The farmer has a mall

Chapter 184 Really Crazy

Chapter 184 Really Crazy

Xiao Chong, who understood the meaning of Gu Nanyan's words, blushed angrily.

He clenched his remaining hand tightly, his teeth chattering.

"Stop talking nonsense with this general, since you dare to cut off my arm, you must be prepared to cut me to pieces!"

He waved his hand again, and several people holding torches appeared on the side of the ballista and the catapult.

The trebuchet is different from ordinary bows and arrows. The throwing force is very strong, and it will be a big hole on the ground!
Especially the one wrapped in kerosene, the flames that ignite at the moment of landing are the most powerful siege weapons of this era.

With such a sharp weapon, if the emperor hadn't insisted on persuading Gu Yao to surrender, he wouldn't have wasted so many days without making any progress, and even suffered serious injuries.

Gu Nanyan didn't reply, she threw the fire extinguisher aside, raised her arm and made a gesture.

The kamikaze team quickly assembled and formed a long line behind her, including Xu Shun.

What was different from others was that they carried fully automatic rifles on their backs, while behind him was a thin metal tube the size of an arm.

Gu Nanyan was dressed in black at this time, with a large sniper behind her back, and looked up at the starry sky.

"Xiao Chong, I'll give you a chance to choose, retreat or go to war?"

Her voice was calm and light now, as if a gust of wind could blow it away.

Xiao Chong was startled when he heard the words, and after making sure that he heard Gu Nanyan's words correctly, he laughed wildly.

"Didn't you think that the dignified princess protecting the country is actually a lunatic who only knows how to play tricks. Why should you retreat when you have the upper hand?"


Gu Nanyan tilted her head, as if thinking about it seriously.

"Maybe it's to save your life."

After that, he nodded with a "that's it".

"But you're right about one thing..."

While she said this, she looked at the charred corpse lying on the ground, her eyes gradually became cold.

"I am indeed a madman."

A few days ago, Xu Shuncong, who was still lighting fires in Huotou camp, never thought that the weapon in his hand was like a divine weapon capable of destroying heaven and earth!
His face turned red with excitement at this time, squatting on the ground, and again put a cannonball shorter than his forearm into the metal tube standing in front of him.

As soon as the hand that loaded the bomb was moved away, a flash of flame shot up into the sky instantly, and fell like a meteor into the Daliang Army outside the valley.

Then there was a burst of earth shaking, as if the loud noise that could shatter eardrums caused the rocks at the entrance of the valley to fall down.

The Zhenbei army standing at the back swayed, and looked forward without blinking with terrified eyes.

I saw that with the loud noise, people and objects within a few hundred meters of the Daliang Army instantly turned into ashes, and thousands of Daliang Army died in just one breath.

Even a battle-tested veteran like Gu Yao was shocked, his eyes widened as if he had stopped breathing.

As more than a dozen shells flew out, the Daliang army was blasted out a big gap, leaving only 3 of the original [-] army.

The Daliang army had already begun to flee in all directions, like headless flies, screaming and exclaiming continuously, and everyone had strong fear on their faces.

Also terrified was Xiao Chong who stood in front but was not hurt at all.

Looking at the hell-like scene in front of him, all hatred and revenge disappeared, leaving only smoke in the sky.

Gu Nanyan waved his hand to stop Xu Shun's movements, his face was pale.

Like taking a walk, she walked out of the valley alone, and stood opposite Xiao Chong.

Seeing her coming out, Xiao Chong unconsciously took a few steps back with his stiff legs, but fell to the ground because of his unsteady standing.

Gu Nanyan lowered her head and stared at him condescendingly.

Facing her bottomless eyes, the burly Xiao Chong bit his teeth firmly, trembling all over his body, and there was a suspicious water stain on his body.

"Evil, evil ghost, you are an evil ghost!" He said in a trembling voice, his expression seemed a little crazy.

Gu Nanyan just stood there expressionless, and the corners of her mouth moved after a while.


The word was not spoken loudly, it could even be said to be weak, as if being drained of strength.

But Xiao Chong couldn't help shivering.

Gu Nanyan turned around and went back to the valley without waiting for him to answer after finishing speaking.

But Xiao Chong sat on the ground with weak legs, and tried to stand up with one arm propped on the ground, but failed several times.

