The farmer has a mall

Chapter 188 A Joke

Chapter 188 A Joke

Gu Nanyan sprayed the tea all over the table, choking her so much that she coughed.

Seeing this, Bai Zhi hurriedly patted her on the back.

The two looked at Li Kangran at the same time, their expressions were indescribable.

Wang Yanran was stunned, her flushed face seemed to bleed.

"Princess!" She growled, her voice trembling.

Seeing Li Kangran frowning, she calmed down and said again: "I didn't have a private...private meeting with the guards!"

After uttering the last two words with difficulty, she looked at Gu Nanyan angrily.

"Which family are you young lady? You are such a vicious person who speaks nonsense at such a young age and is innocent!"

The old god Gu Nanyan took a look at her and spread his hands.

"I'm still young, but I'm just joking with you, don't blame me."

The woman didn't look like a good person in this attire, she looked at the bad luck in vain.

Just now Li Kangran said that he had a private meeting with a man, if it were another woman, he would be ashamed and angry.

But she wanted to take the matter away with a joke, she really didn't know the pain until the needle was stuck in her body.

Although Li Kangran was a bit spoiled, he was not without his brains, so he naturally understood that he was being played at this moment.

When did the princess, who was held in the palm of her hand since she was a child, experience such anger.

At this time, seeing Gu Nanyan leaning on the backrest, with a look of not paying attention to herself, she took out the long whip around her waist with an ugly face, and waved it at Gu Nanyan with a cold face.

King Jing is thirty-nine this year and is the second son of the late emperor.

When he was born, his biological mother died of dystocia, so the late emperor raised him under the knee of the present empress dowager.

The Empress Dowager did not say that she treated him like a parent and child, but she never shorted him for what he should have. Therefore, although Prince Jing was not filial to the Empress Dowager, he respected him enough.

Although he is not the empress dowager's own flesh and blood, since he is recorded in the empress dowager's name, he is a legitimate son.

As the saying goes, if there is no King Ning, he is the most likely to ascend to the throne of God.

In addition, he does not have a strong mother clan, so for some ambitious courtiers, he is an easy pawn to control.

Therefore, since he was a minor, many people secretly contacted him, wanting to plot the throne for him.

The Empress Dowager was obviously aware of this too, and her attitude towards him became more and more indifferent, even waiving his daily greetings.

In the palace, a mismatch between identity and strength is a very dangerous thing. When everyone knew that he was not favored by the queen mother, someone started to attack him.

Finally, when he was 12 years old, someone drugged his food, and in a daze, he rolled with the maid who waited for him to wake up at night.

Early the next morning, the court lady cut her neck at the gate of Prince Jing's palace with scars all over her body.

Before he died, he tearfully accused King Jing of how he treated her cruelly.

Facing his father who walked away in a huff, and his mother who raised his chin and blankly glanced at him before leaving with the emperor, Prince Jing's immature face was full of fear and bewilderment.

This incident quickly spread throughout the government and the public, and the reputation of Prince Jing's licentiousness at a young age spread.

It may be that having intercourse too early hurt his health. After his big marriage, he has no heirs, and he did not have a daughter until he was 23 years old.

This daughter weighed only three catties when she was born, she was skinny and skinny, and the imperial doctors all asserted that she would die young.

Concubine Jing sheds tears every day in front of her daughter whose cries are as soft as a mosquito, eats fast and recites Buddha's name every day, hoping that the Bodhisattva can share her life span with her daughter.

The first emperor felt very sorry for this short-lived granddaughter, and personally named her Kang Ran and named her Princess Shouchang.

Maybe it's God's pity, although Princess Shouchang is weak and sick, she grew up safely.

Prince Jing was very happy. When she was five years old, he invited her to guard the border in the northwest, and he began to teach her martial arts to strengthen her body.

Li Kangran is very talented in martial arts, and as he grows older, not only is his body not as weak as when he was a child, but he has also practiced a good whip technique.

Gu Nanyan faced the long whip that was swinging towards his face, and grabbed it calmly.

Li Kangran frowned and tugged hard, but instead of pulling, he staggered himself.

