Chapter 185
Gu Shen's arm was dislocated, and the instigator, Gu Nanyan, rarely felt guilty.

Faced with his daughter's "guilt", Gu Shen only smiled and patted her head.

"Sister Nan is really powerful, even Daddy can't beat you."

Seeing his coaxing tone, Gu Nanyan tried not to slap the big hands on top of his head away.

Gu Yao looked at the two of them, "Father is kind and daughter is filial", and he hummed in a very unpleasant way.

"I'm ashamed to say that my good grandson overwhelmed me with one move, and I lost all my face!"

Hearing this, Gu Shen puffed out his chest and squinted at his father, not paying any attention to the disdain in Gu Yao's tone.

"My daughter is blue, what's there to be ashamed of, this time we were besieged thanks to Sister Nan's rescue, and the entire Zhenbei Army is grateful to Sister Nan from top to bottom."

After that, he looked at Gu Nanyan cautiously, seeing that her expression was normal and there was no other reaction, his heart was relieved.

Gu Yao nodded in agreement and looked at her kindly.

"That's true. If it weren't for you, the Zhenbei Army would have suffered a lot of casualties. Thank you, my grandfather, on behalf of the soldiers."

For the past two or three days, his granddaughter didn't eat, drink, or communicate with others, but he was so worried. Now seeing her eating deliciously with her rice bowl, he finally felt relieved.

"You didn't do anything wrong that day. On the battlefield, either you die or I die. There is no room for soft-heartedness. I know you have a kind heart, but you don't want to burn your body."

Gu Nanyan nodded, swallowed the food in his mouth, lowered his eyes and said, "I just don't get used to it for a while, it's not a serious problem."

Although wars have been fought in modern times, most of them used high-tech such as drones, and there were dozens of hundreds of casualties in a single battle.

The scene of corpses all over the ground that day really hurt her eyes.

In the past few days, she has been doubting herself, should she take out weapons that do not belong to this era.

After all, for the ancients who were still in the age of cold weapons, there was no power to fight back in front of these things, only despair and helplessness.

But today she heard Li Yi, who had been standing outside, say that the soldiers who were burned to death would be temporarily buried in the valley, and they would be brought home when their troops returned to the court.

Hearing this, her mind suddenly thought of those burnt unrecognizable corpses.

One of them was only thirteen or fourteen years old, and the helpless and desperate eyes that looked at her before death appeared from time to time.

She suddenly thought of a well-known line in Mulan's Ci, but she seldom thought about it.

Generals die in a hundred battles, and strong men return for ten years!
The literal meaning of this sentence is that the soldiers fought for ten years and experienced cruel battles again and again. Some died in battle and some returned.

But it is not describing the protracted and tragic ancient wars!
Every battle will kill people, and it is not known how many people will die on the battlefield for many years of war.

Children without fathers, wives without husbands, parents without sons...

Even so, countries continue to fight and reconcile, and then reconcile after war, it is nothing but for the benefit.

Every country, including Jianan, is recruiting soldiers every year, but the total number of active soldiers has barely increased!
Conscription is just to make up for the war damage.

It can be seen from this that the number of people killed on the battlefield does not depend on the weapon used, but depends on the depth of the person's desire.

As long as there are people, there are desires. If you want to prevent these desires from turning into wars, you must be strong enough to make other countries dare not and do not want to offend!

Perhaps only in this case can one party be safe.

Gu Nanyan let out a breath, feeling heavy in her heart.

Seeing that she could eat and drink, Gu Yao and his son seemed to have really figured it out, so they went to do military affairs with peace of mind.

Gu Nanyan hasn't had a good rest in the past few days. Li Yi came over just as he was about to lie down and sleep after eating.

Seeing her rolling her eyes angrily at him and returning to that "heartless" look, Li Yi couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth.

"I went to catch a pheasant, and I have already ordered the guy to make chicken soup for you. Remember to drink it later."

He sat across from Gu Nanyan, with a soft expression on his face.

