The farmer has a mall

Chapter 180 Meeting an Acquaintance Again

Chapter 180 Meeting an Acquaintance Again
The kamikaze squad took turns guarding the entrance to the cave they had come from.

Zhenbei Army is very envious of this team selected from among them.

There is no other reason, the rumors in Beijing and the description of the seven people who came back with Gu Shen made everyone very curious about the weapons in their hands.

It's just that Gu Nanyan's military regulations at the beginning were very clear, one shot per person, and no one lost the gun.

Anyone who loses the gun in his hand will be kicked out of the kamikaze team.

Therefore, they were very nervous about their weapons. Even if they were acquainted with the curious Zhenbei Army, they would not show their guns to others.

Not even touching it!

You must know that the weapons issued to them are partners, what if these people mess with them, or even break them!
Although everyone is curious about the "stinginess" of the kamikaze team, they understand it.

After all, whoever has such a magical weapon would not take it out casually, let alone the kamikaze team is their benefactor!
If the princess hadn't taken the risk of sending food in, even if they didn't starve to death, they would have lost their lives in the breakout.

Therefore, Gu Nanyan's life in the valley is very nourishing, and someone will do everything for him.

Because she is a woman and a princess, the soldiers also set aside a special place for her to rest.

His popularity is higher than that of the general Gu Yao.

"Princess, one of my subordinates accidentally caught a hare today, and asked the stove to burn it for you and send it over to you. Try it!"

A man with a beard and a dark complexion walked up to Gu Nanyan, followed by a thin and thin guy with his head down.

The gang leader held a small basin in his hand, and his walking posture was a little stiff, as if he was not very flexible.

When Gu Nanyan heard that there was meat to eat, his eyes lit up instantly.

It may be because there are too many people in the valley, let alone hares, she has never seen a pheasant feather!
Gu Nanyan, who ate plain rice mixed with salt particles for a few days, felt that he was about to attain enlightenment.

Seeing her obviously happy, the bearded man hurriedly took the pot of hare and brought it over.

Just kidding, how could he let others have the opportunity to get in touch with the princess so closely!

You must know that in order to meet the legendary princess who descended from the gods, he squatted by the stove on a hot day and waited for nearly an hour!
Wait until the stewed meat in the pot is soft before coming with the food delivery person.

He also wanted to take this opportunity to soak up the fairy spirit of the princess.

Gu Nanyan, who didn't know what he was thinking, was all attracted by the fragrant stew at the moment.

Although the quantity is not large and there are no condiments, she has always been a person who is easily satisfied. It would be nice to have a meal of meat in this case.

She picked up a piece of meat with chopsticks and put it in her mouth. Although it had a fishy smell, it was also very delicious.

Just about to exaggerate the beard, but saw that group of soldiers secretly peeking at her, and immediately lowered her head when she saw her raised her head.

Gu Nanyan was startled, and looked at this person carefully for a moment.

"Where have I met you?" She asked, tilting her head.

He lowered his head so that no one could see his face clearly.

The leader of the gang froze, and rubbed his fingers a little uneasy.

The bearded man was a little upset when he saw that the princess's sight was taken away by the little guy behind him.

"The princess is asking you something, what are you talking about? Could it be a spy sent by the enemy!"

His tone was not very good, and he turned around and pushed the leader of the group.

Perhaps he had used too much strength, and the man staggered and fell to the ground after being pushed by him. He subconsciously supported his body with his hands, rubbing blood marks on both hands.

Seeing this, Gu Nanyan frowned, and looked at the bearded man displeased.

The bearded man was also a little confused, he just "touched" this kid lightly, why did he fall?

"I, I didn't use my strength..." Could this kid be trying to blackmail someone?

He looked at Gu Nanyan uneasily, thinking of leaving a bad impression on his idol when he met for the first time, he wanted to cry but had no tears.

"Princess, this subordinate is really useless." The bearded man's voice was full of grievances, and he didn't know what to do.

Of course, Gu Nanyan knew that he didn't do it on purpose. The army in the Zhenbei Army had strict discipline. If something like bullying his comrades happened, he would be punished with ten sticks!

Military sticks are different from ordinary wooden boards, not to mention thick and heavy, and the executioners are all soldiers, so it is needless to say the strength of the strikes.

