The farmer has a mall

Chapter 183 You are a man

Chapter 183 You are a man
In the Daliang military camp, Xiao Chong was sitting in the military tent, his hand holding the letter was bulging with veins.

Ever since Gu Nanyan chopped off an arm, he has become extremely irritable. At this time, he was obviously burning with anger, which made the people standing at the bottom fall silent.

This letter was written to him by his father, and it basically meant that the Anyang Kingdom's Weiyang Army did not send troops to contain the Jianan Kingdom as they had agreed, but Sheng Wang Li Yi brought 5 horses to support him.

The Northern Suppressing Army, which was originally the most difficult to attack, now has 10 people in Calabash Valley together with the main general, plus Prince Jing's 5 people, it may be difficult for them to win here.

Now his father asked him to go back to the south to join him and concentrate on attacking the weakest Pingnan army.

Xiao Chong gritted his teeth unwillingly, his eyes were scarlet.

He naturally knew that Li Yi had led his troops here, and also knew that with the current gap in troop strength, even if 5 people were trapped in the valley, it would be difficult for him to win.

It's fine if it's normal, but now that he's missing an arm, how could he go back in such a disheveled state!

Xiao Chong endured for a long time before suppressing the irritability in his heart.

"Where are the reinforcements now?" he asked.

"General Qi, they have camped dozens of miles away, and they seem to be going to rest for a day." A general replied.

"Is there any news from Utur?" Xiao Chong asked again.

"My subordinates received a letter from Utur yesterday. He will launch a fierce attack on King Jing within three days. I hope the general can arrive as soon as possible and win the city with him."

Said the subordinate who had been standing silently behind him, that is, the captain who bandaged Xiao Chong's wound.

The letter was originally addressed to Xiao Chong, but his injuries kept recurring, and the military doctor told him not to work too hard, so he didn't tell him about it.

Xiao Chong frowned, but he didn't mean to blame.

It's just that his father suddenly asked him to withdraw his troops, and Utur sent him a letter at this time, fearing that he had received some news.

Thinking of the original plan, he touched his severed arm and felt a dull pain in the wound, and even his head ached.

It has been more than ten days since Gu Yao's estimate that they will run out of food, but as far as he knows, there is still a smell of rice in the valley until today, and Xiao Chong has a faint feeling that something is wrong.

Reminiscent of the sudden disappearance of the woman who broke his arm that day, he finally made a decision after a moment of contemplation.

In the middle of the night, except for the soldiers on patrol at night, everyone else in Calabash Valley had already fallen asleep.

Gu Nanyan was lying in the tent with his clothes on, thinking about the breakout plan for tomorrow.

The night in July had already started to be sweltering, and maybe she had eaten too much salt during the day, so she drank a whole pot of tea tonight, and felt that she might not be able to sleep for a while, so she got up and planned to go out to get some air.

When I walked near the mouth of the gourd, I suddenly found that there were sparks shining outside, and there was a faint smell of burning in the air.

Gu Nanyan frowned and leaned closer to the stone wall, and saw a few meters away from the entrance of the valley, rows of soldiers dressed in Liang Kingdom clothes held bows in their hands, facing the top of Calabash Valley at a 45-degree angle.

And the arrows on the strings were all on fire!
Gu Nanyan's eyes narrowed, only then did he realize that there seemed to be a smell of kerosene in the burnt smell!

Fire oil is petroleum, a viscous dark brown liquid, and it is difficult to put out unless it is burned or covered with sand.

At least for this era without fire extinguishing equipment, it is a very terrible way of siege.

But at this moment, hundreds of burning rockets were ready to go. Before Gu Nanyan had time to think about it, the voice of the other general ordering to release the arrows came from his ear.

She turned her head suddenly, and yelled at the Zhenbei Army who was still asleep: "Get out of the way!"

Gu Nanyan's voice was eager and high-pitched, instantly tearing apart the quiet air in the valley.

The soldier sleeping in the open space was woken up, and opened his eyes in a daze to look where the sound came from.

What catches the eye is Gu Nanyan's clear eyes and the dense fire falling from the night.

But within a breath, the valley was filled with flames.

More than a dozen soldiers of the Zhenbei Army were shot by rockets on the spot, and their bodies burst into flames instantly.

