Chapter 186

Li Yi agreed with her very much, avoiding wars and accumulating national power has always been the direction of his and Li Mi's efforts.

So he immediately ordered Long Yi to personally send Xiao Chong back.

He looked at Gu Nanyan with a smile in his eyes.

"Tomorrow the army will break camp, do you want to go back to the capital first?"

He originally thought that after the events of the previous few days, it would take a while for Gu Nanyan to recover, and he was ready to be escorted back to the capital.

Seeing her speaking clearly and clearly now, it is clear that she has figured it out.

Gu Nanyan thought for a while, although the main purpose this time was to save Gu Yao and his son, but the situation with Prince Jing was unclear, and if something happened again, it would be a bit stupid for her to rush back.

So she shook her head, expressing that she would act together with Zhenbei Army.

Li Yi was not surprised, he talked to Gu Nanyan again and then went to seek Gu Yao to discuss the departure tomorrow.

Prince Jing's fiefdom was not too far from the border of Daliang. Xiao Renling, who was sitting in the army at this time, had already received an urgent letter of [-] miles from his subordinates who had been arranged by Xiao Chong's side.

Hearing that Xiao Chong was defeated and captured by Li Yi, Xiao Ren angrily overturned the table in the army tent.

"Okay, what a King Sheng!"

His subordinates narrowly escaped from the bombing by Gu Nanyan, and wrote this letter in a state of panic, without any further description of the battle.

So Xiao Renling thought that his son would be caught entirely because of Li Yi's relationship.

He was covered with chills, and the generals standing next to him looked at each other, not knowing what happened.

After a while, Xiao Renling issued an order: "Send the order, the whole army will be rectified, and prepare to attack the city tomorrow!"

If his son is arrested, he will have the upper hand.

Otherwise, if it is passed back to the government and the opposition, not only will it damage his prestige, but it will also be at a disadvantage in the negotiations between the two countries in the future.

At this time, Cui Yanping didn't even know that he was implicated because of Gu Nanyan.

He was standing on the city wall, frowning as he watched the stalemate battle.

Since the war between the two armies, Xiao Renling has not used all his strength. Instead, he brought people to harass him from time to time as if playing a joke, which made him think that the other party had some conspiracy.

But today, this man seemed to have been stimulated by something, and he brought 15 soldiers to fight him for a day and a night without sleep!
Even the battering ram was used just now!

Cui Yao suffered from a severe headache, and when he pushed away the ladder, the soldiers who were climbing up immediately fell down.

"General, going on like this is not an option." Lieutenant General Li said.

Although it is easier to defend the city than to attack it, the number of opponents is nearly double that of them!
In this situation, it was almost a sure-to-lose situation. Coupled with such a fierce attack by the Daliang Army, they were able to defeat their own side in just one day, which dealt a great blow to the morale of the Pingnan Army.

He thought of the box of black tin cans that the general asked him to guard, and his heart moved.

"General, why not..."

Before he finished speaking, Cui Yanping already knew what he was going to say, so he raised his hand to stop him.

"It's not the time yet," Cui Yanping said.

Lieutenant General Li was very puzzled when he heard this.

"But according to Xiao Renling's offensive, Pingnan's army can't last long at all. If this continues, the city will be destroyed in less than a day!"

"I know." Cui Yanping squinted his eyes, looking at the densely packed Daliang army below.

Gu Nanyan only gave him a dozen thunders.

Although this thing is powerful, facing an army of 10,000+ is like a few drops of water falling into a pond. It can only act as a deterrent and cause some ripples in the Liang army.

It is impossible to rely on it to defeat the enemy.

The current plan can only be delayed first, consuming the opponent's troops bit by bit, and releasing the sky thunder when the time is right will have an effect.

Of course, while consuming the opponent, the Pingnan Army also suffered losses.

Cui Yanping is also very helpless about this way of dealing with the enemy by substituting people and hurting the enemy by one thousand and eight hundred.

But this is war!

If you kill me, I will kill you. This has been the case since ancient times.

He stood on the city wall for another half an hour, when a soldier hurriedly came to him with an letter.

"General Qi, I have received an urgent letter from [-] miles away from Songyang County."

