Chapter 179
On the other side of the stone wall, Gu Yao and his clothes were lying on the haystack to recharge his batteries.

He rubbed his hungry, aching stomach, thinking about breaking out of the siege two hours later.

Although he knew that Gu Shen would find a way to ask for reinforcements, but the army had been out of food for several days.

These days, I can only rely on some wild vegetables to wrap my stomach, but today there are not many wild vegetables.

Even if the reinforcements arrived, it would be a few days later, and all the edible food in the valley had been picked, so they might not be able to last that long.

And the chaos created by Sister Nan gave him a chance.

It was the middle of the night when they were sleepy, and the Daliang army must have been out of their minds after being frightened. In addition, the main general was seriously injured and the army was in a state of confusion. This is the best time to break out of the encirclement.

Gu Yao turned over, sat up in a hungry stomach, picked up the water bag and gulped down cold water.

Feeling more comfortable in his stomach, he was just about to lie down for another hour, but he felt some tremors in the cave, and dust fell down rustlingly.

Gu Yao was taken aback, thinking that Dilong had turned over, so he got up quickly and wanted to run outside.

As soon as he ran to the entrance of the cave, the tremor stopped.

Then there was a burst of knocking sound.

Gu Yao put his hand on the stone wall in doubt, and there was a very regular vibration in the palm of his hand.

He paused, leaned against the wall and listened for a while, but unfortunately he couldn't hear anything except the knocking sound.

Just as he wanted to get up, the sound stopped, followed by a knocking sound, and a small hole appeared in the stone wall instantly.

Gu Yao took two steps back cautiously, holding the knife in his hand with a dignified expression.

Just when he thought that the enemy army was playing tricks, a white and tender finger stretched out, bent its knuckles and dug hard, making the small hole bigger.

Immediately afterwards, Gu Nanyan's ashen little face appeared in front of the cave's entrance.

Gu Yao:! ! !
Seeing Gu Nanyan greeted him with a smile, Gu Yao made an expression on his old face.

He touched the hard stone wall with his hands and swallowed.

Is this girl transformed from a pangolin? How did she manage such a hard granite!
Gu Yao was trembling, and the knife in his hand almost fell and fell on his foot, but luckily he held it tightly in time.

On the other side, everyone opened their mouths wide and watched Gu Nanyan break the stone with his bare hands in shock, feeling like he was dreaming!

When Gu Shen saw that her daughter's claws passed five deep holes, she froze and her expression was a little dazed.

Even though he had known for a long time that his daughter's strength was beyond the reach of ordinary people, the scene before him still made his heart tremble.

He secretly imitated her gestures and scratched hard on the rock wall, but in the end it was only a layer of skin scratched on his fingers...

Gu Shen: "..."

I suddenly felt that I couldn't straighten my back in front of my daughter...

Sitting opposite Gu Yao, Gu Nanyan took out a few steamed buns from the backpack behind him and gnawed on them.

After hearing the whole story, Gu Yao was in a sluggish state.

When he knew that there was still a lot of rice next door, he almost tore off his beard in excitement.

The Zhenbei Army moved out the food happily, and the group leader hurriedly lit the fire to cook, but the rice fragrance escaped after a while.

Although there is only rice, the crystal clear rice grains are even sweeter than the best rice on the market. In addition, everyone has had no rice for many days, and everyone is hungry.

Ashlan used to think that it was wrong for them to rob the Han people of food in Xihu, but it was too ruthless for Jia Nanguo to kill Xihu people when they saw them.

However, looking at this scene at this time, I felt a little sour in my heart.

Gu Nanyan came from behind him and stood side by side with him.

"War is fair and cruel to everyone."

Her voice was faint, as if recalling something.

Ashlan's lips moved, her voice was difficult.

"Can't we coexist peacefully and let the people live in peace and stability?"

Gu Nanyan didn't speak.

Even in modern times, wars are inevitable. It is not uncommon for some countries to secretly resort to means to trigger wars for their own interests, allowing other countries to compete for their own benefits.

If you want the people to be safe, unless the country is strong enough to prevent foreign countries from invading!

Seeing that Ashlan was in a trance, Gu Nanyan didn't bother him anymore.

The Zhenbei army rested for three days and recovered their strength, so Gu Shen proposed to go out of the valley.

