and he fought for so long before.

After blocking Xiao Chong's shot, he saw that a small soldier beside him had been chopped off by a pocket head. If the cut was real, half of his head would have to be cut off, so he raised his knife to block it.

But he didn't want Xiao Chong to wait for this moment, before Gu Shen retracted his knife, he quickly stabbed at the other party's throat.

It's too late for Gu Shen to stop now!
Knowing that he was bound to die, he sighed in his heart, full of regret for not being able to see his daughter again.

If the news of his death in battle is sent back, I don't know if that girl will be sad?
She has lost her mother since she was born, and now his useless father is leaving too. Will a child who has no father or mother be bullied?

Gu Shen raised his head, as if he saw his daughter running towards her in black.

He opened his arms, even though he knew it was an illusion, he still wanted to take her into his arms.

In the distance, Gu Nanyan ran towards Gu Shen with the Sunshade taken out from the space in his hand.

When he got close, Gu Nanyan couldn't help twitching the corner of his mouth when he saw Jiuquan with his arms outstretched and a smile on his face.

Seeing that the tip of the spear was only half an inch away from Gu Yao, she didn't have time to think about it, she raised it to cover the sun with cold eyes, and slashed at the man's arm.

Xiao Chong felt a strong evil spirit coming from his side, and his vigilance of fighting in the battlefield all the year round made him want to withdraw his arm reflexively.

But before he could move, a cold light flashed across.

Then the arm holding the red tasseled gun fell off his body.

Because Gu Nanyan shot too quickly, Xiao Chong didn't feel any pain for a while, and his vision followed the detached arm in a daze.

It wasn't until someone around him exclaimed that he regained his sanity.

Feeling a gurgling heat gushing out from under his arm, Xiao Chong stared blankly at his arm.

Seeing the obviously shortened arm, his face turned pale instantly, followed by severe pain.

There was also Gu Shen who had been sprayed with blood all over his face.

He opened his mouth in a daze, tasted the smell of iron in his mouth, looked at Gu Nanyan's face with disgust, and suddenly felt sour in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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