Ordinary boards hurt the flesh at most, but the army stick hurts the bones.

"His legs and feet are not good." Gu Nanyan got up and walked to the leader of the gang.

"Can you still get up?" she asked.

The moment the man fell, she saw the man's face clearly.

Gu Nanyan wanted to reach out to help, but the little soldier quickly hid back as if frightened, and the scratches on his hands got worse.

"Princess, my body is full of oily smoke, don't get your hands dirty..." After saying that, she moved back.

Gu Nanyan got up helplessly, and motioned for the bearded man to help him up.

When the bearded man heard that the man had bad legs, he felt very guilty for a moment, and scratched his head in embarrassment after helping him up.

"Brother, I'm sorry."

His voice was very sincere, and the leader quickly waved his hands.

Gu Nanyan took out the hydrogen peroxide and alcohol from the space, and taught the bearded man to clean his wound.

The gang leader originally wanted to refuse, but under her unquestionable gaze, he silently let the bearded man rub his hand gently.

After the medicine was finished, Gu Nanyan made sure that there were no other wounds on his body, and then looked at him helplessly.

"Xu Shun, why are you here?"

Xu Shun looked up in surprise when he heard that Gu Nanyan remembered his name.

"Princess still remembers you?" His voice was full of excitement and joy.

Gu Nanyan smiled and nodded slightly.

This Xu Shun was none other than the teenage soldier who was implicated in his revenge for killing Fang Junhe's son when she first came to the capital, even if her limbs were broken, she was still defending her.

Because Xu Shun injured his knee, it is very difficult to recover to a normal person under the existing medical conditions.

Therefore, Gu Nanyan gave Gu Yao 300 taels of silver and asked him to hand it over to Xu Shun.

They also sent someone to send him back to his hometown, and arranged for his basic necessities, food, housing and transportation.

Seeing him again in the barracks now was somewhat beyond Gu Nanyan's expectation.

Xu Shun scratched his head in embarrassment: "Princess Hui, the villain has no relatives except an elder brother in the countryside, and he really didn't want to leave the army, so he begged the old general to arrange his subordinates in the first camp."

His arm recovered almost as before. Although his leg was a bit inconvenient, it didn't affect his work like chopping wood and lighting a fire.

Gu Nanyan nodded in understanding.

Soldiers have a natural sense of belonging to the army. Many soldiers wipe away tears when they retire. It is not difficult for him to do so.

Seeing that the boy who was pushed by him seemed to know the princess, the bearded man felt a little uneasy.

Seeing that the princess didn't mean to blame him, she breathed a sigh of relief, and stood quietly by the side without daring to disturb the two of them talking.

Gu Nanyan asked about the recovery status of his limbs, and after learning that the situation was similar to what she expected, she looked at him thoughtfully.

Seeing that she didn't speak for a long time, Xu Shun thought that she had doubts about staying in the barracks because of his inconvenience.

Xu Shun, who was afraid that she would let someone send him away again, turned pale.

"Princess, although this subordinate has bad legs and feet, all he does in the camp is chopping firewood, burning fire and cutting vegetables, so it won't delay the big guy's meal..."

As he spoke, his voice lowered.

In the military he was indeed an exception.

Except for those veterans who have military exploits or are injured on the battlefield, which does not affect their actions but are not suitable for fighting again, he should be removed from the military in this situation.

If the old general hadn't spoken up, even the gang leader camp wouldn't have kept him.

Xu Shun's eyes were red.

The princess is his benefactor and object of admiration. If the princess orders, he will obey her and pack up and return to his hometown.

Gu Nanyan tapped her fingers on the small wooden table Zhenbeijun made for her, and shook her head at Xu Shun.

"You are not fit to stay in the gang leader camp."

it is as expected……

Xu Shun lowered his head in frustration.

 Thanks for the little cutie who supported me all the way, it’s nice to have you

  By the way, the author really doesn't know how to write emotional dramas, because he is a person who thinks love is beautiful (troublesome) and (troublesome). Up to now, poor Li Xiansen is still a widow, I am also very worried!

  ps: It’s really bald_(:з」∠)_
(End of this chapter)

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