His expression seemed to be crying or laughing, sometimes he yelled wildly, sometimes he covered his face and wept, and occasionally let out a heck sound, he seemed to be really crazy.

He lay outside the valley for three days, but Gu Yao and Gu Shen had no intention of arresting him at all.

Since that day, Gu Nanyan stayed in the tent and never came out again.

He just sat on the camp bed in a daze without eating or drinking.

As male elders, they couldn't make a hard bed in their daughter's bedroom, so they had to wait outside helplessly.

There were more than 100 Zhenbei soldiers who were burned to death that day. After they were buried, Gu Yao and his son came to Gu Nanyan's tent again.

Seeing Li Yi still standing there, facing Gu Nanyan's tent, Gu Yao couldn't help but frown.

"My lord, you have been standing all day and all night, why don't you go back and have a rest first, I will send someone to notify you when Sister Nan comes out."

The corner of Li Yi's mouth twitched but he didn't speak. He looked down at the dinner plate which was clearly untouched by the door.

Gu Yao sighed, and walked slowly to his side, also worried in his eyes.

"No matter how powerful Sister Nan is, she is still a woman, and she has never been on a battlefield, plus... she must feel uncomfortable."

He still couldn't help being shocked when he thought of the scene that day.

Even he is like this, let alone his granddaughter.

"Those people deserve to die!" Li Yi pursed his thin lips, with murderous intent in his eyes.

He had already heard Gu Yao's story about the cause and effect, but he didn't feel that Gu Nanyan had done something wrong, but instead thought that these people had harmed her like this, and a thousand cuts would not be an exaggeration!

Gu Yao also felt that his granddaughter was right. After all, according to the situation at the time, if it wasn't for her, the Zhenbei Army would have died.

If people were trapped in the valley and had no place to run, the casualties would never be less than those of the Daliang Army that day.

But he said everything he should say, and analyzed the situation with his granddaughter, but she just refused to speak out.

"This kind of thing needs to be figured out by herself. This kind of situation often happens in the army. It doesn't matter what anyone says. Some people will even lose their minds and become stupid."

Gu Yao paused when he said this, and then said firmly: "But I believe that Sister Nan, she is a strong and good child, and she will be fine!"

His good granddaughter must not have an accident, otherwise not only will he not be able to explain to his old wife, but even he will be very heartbroken.

"She is indeed different from ordinary people, and her heart is firmer than men." Li Yi said softly.

"So the lord should take a rest. If you are exhausted, Sister Nan won't be happy when she finds out." Gu Yao persuaded again.

Li Yi was startled when he heard this, Gu Nanyan's dissatisfied frown appeared in his mind, and he couldn't help curling the corners of his mouth.

He didn't insist anymore, and planned to lie down for a while, and go out later to catch some game for her.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he turned his head, he heard a door curtain behind him.

Li Yi turned around in an instant, and saw Gu Nanyan coming out of the tent fully dressed, with one hand covering his hungry stomach.

Seeing three big men standing in front of his door in a row, Gu Nanyan looked at them inexplicably.

"What's the matter?" Just after the war, these people don't have any military affairs to deal with, what are they all doing here?
Seeing his daughter coming out, Gu Shen's eyes turned red with joy.

He took a few steps over with his long legs and hugged her in his arms.

"Girl, you scared Daddy to death!" Gu Shenyu said with a choked voice.

Thinking of the way Gu Nanyan's eyes were empty that day, Gu Shen was afraid for a while.

Whether it was before or now, he had never had this kind of expression on the child's face, as if he was about to leave him again, and he was flustered.

If his father hadn't stopped him, he would have sneaked into the tent without hesitation and guarded his daughter himself.

Gu Nanyan was hugged suddenly, but before he could react in his mind, his hands moved first.

She turned around, grabbed Gu Shen's arm and threw it over her shoulder, and then skillfully folded one of his arms behind her back.

With the sound of "click", Gu Shen's arm immediately lost consciousness.

Gu Shen: Did the girl take off his arm?

Gu Yao: Yes!Make you faster than Lao Tzu.

Li Yi: This king also wants to be hugged, and I am willing to take my arms off!
Gu Nanyan: "..."


To be honest, Lao Tzu's hand has its own ideas...

(End of this chapter)

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