In addition, when they were sleeping, they were covered with dead grass to support the combustion. Struggling in severe pain and fright, the burning dry grass scattered and the fire spread rapidly.

At this time, Gu Nanyan didn't have time to worry about her system mall being exposed, so she took out the fire extinguisher from the space and deftly avoided the arrows to put out the fire.

But the rockets in the sky continued to fall, and her behavior was just a drop in the bucket.

Gu Yao and Gu Shen were awakened by the yelling, and they ran out without even putting on their coats, seeing the scene in front of them with tears in their eyes.

Gu Nanyan's expression was also very ugly.

Seeing Gu Yao and Gu Shen rushing over, she gave each of them a fire extinguisher without even thinking about it. Seeing that the kamikaze team was also rushing forward, she hurriedly stopped and asked Ashlan to come over to help.

Although the kamikaze team is more agile than ordinary soldiers, it is difficult to resist the rockets that fill the sky, and letting them come over will only increase casualties.

The range of the arrows is not far, coupled with the characteristics of the calabash valley being narrow at the top and wide at the bottom, only a distance of 30 meters from the open air near the mouth of the valley is attacked by rockets.

Rao is like this, and there are many people who have been affected.

Finally, half an hour later, the Daliang army outside the valley stopped their offensive.

The corners of Xiao Chong's mouth curled up sullenly, and the pleasure of revenge shone in his eyes.

"Gu Yao, I'm going to advise you to surrender quickly and don't make unnecessary struggles, otherwise don't blame me for being rude!"

He waved his hand, and several catapults and catapults were pushed out. The wrist-thick arrows on the catapults were wrapped in cotton cloth and covered with a thick layer of kerosene, and the boulders on the catapults were also covered. kerosene.

At this time, Gu Yao was taking care of the Nanyan Sect, spraying a fire extinguisher on the soldiers who were on fire, and looked out fiercely with his eyes reddened by the fire.

"Despicable!" Gu Yao roared, his chest heaving violently.

"It is in vain that you, as the chief general of an army, resort to such lowly means, the old man will definitely kill you!"

As he spoke, he kept moving his hands. Seeing several soldiers being burned to death, he felt severe pain in his heart.

The Zhenbei Army was his painstaking effort, more like his child, and now he was burned to death, how could he not be heartbroken!
Xiao Chong didn't feel scared when he heard the words, but laughed out loud.

"Old General Gu, I have long said that soldiers never tire of deceit, but now that the two armies are at war, I still have to talk to you about morality!"

He snorted coldly, as if he was very disdainful of Gu Yao's words.

Although the two sides usually call the battle first, but in Xiao Chong's view, the best strategy is to attack the unprepared.

He looked at the sky, and he looked a little impatient at the thought of going back to the south tomorrow.

"Don't blame me for not giving you a chance. If you still don't surrender after fifteen minutes, I will let your Northern Suppressing Army bury their bones in this valley!"

"and also……"

He touched the broken arm, his eyes were dark.

"Gu Nanyan!" Xiao Chong gritted his teeth and called out the name, as if he wanted to eat people.

"I knew you were inside, but I dared to cut off the general's arm. I will definitely press you under me, let you taste the pain, and then smash your bones into ashes!"

In the letter sent by his father, it was mentioned that Gu Nanyan also came to Calabash Valley.

Reminiscent of the situation that day, Xiao Chong was sure that the one who hurt him was Gu Yao's granddaughter, Princess Huguo who was adopted by the Emperor of Jianan Kingdom as his righteous sister!
Unlike the anger of Gu Yao, Gu Shen and others when they heard this, Gu Nanyan looked calm.

She said with certainty in her voice: "The people who are oppressed by you should really be in pain."

She kept moving her hands, extinguishing the flame burning on the leg of a soldier in front of her.

Seeing that the fire was under control, and there were only sporadic flames scattered on the ground, she lowered her head and covered her eyes, which were gloomy like a pool of black water, and seemed to sigh a little.

"I didn't expect you to be quite honest. You dare to say such a hidden disease so ostentatiously. I respect you for being a man!"

Gu Yao & Gu Shen: "..."

Why do I always feel that the words of my granddaughter (daughter) are weird...

(End of this chapter)

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