The farmer has a mall

Chapter 181 The Doubt of Zhenbei Army

Chapter 181 The Doubt of Zhenbei Army
"The kamikaze team still lacks a gunner, would you like to join?"

As soon as these words came out, the frustrated Xu Shun was stunned.

When she figured out that Gu Nanyan was inviting him to join the kamikaze team, she suddenly raised her head and looked at her in disbelief.

Seeing his dumbfounded look, Gu Nanyan frowned.

"Why, don't you want to?" She asked intentionally.


Xu Shun hurriedly spoke out, surprise appearing on his face.

Then he thought of his own legs, and said hesitantly: "Thanks to the princess's love, I will do my best to be loyal, but..."

He clutched his trouser legs tightly with both hands, looking a little depressed.

Although he didn't know what gunner meant, since it was a position in the kamikaze team, it must be very important. He couldn't walk easily, could he really do it?

Gu Nanyan saw what he was thinking, and the corner of his mouth slightly opened: "You don't have to think too much, since I asked you, you are naturally qualified for this position."

She really wanted to give Xu Shun a hand, but she would never make fun of her hard work.

The fact that she invited Xu Shun was because of his qualities.

She always puts character first in selecting candidates. In the previous incident, Xu Shun would rather commit suicide than betray, which shows that he is a person who pays great attention to promises.

Once this kind of person is loyal, he will not change even if the sky falls. What she needs most is this kind of person.

There are too many secrets in the kamikaze team. Although the 1000 people are selected by Gu Yao himself, there should be no problem in terms of character.

But people's hearts are separated by belly, and no one knows what will happen in the next moment.

Now the entire kamikaze team is in charge of Ashlan alone, and under him are four barbarians including Suhe Baru.

This management model is very unsound in Gu Nanyan's view.

They were originally from the same tribe, and they had a deep relationship with each other. In this way, the whole team seemed to be the voice of Ashlan.

It's not that Gu Nanyan doesn't trust them, it's just that people are always dominated by emotions, and this kind of situation requires someone who can remind them from the side.

So Xu Shun is a good candidate for her.

A quarter of an hour later, Xu Shun came out of Gu Nanyan's military tent in a daze, followed by a big beard with envy.

He never thought that on a whim, he wanted to soak up the fairy spirit of the princess, but let this kid enter the kamikaze.

The bearded man felt a little regretful, if he brought the stew over by himself today, would he be the one who entered the kamikaze?
Although he was a little jealous of Xu Shun, the bearded man still patted him on the shoulder heartily.

"Brother, the Kamikaze Squad is the place that our Zhenbei Army most yearns for. You're lucky!"

Seeing that Xu Shun was staggered by himself, the bearded man hurriedly supported him.

At the same time, I was even more puzzled.

Why did the princess let someone as strong as him not use it, and use such a weak little kid instead?
After Xu Shun stood firm, he scratched his head naively. He couldn't accept the fact that he was already a member of the kamikaze team for a while, and he was caught in a trance, and then he was staggered.

"It's really a stroke of luck." Xu Shun nodded in agreement.

He didn't expect that he would see the princess one day, let alone that the princess would personally take him under her command.

"I don't know what to call this big brother?" Xu Shun asked.

The bearded man was originally a cheerful person, seeing his simple and honest appearance, the unwillingness and jealousy in his heart disappeared.

"My surname is Deng. I'm a few years older than you. If you don't mind, you can call me Big Brother Deng."

Xu Shun nodded and cupped his hands at him.

"I would like to thank Brother Deng this time. If you hadn't brought me to see the princess, the position of the kamikaze team might belong to Brother Deng, and it wouldn't be my turn."

Xu Shun's words were very sincere, and he bowed deeply to the bearded man.

The bearded man hurriedly avoided, but at the same time he was a little speechless, feeling as if he had been hit by two arrows in his heart.

If it wasn't for the other party's natural demeanor without the slightest hint of sarcasm, he would have thought that this kid was trying to piss him off on purpose!
After calming down the mood of wanting to beat him up, the two had another conversation, and Xu left by the way and went back to pack his bags.