"Who are you!" She asked with an ugly face.

Li Kangran believed that he practiced martial arts since he was a child, and his whip skills were superb. In the whole Northwest region, even if it was a woman, even a man couldn't stop her from whipping.

But the person in front of him not only blocked it, but also looked very relaxed.

She has lived here for ten years, and she has never heard of any female family member with such good martial arts.

In addition, it was the time of the battle, and her father was still killing the enemy on the battlefield, so there was no guarantee that spies would not infiltrate the city and try to attack her, so she looked at Gu Nanyan suspiciously.

However, Gu Nanyan didn't answer her. She moved her nose slightly, and saw the shopkeeper bringing over the roasted whole lamb that she had ordered tremblingly.

"Guest, here are the five roasted whole lambs you want."

The shopkeeper's nose was sweating, and he glanced at the two nervously.

"This shop is run on a small budget, and I hope you two will hold your hands high. Don't fight here."

He naturally recognized Li Kangran's identity, and also saw that Gu Nanyan was not easy to mess with.

If they fought here, the loss in the store would not count, and Prince Jing, who always loved his daughter, would hold him accountable.

Thinking of this, he squeezed out a smiling face, nodded and bowed his head and said: "Today's meal is regarded as a treat, please forgive me if there is any incompetence in the hospitality."

Gu Nanyan smelled the smell of meat, and she had long since lost her mind to care about those two women, and focused all her attention on her roasted whole lamb.

She winked at Bai Zhi, who took out a piece of silver from her purse and handed it to the shopkeeper.

Seeing that he hesitated and refused to pick it up, Bai Zhi smiled slightly.

"My master is not the one who eats for nothing, the shopkeeper just accepts it with peace of mind."

As soon as she stuffed the silver into the other party's hand, Gu Nanyan let go of the hand holding the whip, picked up the whole sheep wrapped in thick oil paper to resist it, and hurriedly rushed to the barracks with Bai Zhi.

Of course, the barbecue is delicious when it is hot, but the aroma will be discounted several times when it is cooled!

A sheep weighs more than a hundred catties even if it is fully roasted. Gu Nanyan carried five of them on his body, but they looked quite relaxed, which fooled all the diners.

Even Li Kangran was dumbfounded, her martial arts skills are mainly flexible, although her strength is stronger than that of ordinary women, she can only carry such a heavy thing on one end.

But the woman in front of her who is half a head shorter than her actually has such great strength!

Even the strongest warrior can hardly do it!
Li Kangran broke out in a cold sweat, it was hard to imagine what would happen to him if the two had fought just now.

At the same time, I was also very curious why this person didn't back down after knowing that she was the princess.

As if he didn't know how to be afraid, he dared to fight her!

Although the other party's attitude displeased her, but at this time she also had no thoughts to worry about, and only looked at the petite figure who walked away thoughtfully.

Yesterday, her father told her that along with the emperor's uncle came General Gu and the newly appointed Princess Protector.

It is said that the princess was very fond of the emperor, and even made an exception and gave her the treatment of a prince.

That's not to mention, the members of the royal family who have a fief generally have to leave Beijing to go to the fief as soon as possible, just like her father, the king, left half a month after the emperor's grandfather made the decree.

But this princess has lived in the capital for several months now, and the emperor has no intention of urging her.

He even said in the excerpt from the imperial history that how long Princess Huguo wants to stay in the capital depends on her wishes. Although he is the emperor, he will not force others to make things difficult for him.

What Li Kangran didn't know was that when Yan Yushi impeached Gu Nanyan, Li Mi's original words were to let him find her by himself, don't expect him to make an order.

The emperor's favor for Princess Huguo is well known, and soon spread to the northwest.

King Jing knew his daughter's temper, and was afraid that she would offend someone, and it would be difficult to explain to his imperial brother in the future, so he personally instructed her before going out.

Although Li Kangran is weak, he has been smart since he was a child, and now he already wants to understand Gu Nanyan's identity.

Although he was still unwilling, he gave up the idea of ​​letting the dark guards follow.

(End of this chapter)

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