The farmer has a mall

Chapter 187 Li Yi's eldest niece

Chapter 187 Li Yi's eldest niece

Gu Nanyan paused when he heard the phrase "Brother Yi", but didn't look back.

There are many people with the same name and surname in the world, who knows if this "brother Yi" is the one she knows.

"You are well informed." Another female voice said.

"Uncle Nine Emperors just arrived early this morning, he is probably in the barracks now." The woman shrugged, picked up a piece of pastry and took a bite.

Gu Nanyan finally confirmed that the "Brother Yi" they were talking about was indeed Li Yi, so she slowly turned her head and looked curiously at the next table.

The first thing that caught my eye was a woman in red who was about her age.

Different from ordinary women's attire, she is thin, with a long skirt on her upper body and trousers on her lower body. There are no extra accessories on her whole body except the headgear.

Instead, a long whip was pinned around his waist.

Seemingly sensing Gu Nanyan's gaze, the woman in red who had her back turned to look back.

Seeing Gu Nanyan's attire, and seeing Bai Zhi in men's clothing standing behind her, she frowned in displeasure.

Gu Nanyan was also curious at first, but when she heard her calling Uncle Li Yi, she thought it was Prince Jing's daughter.

Prince Jing had heard a lot of rumors, but he himself hadn't seen it.

So I want to see what the daughter of the legendary prince who was cruel and cruel to Xihu looks like.

But at this time, seeing that he was obviously unhappy, Gu Nanyan withdrew his gaze.

"What are you looking at, brat? Believe it or not, this lady will goug out your eyes!" The woman in red snorted, mistaking Gu Nanyan for a man.

Gu Nanyan raised her eyebrows, not as knowledgeable as her. After all, her current attire is really easy to be misunderstood, and if she is really a man, it is really impolite to stare at people like that just now.

Seeing that she didn't speak, the woman in red thought she was guilty, and she was even more disdainful in her heart.

She thinks she looks good, and his father is the most noble person in the Northwest, so the honorable son who chases her every year is like a crucian carp crossing the river.

And for people like "Meng Lang" like Gu Nanyan, she never showed good looks.

The woman in red wanted to say something, but she felt her cuffs tighten and was pulled by the person opposite her.

"Kang Ran, look clearly." The weak voice sounded again.

"This is a girl, you misunderstood."

There was coquettishness in her tone, for some reason, Gu Nanyan felt her teeth ache, and couldn't help but glance at her.

The girl was eighteen or nineteen years old and was dressed in white, sitting upright at the table.

Her small face was painted with exquisite makeup, and the ring around her waist jingled with her movements, which was very pleasant.

The woman in red looked at Gu Nanyan in surprise when she heard the words, and only then did she see her face clearly.

In fact, although Gu Nanyan is dressed in a neutral dress, with a chubby face, one can tell a man or woman at a glance.

It's just that the woman in red has always been used to being arrogant, and never looked at people with straight eyes, so she didn't see clearly for a while.

Although she knew that she had misunderstood, the woman in red still had a bad face.

"Then you should be scolded even more. As a woman, how can you have a private meeting with a man in broad daylight? It's a shame for us women!"

She curled her lips disdainfully at Bai Zhi, looking very arrogant.

Gu Nanyan blinked when she heard the words, with a look of surprise on her face.

"According to what you mean, you usually look for men in the dead of night?"

Even if her previous actions were misleading, it would be bad if the girl still uttered bad words when she knew she was a woman.

She nodded towards the other party with a taught face.

"It's still a girl with rich experience, I will pay attention next time!"

Although she could see the short-lived appearance of this woman at a glance, it did not prevent her from fighting back at all.

People who were dining around burst out laughing when they heard the words, and some who recognized the woman's identity bowed their heads in silence.

The woman in red, that is, Prince Jing's daughter Li Kangran did not expect that someone would dare to speak to her like that, and was startled.

The girl sitting opposite Li Kangran frowned slightly.

"Kang Ran is a bit playful at a young age, and I just joked with you just now, why bother to insult your innocence, girl?"

What she said was righteous and strict, and there was some sternness in her voice at the end.

It's just that the tone is still soft to outsiders.

