The farmer has a mall

Chapter 177 Rescue Gu Shen

Chapter 177 Rescue Gu Shen

The main general was injured, and the soldiers below were in a state of confusion for a moment. They didn't know whether to continue fighting or send the general back for treatment. The scene was quiet for a while.

Xiao Chong lay on the ground with a pale face.

His subordinates supported his upper body, and frantically tore off the robe on his body to bandage his wound.

"What are you doing in a daze, you haven't taken Gu Shen down yet!" the subordinate shouted.

Then he looked at Gu Nanyan, his expression was not very good.

What happened today was supposed to be safe, but unfortunately Xiao Chong was too conceited, he only cared about playing Gu Shen, and ended up losing an arm in it.

If these people are allowed to escape again, not to mention the general Xiao Chong, even a little captain like him will eat melons.

His eyes were hardened, he gritted his teeth and said: "The generals obey the order, the general has an order, order you to take Gu Shen down, and the rest will be killed without mercy!"

Only then did everyone have a backbone, and once again surrounded Gu Shen and the others.

Of the 100 people that Gu Shen brought with him when he left the valley, there are now only seven left, and the nearly two hours of fighting has left them exhausted.

"Girl, please take the general with you, we will cut off the queen for you!" One of them was holding a knife on the ground, his limbs were trembling.

"Yes, girl, take the general away, as long as you arrive in Songyang County, you will be safe." Another person said.

He was also in bad condition, he was cut on the thigh, and Gu Nanyan could clearly see his rolled flesh.

Gu Shen heard the words but firmly disagreed: "Sister Nan, Daddy can still hold on, you go to Songyang County by yourself and inform the county magistrate to send a letter to King Jing, asking him to send someone to rescue."

Although the possibility of rescue is very slim, Gu Shen still wants to try.

Gu Nanyan looked at the eight "old, weak, sick and disabled" in front of him and rolled his eyes.

"I use you to cover?" She impatiently pushed Gu Shen back, blocking several people behind her.

"Run into the woods, the kamikaze team is there."

After saying that, her eyes sharpened, and she raised a 200-jin sunshade, and swung it out neatly.

Gu Shen wanted to object, but Gu Nanyan seemed to have expected it a long time ago. He took out a sword in one hand, and took out a needle tube containing anesthetics in the other hand, and stabbed it with a needle.

Before Gu Shen could react, he rolled his eyes and passed out.

The seven Zhenbei Army were a little stunned. They couldn't figure out how this girl would attack their little general even if they didn't agree with each other.

"Get lost!" Gu Nanyan said angrily.

Several people hastily lifted Gu Shen up, afraid that the girl would also give them a shot.

Gu Nanyan's big sword was so airtight that he blocked the Daliang army on the opposite side a few steps away and could not advance an inch.

Xiao Chong bled a lot, at this moment he looked at her through the crowd in a dizzy state, his expression seemed to be eating people!

But Gu Nanyan didn't pay attention to him, and chopped down several people. Seeing that Gu Shen and others had run away, he took out a grenade and threw it out.

After a loud bang, Liang Jun was blown out of a gap, and blood and flesh flew across, quickly staining the ground under his feet.

There were wailing sounds, and the scene was instantly like purgatory.
These ancients have never seen this kind of battle, even if it is struck by lightning, they have never heard of any thunder that can smash people to pieces!
The eyes they looked at Gu Nanyan instantly became terrified. Many people couldn't hold their weapons, and the sound of metal falling to the ground sounded one after another.

Gu Nanyan looked as usual, took out two black things again, threw them into the crowd, and retreated quickly.

After the thing fell to the ground, there were bursts of smoke, and Daliang Jun who was standing nearby retreated quickly, but was sneezed by the pungent smell in the smoke, and his eyes were also stinging.

Everyone wanted to escape, but the smoke was so thick that they couldn't see the direction at all.

Coupled with the fact that he couldn't open his eyes, and the snot and tears flowed together, the scene became chaotic.

From time to time, people fell and were trampled, and even Xiao Chong was stepped on a few times inadvertently.

Gu Nanyan didn't want to get entangled with these people, so he went straight to the place where the kamikaze team was stationed.

