The farmer has a mall

Chapter 182 Confused, Li Yi enters the valley

Chapter 182 Confused, Li Yi enters the valley

The crowd was horrified.

Every time the kamikaze team trains, the onlookers are full of people, so they naturally know the usage of the legendary sky thunder.

I also know how lethal this thing is once triggered!

Seeing that Gu Nanyan threw out such a deadly thing without saying a word, the neatly surrounded team instantly became chaotic, and they all screamed and fled in all directions.

Unexpectedly, before they could go far, they saw a thin and small figure staggering towards Tianlei, and pounced on it.

Everyone looked at this person in surprise, only to realize that he was Xu Shun who had just stood beside Gu Nanyan!

I saw him lying on the Tianlei and quickly turned sideways, holding it in his arms, blocking the crowd with his body, still shouting "spread away" incessantly.

At this time, Xu Shun's face was pale, but his eyes were extremely determined.

Although he didn't know why the princess did this, but as a soldier, he just had to do what his master told him to do.

In the past few days of individual training, Gu Nanyan taught him a lot.

One of them is that when he finds that the sky thunder is about to detonate among his teammates, he must jump on it without hesitation, use his body to cover others, and reduce casualties!

The originally chaotic scene quickly quieted down after seeing Xu Shun's actions.

Even Gu Yao and Gu Shen, who believed that Gu Nanyan would not mess around, looked at Xu Shun lying on the ground with emotion.

Gu Nanyan walked to Xu Shun's side, curled his mouth and said softly, "Get up, there is no gunpowder inside, it won't detonate."

Xu Shun froze, only to realize that more than ten breaths had passed, and the expected cracking sound did not sound.

And he was still lying on the ground with all four limbs sound.

Gu Nanyan ignored his dumbfounded appearance, and turned around to face everyone.

"Now do you know why I chose Xu Shun to join the kamikaze team?"

Her tone was flat, neither angry nor admiring Xu Shun's move.

Everyone was silent for a long time, watching Xu Shun who got up with a blushing face, they all fell silent.

Some of them were not convinced. After hesitating for a while, they pursed their lips and said, "It's not fair. He has been trained and knows what to do in such a situation."

Gu Nanyan didn't look at the speaker, but nodded in agreement.

"Yes, Xu Shun has indeed been trained." She said.

"It's just that if you are the ones being trained today, are you sure that you will rush forward as quickly and decisively as he does, sacrificing your life to protect your comrades in arms?"

Of course, she did not doubt the belief of the Zhenbei Army to sacrifice their lives for the country, and she also knew that if one day encountered such a situation, many people might make the same decision as Xu Shun.

But you must know that the detonation time of Tianlei is only a few seconds, and if there is a slight hesitation, Tianlei will detonate before making a decision.

And Xu Shun's steadfastness in obeying orders was what she valued the most!

Not every decision of the general will be explained, and in most cases only orders will be issued.

If it is questioned, or if someone hesitates, it may cause the failure of the entire mission!
Seeing that there were no more doubts in the crowd, everyone lowered their heads in shame, and Gu Nanyan curled his mouth in satisfaction and retreated.

Xu Shun was left alone to face everyone's admiring eyes.

Gu Yao looked at the back of his granddaughter leaving, feeling very proud in his heart, just about to praise, he heard Gu Shen sighing beside him.

"You really deserve to be my daughter!"

Gu Yao: "..."

You are still my son, why haven't I seen you so promising before?

His granddaughter is obviously passed down from generation to generation!

When Gu Yao was robbed, he blew his beard and stared angrily, wishing he could throw this unsightly son out.

Seeing his shortness of breath, Gu Shen scratched his head and said, "Father, are you sick again?"

His father has had a high fever for several days since he was injured, so it's possible that he hasn't made up yet!
Gu Yao was so angry that his mind was stunned. He shook his beard and pointed at Gu Shen, recalling what his granddaughter said in his mind.

"You are sick, and your whole family is sick!"

Gu Shen: "..."

My whole family does not include you?
Hundreds of miles away from Calabash Valley, Li Yi was on his way at full speed.

