The farmer has a mall

Chapter 189 The Hillbilly

Chapter 189 The Hillbilly

The battle with Xihu lasted for three days. Due to the arrival of Li Yi and Gu Yao, the strength of the two sides was very different, and Utur withdrew from Baili.

Prince Jing heaved a sigh of relief, and held a reception banquet for the two of them.

Of course, Gu Nanyan was also invited. Although she didn't like this kind of occasion, Li Yi told her that most of the banquets were special dishes from the Northwest, and among them was the roasted whole lamb that she had eaten before.

Therefore, based on the "pursuit" of delicious food, coupled with curiosity about King Jing, Gu Nanyan reluctantly agreed.

Those who participated in the welcome banquet were all lieutenant officers and soldiers, except for Princess Jing, there were almost no female relatives.

Therefore, Gu Nanyan who was sitting next to Li Yi became the focus of everyone.

Prince Jing had heard about her a long time ago, so he thought that this imperial sister was born in the common people, and her behavior might not be well-behaved.

In addition, the letters from the acquaintances in the capital said that she had a weird temperament and would strike at the slightest disagreement. They thought she was a shrew with strong limbs and a simple mind.

Now seeing that the girl is so petite, she has been eating with her head down since entering the door without saying a word.

Prince Jing stabbed his younger brother's arm with his elbow suspiciously.

"Ninth brother, is this really the princess who protects the country personally appointed by the emperor?"

Didn't it mean that she was so powerful that she easily won the totem of Anyang Kingdom's number one wrestler in a competition?
With this stature, the thighs are probably not as thick as the small arms of the totem!
Facing King Jing, who was dressed as a Confucian scholar and who was like a wild horse on the battlefield, but whispered in his ear at this moment, Li Yi's eyebrows twitched.

"Second brother has a good look. As the saying goes, people should not be judged by their appearance. Yan'er is powerful, even this king can't match."

Li Yi stretched out his hand to push away Prince Jing who was about to stick to his face, and then brought a plate of grilled meat on his table to Gu Nanyan.

She didn't refuse either, and took the time to give Li Yi an appreciative look.

When Prince Jing saw the interaction between the two of them, he looked back and forth curiously.

His ninth younger brother has been cold-tempered since he was a child, and this is the first time he has seen him serving food for others.

Although the whole plate was served, the girl obviously looked very useful.

Thinking of the rumors about Xiaojiu asking for marriage, Prince Jing's eyes were ambiguous.

He stroked his goatee, and asked Gu Nanyan with a smile: "There are mostly grilled things in the northwest, but is the emperor still used to eating them?"

Gu Nanyan raised her head in her busy schedule, puffed her cheeks and nodded.

"It's delicious," she said.

King Jing heard that just as he wanted to say that it tastes good, he should eat more, then Gu Nanyan muttered, "It's just that the amount is a bit small, not enough for me to fit between my teeth."

Prince Jing: "..."

I'm afraid the gap between your teeth is a bit big!
Looking at the empty plates on the table in front of her, Prince Jing's lips twitched, not knowing what to say for a while.

Li Yi nodded in agreement: "It's indeed a little."

"Second brother, don't be stingy, the king and Yan'er have traveled thousands of miles to support, at least they should serve a whole roasted lamb."

Prince Jing was speechless, people in the royal family were always particular about meals, especially his ninth younger brother, who always ate delicately, so he asked the stove to slice the barbecued meat and serve it up.

But now you still think he is not generous enough?

A sheep is not worth much, but the question is, do you want to hug and chew the whole sheep?

Besides, can you finish eating hundreds of catties of mutton?

However, it turned out that he still underestimated Gu Nanyan's strength.

Seeing a complete whole sheep being brought up, Li Yi elegantly took out a small knife inlaid with rubies and began to slice the meat, then neatly placed the cut meat on a plate, and then handed the plate to Gu Nan who was beside him cigarette.

Gu Nanyan's reputation is not rude, but his movements are extremely fast, and he can solve a game in two or three strokes.

The strange thing was that Li Yi's movements seemed to be neither too fast nor too slow, but they were just able to catch up with her speed.

After half an hour, the original whole roasted whole lamb was only a skeleton.

Except for Gu Yao who has long been used to her appetite, the whole banquet was silent.

A crack appeared in Prince Jing's elegant smile, and he cleared his throat in embarrassment.