Cui Yanping was taken aback when he heard that.

He naturally knew that Gu Yao was trapped, but Xiao Renling harassed him from time to time, and he really didn't have the energy to bring people to rescue.

Later, he was relieved to hear that King Sheng brought people there.

It's not that he cares about Gu Yao too much, it's just that Gu Nanyan's girl is obviously protective, and she's also a woman.

If it is really unreasonable, if he thinks that he will not save Gu Yao, he may be able to tear down his general's mansion!

As for how he knew that Gu Nanyan was protecting his weaknesses, Cui Yanping just thought hehe.

how do you know?

Just look at that wicked son of his family!
In the past, it was common for Cui Yao to be beaten, and he seemed to feel uncomfortable all day without being beaten.

But after coming back this time, every time he gritted his teeth angrily and wanted to kick that scoundrel, that little bastard would bring out Gu Nanyan to scare him.

But that girl's temperament is unpredictable, and she dared to settle accounts with herself when she heard Cui Yao complained to her!
He said that he beat the big shopkeeper of her family, and he either lost money or beat him back.

Knowing that he couldn't beat her, Cui Yanping, who was always knowledgeable about current affairs and didn't want to lose face, naturally chose to lose money, but after a few times, the private money he hid in the dark compartment of the study lost more than half!

However, that wicked son of his still had a look of gloating, which made his teeth itch, but at the same time he didn't dare to beat him again.

Otherwise, I'm afraid that his General Pingnan's Mansion will become Gu's Mansion in the near future!

Cui Yanping shuddered at the thought of this, and hurriedly shook his head, Lieutenant General Li was at a loss as he looked at it with a happy and angry expression.

"But there is news from Old General Gu?" Vice General Li asked.

Cui Yanping nodded and shook his head, which made Lieutenant General even more puzzled.

Cui Yanping didn't say much.

The letter was written by King Sheng. Gu Yao was indeed rescued, but not because of King Sheng.

He sighed, once again it was a pity that Gu Nanyan couldn't be his daughter-in-law, otherwise, with his son's nonchalant temperament, Gu Nanyan might become a widow within two days!

At the same time, I'm glad that Cui Yao can get her fancy, even if he doesn't have any achievements, he won't be bullied with her protection in the future.

The letter briefly described how Xiao Chong was defeated, and told him about sending Xiao Chong back.

The purpose is to let him know that using Tianlei at the right time may achieve unexpected results.

Cui Yanping let out a sigh of relief, and finally let go of the heart that had been hanging for many days.

Let's say that Gu Nanyan and his party traveled day and night, passing Songyang County all the way to the border Yanshun County.

When they arrived, King Jing's side happened to be fighting Xihu.

After setting up Gu Nanyan and the kamikaze team, Li Yi and Gu Yao and his son went to support them.

Gu Nanyan has nothing to do. I heard that although Yanshun County is a border, it has developed fairly well under King Jing's governance.

Especially the local delicacies, the roasted whole lamb is the most delicious, which is a delicacy that cannot be eaten in other places.

Gu Nanyan, who had eaten clear soup for many days with little water, took the badge that Li Yi left her, and took Bai Zhi to the market.

She originally thought that Yanshun County would be unsafe due to the current war, so she wanted to leave Bai Zhi in the barracks and go out by herself.

But ever since Li Yi sent someone to bring Gu Nanyan back from the town, Bai Zhi, who had lost a lot of weight, followed her every step of the way, refusing to stay behind no matter what.

Gu Nanyan had no choice but to find a man's clothes and disguise her as a man.

As for herself, she is still dressed in a neutral dress.

The two inquired all the way and came to the most lively street here.

Although this place is not as prosperous as the capital city, it also has a special flavor.

It's just that for Gu Nanyan, any scenery is not as attractive as food.

So she went straight to the biggest restaurant here without stopping.

It was noon at this time, and there were quite a few people eating, and the private rooms upstairs were already full.

Gu Nanyan simply bought five roasted whole lambs and took them away.

Under the surprised eyes of everyone, he sat in the hall and waited with his expression unchanged.

But I heard a delicate female voice from the table next to me.

"I heard that brother Yi came to the border town, but is it true?"

(End of this chapter)

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