Seeing his pair of panda eyes that did not lose anything to her own, Gu Nanyan frowned.

"The wild animals you catch can open a zoo, so what are you doing catching pheasants?"

Li Yi smiled, poured himself a cup of tea and drank it down.

After learning about Gu Nanyan's situation yesterday, he didn't drink a drop of water, and he was very thirsty at this moment.

"Chicken soup to replenish the body." He said concisely, but the concern in his tone did not diminish in the slightest.

Gu Nanyan paused, with a complicated expression on his face, he didn't know what to say.

Li Yi didn't seem to see it, he just lowered his eyes and said: "I have sent someone to imprison Xiao Chong, but he seems to be agitated, and his mind is a little unconscious. I'm afraid it will be difficult to question him."

Gu Nanyan thought for a moment after hearing the words: "What are you going to do with him?"

Li Yi drank another cup of tea, feeling a lot more comfortable in his dry throat, and then said: "In this case, it is usually necessary to bring him back to the capital, so as to have an extra bargaining chip in future negotiations."

He paused, and looked at Gu Nanyan who was frowning and thinking.

"What do you think?"

Gu Nanyan didn't speak, and after a long while, she slowly said, "Let him go."

Although Li Yi was puzzled, he also knew that she must have a deep meaning in doing this, so he agreed without hesitation.

Gu Nanyan, who was ready to explain without talking, looked at him in surprise.

"Don't you ask why?" She asked suspiciously.

It seems that every time she makes a request, this guy agrees quite simply.

But he doesn't look like such a talkative person.

"You have your own reasons. If you want to say it, you will tell me. If you don't want to say it, even if I ask you, you won't speak."

Although Li Yi asked himself that he didn't fully understand Gu Nanyan, he was quite accurate about her temperament.

Gu Nanyan tilted her head and looked at him for a moment, and then looked away with the corners of her mouth curled up after a while, looking in a good mood.

Seeing her turn her head, Li Yi relaxed his tense hands that were clenched into fists, and secretly let out a breath.

"I heard that this Xiao Chong's father is the most trusted subject of the Emperor of Liang Kingdom and holds great power, is that right?"

Seeing that his lips were chapped, Gu Nanyan poured a cup of freshly brewed honey lemon tea from her water bag and handed it to him.

After taking it, Li Yi took a sip, and immediately felt his mouth salivating.

"That's right, and Xiao Renling's own sister is the empress of Daliang, with an extraordinary status, and it is also the empress's suggestion that Utur send her daughter there this time."

Xiao Renling is Xiao Chong's father.

Gu Nanyan is not interested in this kind of woman who cuckolds herself.

It's just that the other party's status is so high, it's best for her.

Daliang Guohui and Xihu teamed up, just seeing that Jianan had just fought a battle with Anyang, and it was a time when the national power was weak, so they wanted to take advantage of the opportunity.

If Xiao Chong were to be sent back to the capital, the best situation would be peace talks between the two countries, allowing Li Mi to gain some advantage.

After this incident, they might join forces with Anyang to attack Jianan.

Although Anyang Kingdom is temporarily intimidated, those who have not seen the power of the kamikaze team with their own eyes will always compromise because of desire.

However, if he put Xiao Chong back and let his father see for himself how his son was frightened, coupled with the description of the surviving soldiers, Xiao Renling would have some scruples about his next actions.

Gu Nanyan told Li Yi her thoughts with a serious expression.

"If a country wants to grow, the most important thing is to reduce wars. Only when the people live and work in peace and contentment can they develop the economy. Only when the economy develops can the country prosper and national defense be further strengthened."

Just like the current situation in the Jianan Kingdom, the treasury has been completely wiped out by years of war, and food and grass have to be raised little by little every time they send troops.

How can the soldiers have the strength to block the enemy's attack if they don't have enough food and clothing?

As the saying goes, persimmons should be picked softly. It is not surprising that this kind of Jianan Congress will be trampled on one foot after another.

(End of this chapter)

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