The scouts in front galloped from a distance, and when they reached Li Yi's side, they hurriedly pulled the reins to stop.

"My lord, I only found traces of camping tens of miles away in Gourd Valley, and it seems that no one has been there for many days."

Li Yi frowned and looked forward.

There is no shelter and no barriers around here, and it will take a day's journey to pass through a forest. Apart from there, there is no place suitable for camping.

Half a month ago, he received the [-]-mile rush from his brother Huang, and when he knew that Gu Nanyan was here, he started to speed up.

Yesterday, I passed by a town for supplies, and happened to see Bai Zhi again.

After hearing from her that Gu Nanyan took people to Calabash Valley a few days ago, there was no news, and she felt even more anxious.

Now that he heard the words of the scouts, he was even more worried.

The current situation of the Zhenbei Army is unclear, but since the Daliang Army is still guarding the Taniguchi, it means that they are currently fine.

Maybe Gu Nanyan thought of some way, and it might not be a temporary solution to the urgent need.

Li Yi looked up at the sky.

The army is moving slowly, and it will take at least a day and a half to reach it at this speed.

He couldn't hold his breath anymore, so he ordered the lieutenant behind him, and rode alone to gourd valley.

Li Yi ran all the way without taking a break, and finally arrived at a place several miles away from Daliang Army after half a day.

It was already late at night, and he changed from riding to walking, easily bypassing the opponent's spies.

Looking at the brightly lit camp, Li Yi frowned.

For some unknown reason, the Daliang Army at this time seemed a little disorganized, and the night watch team strolled back and forth in a perfunctory manner.

The two soldiers who were guarding Taniguchi were sitting on the ground and taking a nap.

Although a little abnormal, Li Yi didn't have time to think too much, the slender figure flashed past and quickly entered the valley.

The two soldiers rubbed their eyes drowsily, thinking that they were blurred, so they closed their eyes and dozed off again.

Many people in Zhenbei Army had seen Li Yi before, so his arrival did not cause much commotion.

Knowing that Gu Nanyan had been in the valley for the past few days, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Seeing that the Zhenbei Army, who should have been hungry for more than ten days, was alive and well, I was quite curious about what she did.

It was getting late, he didn't let the night watchman disturb anyone, and went straight to find a place to rest.

Early the next morning, Gu Nanyan just stepped out of the tent when he saw a familiar figure standing at the door.

"Li Yi?" She called out unexpectedly.

Li Yi turned around and smiled at her, the blue under his eyes was very obvious on his fair skin, it was because he hadn't had a good rest for a long time.

Gu Nanyan frowned, secretly thinking that she was confused.

Since there is no danger here for the time being, she should ask someone to send him a letter.

"How did you get in?" she asked as she walked out.

"Xiao Chong was seriously injured, and the Daliang army was unruly and disorganized, so I entered through the entrance openly."

He had already heard about Gu Nanyan chopping off one of Xiao Chong's arms, and felt that this girl's "ruthlessness" was really to his liking.

He looked at her tenderly, and reached out to pat her on the head.

"Breakfast is ready, I left chicken noodles for you, go wash up."

Knowing that she likes to eat meat, if she only eats rice during this time, I'm afraid it will make her greedy.

So I woke up early today, sneaked out and caught a pheasant back.

When Gu Nanyan heard that there was meat to eat, his mind, which was still a little dazed, suddenly cleared up, and he went to the river in a neat manner.

Li Yi shook his head amusedly, lamenting that he was not as popular as a chicken.

The rescue army arrived probably tonight, but Li Yi was not in a hurry to go out, and discussed with Gu Yao about the front and back attacks.

When he knew that Gu Nanyan planned to lead the kamikaze team as a striker, he hesitated for a moment before agreeing.

Although he was very worried about Gu Nanyan's safety, he wished he could protect her behind him and protect her from the wind and rain.

But she is different from ordinary women, he doesn't want to break her wings, so he can only do his best to help her soar into the sky.

After a few people discussed it, Li Yi went out of the valley to join the army. Before leaving, he caught some prey and put them in the Huotou camp, and ordered them to cook them for Gu Nanyan in different ways.

(End of this chapter)

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