The farmer has a mall

Chapter 178 Cave Explosion

Chapter 178 Cave Explosion
Gu Shen almost lost his temper, he really didn't understand where the girl found such a fool who didn't know how to adapt.

"Then take me to see Sister Nan, and I'll tell her personally!"

At that time, he must sue him in front of his daughter!
Who would have thought that Ashlan refused again: "No, the master is resting after being tired all night, no one can bother him."

Gu Shen: "..."

Although Sister Nan worked hard, he also felt distressed, so he planned to go to Songyang County alone without saying hello.

But you let me go!

Gu Shen anxiously wished to throw this man out, thinking that he was a subordinate that his daughter trusted very much, so he raised his hand and put it down again.

Ashlan showed no expression the whole time, and stood in front of him with a paralyzed face.

Gu Shen had no choice but to go back to the camp and wait for his daughter to wake up.

Unexpectedly, she didn't wake up until late in the evening after falling asleep.

Gu Nanyan, who was sitting at the table eating, saw him rushing in, and continued stuffing the steamed buns into his mouth without raising his head.

I have to say that Bai Zhi's craftsmanship is really getting better and better, as expected of Brown Sugar who taught her.

Although the preparations were a little too small to fit her teeth, but in this day and age, it would be nice to be able to eat a delicious hot meal when going out.

Therefore, Gu Nanyan chewed and swallowed contentedly, seeing Gu Shen sitting opposite her, she also pulled a few steaming steamers towards her.

Gu Shen: "..."

He pretended not to see Gu Nanyan's movements, and coughed twice.

"Sister Nan, Daddy has to find help to save your grandfather, tell the camp guards to let me out."

Gu Nanyan stuffed two steamed buns in his mouth, and said vaguely: "Are you sure you can find support?"

Gu Shen paused, not knowing how to answer her.

Gu Nanyan was not in any trouble, and after swallowing the food in his mouth, he said calmly: "If you insist on going, then you can walk with us after dark, and we can escort you along the way."

Her behavior yesterday was considered to be a warning to the enemy, it could be that someone had already discovered their location, so she was extra cautious.

Gu Shen was puzzled: "What are you guys going to do at night?"

Now it was past dinner time, only the soldiers sitting and chatting together in twos and threes, and no one else was seen.

"Go to Calabash Valley." Gu Nanyan said concisely. She found something on the map and planned to take someone to see it.

Gu Yao thought that he was going to save someone, so he suddenly got up when he heard the words.

"No, absolutely not!" He said.

This was the first time he had spoken to her so loudly since their reunion.

Seeing Gu Nanyan squinting at him, he didn't feel scared either.

"It's bullshit!"

Gu Shen paced back and forth in the tent, his voice full of anger.

"Daliang Army has tens of thousands of people, what are you going to do? You are not enough people to put people's teeth in!"

"I firmly disagree!" Gu Shen showed his father's majesty and said very sternly.

What's the use if you don't agree?
Gu Nanyan curled her lips, ignored him, swallowed the last few buns, and left the tent.

Gu Shen hurriedly followed behind, intending to continue persuading her.

As a result, as soon as I went out, I saw that everyone had assembled and was dismantling the tent.

Only then did I know that she had already ordered it.

"Miss Nan, you are obedient. Although Xiao Chong is injured, there are other generals who can lead the troops. The defense will not be much lower. You might as well bring them back to Beijing overnight. After what happened this morning, they dare not pursue him. you."

What he said was almost dry, but Gu Nanyan didn't move at all.

His blue and black face was full of fatigue, obviously he didn't have a good rest.

The seven Zhenbei troops who were rescued by Gu Nanyan followed behind the kamikaze team.

Seeing that they were moving neatly and neatly, he suddenly felt a little ashamed, and involuntarily adjusted the wooden armor on his body, and stepped forward to help.

In the dense forest not far from Calabash Valley, the kamikaze team is moving rapidly.

Without exception, their military boots were all wrapped with cotton cloth, and they made no sound when they walked.

It was a bit difficult for the Zhenbei Army in the back to follow.

They looked at the sullen Gu Shen and asked softly, "General, are these people really from our Northern Army?"