"The imperial sister has a very good appetite."


Gu Nanyan took the handkerchief from Bai Zhi and wiped her mouth.

The roasted mutton was too old, not as good as the one she bought from the restaurant, and the skin was not crispy enough, obviously it was not freshly roasted.

Li Yi ordered someone to bring her a cup of hawthorn water, and watched her drink it with a spoiled expression.

Everyone: "..."

Suddenly feel a little stretched.

"Tch, bumpkin."

A rough voice came and successfully diverted everyone's attention.

Gu Nanyan also heard the reputation and looked over, only to see a young man about twelve or thirteen years old in fancy clothes sitting across from her, looking at her sideways with disdain.

Seeing her looking over, the boy raised his chin again and hummed.

"Yanzong, don't be rude!" Prince Jing frowned and scolded.

Li Yanzong didn't think he was afraid, he leaned on the back of the chair, he didn't seem to hear the warning in Prince Jing's tone.

"My son is right. She has been raised in the country for several years. What is it if she is not a country bumpkin?"

Gu Nanyan's reputation has already spread from the capital to the Northwest, so the story of his loss was naturally spread.

It's just that from trying to escape from the general's mansion by killing her mother, she was framed by her stepmother and escaped from the capital, and then lived in the countryside to endure humiliation for three years.

He leaned forward curiously, and asked Gu Nanyan, "Is it because General Gu despises you and doesn't give you enough food to make a dignified princess look like a starving ghost?"

Gu Nanyan squinted at him, and before she could speak, Gu Yao became unhappy.

Today's welcome banquet was mainly for Li Yi and him, so Gu Shen, who has always disliked such occasions, did not attend.

But as long as his grandfather is around, no one can bully his granddaughter!
"Young master, please be careful!" Gu Yao's face was full of displeasure.

"Sister Nan is my only granddaughter, Gu Yao. Everyone in the house loves her very much, so why would you hate her!"

Li Yanzong was unmoved, and only looked at Gu Nanyan.

"Why don't you just stay in the northwest and be my young master's playmate, I guarantee that you will have meat for three meals a day like Laifu, how about it?"

Others didn't know who Lai Fu was, but Prince Jing knew that it was a wolfhound that Li Yanzong kept in the yard.

"Presumptuous!" His elegant face was instantly covered with anger, and he slapped the desk hard.

"Li Yanzong, have you learned all the rules in your dog's stomach? Hurry up and apologize to your aunt Huang!"

He and his wife have a strong relationship, but he has had a hard time with offspring, and they have only one daughter, Kang Ran, for many years.

Concubine Jing was a traditional woman, and she always felt that it was her fault that she failed to give her husband a son.

Therefore, when the concubine in the backyard gave birth to Li Yanzong, he was treated as his own son.

The cost of food and drink is no less than that of his own daughter, and he often teaches Kang Ran to give way to his younger brother.

Over time, Li Yanzong was favored beyond recognition.

Coupled with the status of Prince Jing's Mansion in the Northwest, and knowing that he is the next master of the Northwest, and everyone gave in to him, he developed his current temperament.

At first, everyone thought that Princess Jing wanted to raise him, but Li Yanzong's first teacher was a well-known Confucian in the Northwest, and the princess personally invited him.

No matter how much she pampered him on weekdays, when it came to matters related to studies, Princess Jing would never give in.

Therefore, although Li Yanzong is a bit of a jerk, his knowledge is extremely good.

Different from Concubine Jing, Prince Jing loved his daughter more, spoke harsh words to his son, and never showed good looks.

However, when facing Li Kangran, he was like a spring breeze, and he never blushed with her.

Gu Nanyan looked at him for a moment, then stretched out her white and tender fingers to pick his ears.

"It's so noisy, where is the donkey braying."

A boy of this age is in the period of changing his voice, and his voice is really not very pleasant.

Li Yanzong naturally knew this, so he rarely spoke loudly on weekdays.

But today, seeing his father's amiable look towards Gu Nanyan, he suddenly felt very uncomfortable, and he couldn't hold back his voice, so he made it louder.

After hearing Gu Nanyan's pointed words, his face flushed red, like a cat whose tail had been stepped on, it jumped up instantly.

"You dare to say that the young master is a donkey, you bitch... ah!"

(End of this chapter)

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