Coupled with the fact that she already looked like a weak willow supporting the wind, at this time, she seemed like a gentle sister educating an ignorant younger sister.

Gu Nanyan raised her eyebrows, stared at her for a moment, stroked her chin and said, "I see you look familiar, have you met somewhere?"

Wang Yanran was taken aback when she heard the words, she seldom went out on weekdays and mostly stayed in Prince Jing's mansion, so she would accompany Kang Ran when she went out.

This person said she was familiar, but she has no relatives or friends here, could it be that she met him in the palace?
Sure enough, before she came back to her senses, she saw the girl in black with a hair crown slapped on the table with a face full of enlightenment.

"I just remembered, I saw you in the woods behind Prince Jing's mansion!"

Wang Yanran was stunned, and after thinking for a long time, she didn't remember where there was a forest in the mansion.

However, Prince Jing's Mansion occupies a large area, and every part is full of scenery, so it's not surprising that she couldn't remember it for a while.

Those who are eligible to enter and exit Prince Jing's Mansion are all high-ranking officials and dignitaries, and the status to be able to enjoy the scenery in the mansion must be extraordinary.

Wang Yanran only thought that she was a family member of some nobleman, her complexion softened.

She didn't remember when she met her, but since the other party pointed out Prince Jing's mansion, they should know their identities, and they were unlikely to be liars.

Thinking of this, she smiled at Gu Nanyan: "It turned out to be a girl, but Yan Ran couldn't recognize it for a while, it really shouldn't be."

Although she is the niece of Princess Jing, her father is just a petty official.

If she can get acquainted with more high-ranking officials and eunuchs through Prince Jing's Mansion, it will be beneficial and harmless to her.

Li Kangran was originally very angry, but he was obviously stunned when he heard the conversation between the two, and thought that Gu Nanyan was not an ordinary person.

And knowing that they are from Prince Jing's mansion, they dare to offend them, not many in the entire Northwest.

Thinking of his father's instructions yesterday, Li Kangran gritted his teeth and swallowed a breath.

However, Gu Nanyan wouldn't hold back, when she saw Wang Yanran admit that she knew her, a cunning flashed in her eyes.

She waved her hand generously, with a look of indifference.

"I don't blame you, after all, you and the guard brother were busy at the time, so it's normal that you didn't see anyone."

As soon as she said this, the restaurant was instantly quiet.

Everyone looked at Wang Yanran with strange expressions on their faces.

Most of the people present were men, and they knew the meaning of this kind of thing just by hearing the sound, so it's no use for Gu Nanyan to explain it in detail!

But in an instant, all kinds of eclectic scenes came to mind.

Even Li Kangran looked at this cousin with a complicated expression on her face.

"You..." Wang Yanran's face turned red, she never thought that she would be tricked by a brat.

"You are so courageous, do you know that we are from Prince Jing's mansion!"

Facing everyone's ambiguous eyes, she just felt dizzy for a while, and almost fainted.

In this era when a woman's reputation is so high, if today's incident gets out, let alone Princess Jing's niece, even her own daughter, no one would dare to take her!
What's more, Brother Yi has just arrived here, what if he hears some bad rumors and misunderstands her?
Upon hearing Wang Yanran's words, Gu Nanyan picked up a peanut brought up by Xiao Er, and nodded calmly.

"Of course I know. Didn't I just say that I saw you in Prince Jing's mansion?"

Wang Yanran was furious when she heard the words, but she didn't know how to explain what she had admitted.

Her eyes were red with anxiety, and she looked even more delicate.

"Princess, she, she is talking nonsense!"

For the current plan, she can only let her cousin, who is the princess, stand up for her. One is to make these people afraid of the name of Prince Jing's mansion and dare not go out to spread rumors, and the other is to deter Gu Nanyan.

This is why she has been calling Li Kangran's name all the time.At this time, she called out the reason for her princess.

However, Li Kangran didn't receive the signal from the other party asking her to come forward. Facing the anxious cousin who was crying, she opened her mouth again and again, and finally squeezed out a few words.

"Don't worry, I will find a way to convince my father when I go back, and let that guard propose marriage to you!"

Wang Yanran: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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