At this time, the sky was getting brighter, and Gu Yao, who was wearing armor in Calabash Valley, paused.

He looked towards the gourd mouth in disbelief.

Gu Yao's heart was pounding, and he hurriedly asked someone to investigate.

"General Qi, I don't know what happened in Daliang's army. Xiao Chong has returned and seems to have been seriously injured. The other soldiers who were traveling with him are also quite embarrassed. Many of them were carried back."

He paused, looked at Gu Yao hesitantly and said, "There is no little general in it."

"It's Sister Nan..." Gu Yao affirmed, his originally pale complexion became even uglier.

Although he knew that Cui Yanping had begged Gu Nanyan for a few thunders before leaving Beijing, but the situation in the south was critical, and Cui Yanping would never take the risk of coming to support at this time.

"General, everyone has assembled, do you want to leave the valley now?"

Although they knew that they were going to die, they were not afraid at all, and would rather die with the general than surrender.

Gu Yao supported the mountain wall, just took a fever-reducing medicine, and he felt better.

"Wait a little longer." Gu Yao looked up at the sky with a complicated expression.

Although I don't know how the granddaughter who stayed well in the capital would appear here, but the news of Xiao Chong's serious injury shows that the two sides met and the granddaughter did not suffer.

And no matter what the reason is, if Gu Shen was captured or died in battle, according to Xiao Chong's temperament, he must bring his son's body back and show it off in front of him, so as to damage the morale of the Zhenbei army.

Now that Gu Shen is not in the team, does that mean that Sister Nan has successfully rescued her father?

Gu Yao sat down slowly, with no expression on his face.

After a while, he laughed softly.

"Okay, okay!" As expected of Gu Yao's granddaughter!

Although he was worried, he was more proud.

When Gu Nanyan returned to the camp, Gu Shen and others had already been taken to treat their wounds.

"Master, my subordinates have already investigated, and there are fifty thousand troops in Calabash Valley, and the main general is Xiao Chong, General Huwei of Daliang Kingdom." Suhebalu replied.

He is agile, so Gu Nanyan sent him to investigate ahead.

"So many?" Gu Nanyan frowned upon hearing this.

There are tens of thousands of people in the valley, and the goal is too big. Rescuing them is not as simple as saving Gu Shen.

If she leads people to attack from the front, even though there are thunders, 1000 people are still too risky against [-].

These people are the core of the development of the kamikaze force, and she is reluctant to let them lose their lives.

Gu Nanyan waved Su He to do other things, and she took out the map to study again.

Let's talk about Gu Shen's side, the seven soldiers who were trying to hold on, passed out as soon as they arrived at the camp, and the only one who was awake was Gu Shen.

After bandaging the wound, he was about to rush to Songyang County, but was stopped by Ashlan.

"The master said that no one is allowed to leave the camp without her order. Please return to the account to rest well. Don't make things difficult for your subordinates." Ashlan repeated for countless times.

Facing this tall Xihu man, Gu Shen is not much inferior to him in terms of stature.

But facing the opponent's tough attitude, Gu Shen blew his beard and stared angrily.

Your master is still my own daughter!

Gu Shen slandered, thinking of his father's original plan, scratched his head irritably.

"Tell Sister Nan to let me out. I have to go to Songyang County."

Gu Shen paused, and rarely explained: "Sister Nan's grandfather is afraid to break out, so I have to bring someone back to rescue her."

Now that he escaped, he couldn't ignore his father and fifty thousand soldiers.

"As far as my subordinates know, there are not many garrisons in Songyang County, and it will be useless even if the general goes." Ashlan stated the facts expressionlessly.

"Then I'll go to the border town to find Prince Jing!" Gu Shen insisted.

From Songyang to the border town, if he worked hard day and night, he would be able to come back in a few days. According to my father's ability, I hope it can be delayed until then.

Gu Shen looked serious, looking at Ashlan with serious and firm eyes.

"Get out of the way!" he said.

"Impossible." Ashlan replied calmly.

He has always carried out Gu Nanyan's orders thoroughly, even if this person is Gu Nanyan's biological father.

(End of this chapter)

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