A few of them can be singled out to break through with Gu Shen, their own quality is good, they are considered old people in the army.

But compared with these people, he looks like a new recruit!
Gu Shen is upset, he can't control his daughter, he can only follow her to see what she wants to do, and if she encounters danger, he can also stand in her way.

"Nonsense, the old general picked the person himself." Gu Shen said angrily.

"Really." One of them panted heavily, admiring Gu Nanyan even more.

They didn't know Gu Nanyan's identity when they were rescued, but they heard it from the kamikaze team later.

The news of the kamikaze team's military exercise in the capital has long been spread, and I am very grateful for the actions of these comrades who have been rumored to be heavenly soldiers and generals, who have traveled thousands of miles to rescue them.

Although they were also a little worried that the kamikaze team would not be able to defeat the enemy, the folks had already made them a myth, and they were rumored to be capable of breaking heaven and earth, and they were vaguely looking forward to it.

Gu Nanyan led a group of people to the cave where the food was stored, and after everyone went in, the entrance of the cave was tightly blocked, and nothing unusual could be seen from the outside.

As the eyes gradually opened up, an open space was revealed.

After seeing the food in that area, Gu Shen froze.

"Where did this come from!"

To transport so much grain and grass, there must be a lot of noise, and it is only a few hundred meters away from the place where Daliang's army is stationed, so it is impossible for them not to be disturbed at all.

But now the food is still stored here, which shows that the Daliang Army did not find it.

Could it be that these are the enemy's food reserves?
As soon as this idea came to mind, Gu Shen denied it.

If it was really the food and grass of the enemy army, there would be no one guarding the entrance of the cave.

But if it is said that these grains were brought by Gu Nanyan...

That's unless the food had already been shipped over before the Daliang Army arrived!

Gu Shen looked at his daughter who was holding the map and knocking around with a complicated expression.

Could it be that Sister Nan already knew that Xihu would attack the city and made preparations in advance?

Hard as it was to believe, that was the only reason that could explain the situation at hand.

Gu Nanyan circled around the cave, and finally stopped at one place, standing in front of the stone wall, frowning.

According to the sign on the map, the opposite side of this stone wall is the inside of Calabash Valley.

If they can enter from here, it will not only solve the current crisis of the Zhenbei Army, but also make it easier for the kamikaze team to break out.

It's just that the ancient maps are too rough, and the thickness of the stone wall cannot be seen from it.

She estimated the location of the lower hole, and listened with her ears pressed against the wall.

Then he took out a few dusty, plasticine-like things from the space, and stuck them on.

Gu Nanyan asked everyone to step back, while she held a black box with a bump about the size of a thumb in her hand, and stepped back a few meters away.

Before Gu Shen could figure out what she was doing, she saw her daughter's white and tender fingers pressing on the protrusion, and there was a loud noise.

Although this sound is not as loud as the thunder, it is enough to make people's tinnitus dizzy in a closed space.

Everyone was a little unsteady, a lot of smoke and dust was stirred up around, and some stones began to fall from the top of their heads.

"Sister Nan!"

Gu Shen was worried about his daughter, and ignored the pain from the stone hitting his body, so he covered his head and moved towards her.

But Gu Nanyan was covering his mouth and nose with a cloth towel, squinting his eyes and standing calmly in front of the stone wall that had been blown into a big hole.

Seeing that she was not injured, Gu Shen was relieved and at the same time was speechless.

Could this girl be too stupid!

Not to mention whether such a big movement will attract the Liang army, if a landslide accidentally occurs, wouldn't they all be buried here? !
The tremor lasted for a few breaths and then stopped. Gu Nanyan stepped forward to have a look, and seeing that the tunnel was not blown out, she frowned again.

She looked towards the top of the cave, and estimated that the cave might not be able to withstand the second explosion.

Although the passage was not blasted, she felt that it should not be far from Yanzhong.

After thinking for a while, Gu Nanyan took out a hammer from the space and began to smash it hard.

She used [-]% to [-]% of her strength, and every time she hammered down, it was a big hole!
Under her hands, those hard hands are as fragile as a pile of sand.

In just a quarter of an hour's time, he has already opened up two or three meters away!

(End of this chapter)

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