Gu Nanyan asked him to move to the camp of the kamikaze team today and start training him alone tomorrow.

Therefore, Xu Shun went to report to Ashlan with a heavy heart.

For Xu Shun's arrival, the kamikaze team was not surprised and greeted him warmly.

Even seeing his stiff legs when he walked didn't ask much.

After a few days, he became familiar with the others.

Xu Shun took the initiative to tell everyone that his leg was injured. Although the situation may be better through exercise, it will not fully recover.

Everyone encouraged him after hearing the words, but no one looked at him with pity.

It's just that every time it's time to cook, the plate he just got will disappear for no reason, and when it reappears, it's already full of rice.

Or every day when everyone returned to the tent exhausted and needed to fetch water to wash, Xu Shun who waited to show up at the end would always find a bucket full of water in the place where they fetched water to wash every day.

Xu Shuncong had never experienced this kind of situation. While he was deeply moved, he was also puzzled by the unique way of getting along with the kamikaze team.

After hesitating for a few days, he finally found Ashlan and asked the question in his heart.

Ashlan only told him that the princess once said that the strong may need help, but they will never need mercy, because they will soar into the sky one day.

Xu Shun savored it carefully for a moment, and suddenly felt enlightened.

Before, he had low self-esteem because of his inconvenient legs and feet. Facing the pitiful or comforting eyes of everyone, even though he knew that these people had good intentions, he still felt very uncomfortable.

But if he can spread his wings and fly high like the princess said, what is the difference between him and a healthy person?
Xu Shun, who had figured it out, gradually became firmer in his eyes, and his daily training became more arduous.

Seeing his transformation, Gu Nanyan was very relieved even though she didn't know what Ashlan had said to him. She didn't even know that her words changed a person's life.

The news of Xu Shun's joining the Kamikaze Squad spread throughout the Zhenbei Army within a few days.

Like the bearded man, many people don't understand why Gu Nanyan chose such a thin person with leg problems.

The Kamikaze Squad was originally a place that everyone yearned for. Now that someone weaker than themselves was selected, it is inevitable that they have doubts in their hearts.

So at noon a few days later, the bearded man was recommended by everyone, and he went to Gu Nanyan to ask the reason.

For this healthy competition, Gu Yao was not angry. Instead, he looked at his granddaughter with a smile, wondering how she would deal with it.

The bearded man stood awkwardly in front of Gu Nanyan, the corners of his mouth twitching.

"Everyone doesn't doubt the princess's decision, but just want to know why you chose brother Xiaoxu."

The Zhenbei army was united, and they always obeyed Gu Yao's decision, so naturally they didn't mean to be dissatisfied with Gu Nanyan.

The bearded man will stand here, and he is really curious about the way she chooses people.

Gu Nanyan was not angry when he heard the words, but was surprised that Kamikaze had such a high prestige in the army that it became a place that everyone wanted to go to.

On the contrary, Xu Shun felt that he had caused trouble for the princess, so he lowered his head and remained silent.

Seeing this, Gu Nanyan thought for a moment, then told the bearded man to let everyone gather, and then walked out with Xu Shun unhurriedly.

The scene of 5 people standing together is very spectacular.

In order for everyone to see clearly, Gu Nanyan asked them to form a large circle and stand according to their height, and the people in the first few rows sat on the ground.

Xu Shun stood at the same spot with a face full of bewilderment. It was the first time he faced so many people watching, and he was quite nervous.

Seeing that everyone was here, Gu Nanyan didn't talk nonsense, and untied a thunderbolt from his waist.

"Everyone should know what this is, right?" she asked.

They have seen the kamikaze team training during this period of time, so they naturally know what it is, so they nodded.

"Very good!" Gu Nanyan said.

She looked around, and before everyone could figure out what she meant, she walked aside, took off the safety pin on Tianlei, and threw it into the crowd with a wave of her hand!

(End of this chapter)

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