He looked at Gu Nanyan and said, "Sister Nan, do you still have Lei that day? How many can Daddy buy?"

He knew that Cui Yanping spent a lot of money to buy it. Although Gu Nanyan was his daughter, Gu Shen didn't want her to suffer.

"Do you have a plan?" Gu Yao asked after hearing him talking about Tianlei.

"It's not really a plan." Gu Shen said.

"The Zhenbei army is trapped here because the mouth of the gourd is too narrow. Going out rashly is equivalent to being surrounded and slaughtered, but what if the exit is blown open?"

Gu Nanyan's act of bombing the cave a few days ago gave him inspiration.

If the two armies meet head-on with the expansion of exports, they may not necessarily lose.

Gu Yao thought it was feasible, and nodded in agreement.

"It's a good idea."

He looked at Gu Nanyan lovingly: "Grandfather has given away the money, so when you return to Beijing, go find your uncle to get it."

Not to mention anything else, his granddaughter dared to come to the rescue with only 1000 people, that's really courageous!
Gu Nanyan pondered for a moment, then shook her head decisively.

"No." She said.

"I saw the situation near the exit a few days ago. The mouth of the gourd is in the air. It has been weathered and fragile after years of wind and sun. If it is blown by thunder..."

"It might cause a chain reaction, causing the entire Gourd Valley to collapse, and even if it grows wings, it won't be able to fly out."

Not to mention bombing, she stayed in this valley in fear every day, for fear that she would be buried at some point.

Gu Shen frowned when he heard the words, and felt that what the girl said made sense.

"Then shall we continue to be trapped here?" Gu Shen was a little annoyed.

Although there is still a lot of food in storage, it will be no problem to eat for another ten or twenty days.

But going on like this is not an option. If it spreads that others don't know what to think of their Zhenbei Army, it may become a joke!
Gu Shen scratched his head anxiously, but Gu Yao was much calmer than him.

He looked at Gu Nanyan and asked softly, "Sister Nan, what do you think?"

Gu Nanyan is not hypocritical, so she nods.

"Before I came, Li Yi was already on his way to the Zhenbei Army's garrison. Li Mi asked him to lead the army to the rescue. I think it should be here in a few days."

"We might as well wait another two days. At that time, Li Yi will be in front to attract the enemy's attention. We will be able to defeat them by attacking back and forth."

Although she didn't know the strength of the Zhenbei Army, but with Li Yi's 10 troops, if the total of [-] people can't defeat them, then they might as well go home and sell sweet potatoes.

Although she can lead the kamikaze team to break through, but Gu Nanyan subconsciously doesn't want to be so high-profile, and it only depends on how much ammunition they spend!

Li Mi is so poor, what if she refuses to reimburse her, should she pay for it herself?
Gu Nanyan said, that is absolutely impossible!

Don't look at the fact that credit is available in the mall today, but it still has to be paid back in the end.

Thinking of the huge debt she owed, Gu Nanyan wanted to cry but had no tears.

I don't know if the interest rate in the mall is high or not, she has to find time to discuss with 888 about interest-free!

Gu Shen didn't know how his daughter was feeling at this moment, his eyes lit up when he heard her words.

They were trapped in the valley and had no news from the outside world at all. Now that they heard that the emperor had sent King Sheng, who was always good at fighting, they couldn't help but feel comforted.

"So let's do what Sister Nan said." Gu Yao made a decision.

Although I don't know how the battle on Xihu's side is going, but King Yijing's ability to last for two more days is not a problem.

What's more, the matter of the entourage has not been clarified yet, the man disappeared near the Calabash Valley, obviously there is something wrong.

If it's just that this person is collaborating with the enemy and treason, it's okay, but I'm afraid that this matter is still related to Prince Jing.

Gu Yao has a headache.

"Dad, why don't you feel uncomfortable?"

Seeing him rubbing his temples, Gu Shen thought that his injury was repeated.

Gu Yao waved his hand to show that he was fine.

On the day his granddaughter arrived, he put a bottle on him. Not only did his high fever go away, but even the redness and swelling on the wound disappeared a lot.

She also cured the wounded in the Zhenbei Army, and now they are all alive and kicking.

Gu Yao narrowed his eyes with a smile, and puffed out his chest proudly.

It's still his granddaughter's ability, not only can lead soldiers but also has medical skills, and there is no other person in the world who is better than her!
(End of this chapter)

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