The farmer has a mall

Chapter 190 Don't kill me

Chapter 190 Don't kill me

Before Li Yanzong finished speaking, he suddenly cried out in pain.

He pointed at Gu Nanyan's hand and immediately retracted to cover his mouth, with blood on his fingertips.

Seeing that tears of pain came out from him, Prince Jing did not respond at all. Instead, Princess Jing exclaimed and ran to Li Yanzong in a few steps.


Seeing that the son who was always held in his palm was full of blood, and there was a white tooth in his clean palm, Concubine Jing's eyes instantly turned red.

Li Yi held half of the sheep's toe bone in his hand, and looked at Li Yanzong who was screaming in pain.

"Wash your mouth if it's not clean, otherwise I don't mind doing it myself."

When he said this, his eyes were cold, and the half of the bone was still jumping at the slender fingertips, as if it would come out of his hand at any time.

The scene was quiet again. Although Princess Jing was angry with Li Yi for taking action against a child, she also knew that it was her son's fault first, so she didn't say anything even though she felt distressed.

Prince Jing frowned and ordered his servants to take him down for treatment, without any intention of seeking justice for him.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay. Although they always knew that Prince Jing didn't care about this son, at this moment Li Yanzong's teeth fell out from the beating and he didn't respond, so he couldn't help but weigh it in his heart.

It has always been the case that only men can inherit the throne, but now there is a precedent of Gu Nanyan enjoying the treatment of a prince. It seems that it is not impossible for the prince to pass the title to his daughter.

It's just that Princess Shouchang's health has always been poor, and it's still a matter of whether she can live long enough to have children.

Everyone had different thoughts, but Li Yanzong stared at Gu Nanyan with hatred.

Gu Nanyan:? ? ?

Who are you staring at? It’s not that I knocked out your teeth!
After Li Yanzong was taken down, King Jing sincerely apologized to Gu Nanyan and Gu Yao on behalf of his son, and said that he would definitely teach him a lesson.

Although Gu Yao's complexion was not very good, it was not easy to argue with a child, besides, his own father even apologized.

He just smiled and said nothing.

Gu Nanyan frowned, as if she couldn't bear it.

"Educate children to be patient and not teach them too hard."

King Jing was surprised when he heard the words, as far as he knew, this lady was not an easy talker, it would not be an exaggeration to say that she will repay her wrongdoing, why is she so tolerant today?

When the generals sitting at the bottom heard the words, they lamented that the princess was kind.

Unexpectedly, before the words of praise came out, Gu Nanyan added: "I mean, just break the leg."

Then he emphasized: "Don't beat him to death!"

Everyone: "..."

Prince Jing: As expected, this prince is too naive...

In order to ease the awkward atmosphere, Prince Jing specially called the dancer to come up and perform.

Gu Nanyan, who was full and wanted to leave early, suddenly became interested.

In the previous life, he was busy shuttling in various cities, except for missions, he seldom went to the cinema, let alone the live versions of concerts and song and dance performances.

Now that I have the opportunity to see the antique beauty dancing, there is no reason not to watch it.

So she slumped on the stool and stared at the door without blinking.

Li Yi first cast a sideways glance at her, and then looked at Prince Jing, his eyes were a little cold.

"Second brother will enjoy it. He actually raised a dancer in the mansion. I'm afraid it will cost a lot of money every month."

He took a sip of the wine cup and said nothing.

"It seems that the government affairs in the Northwest are too leisurely, so I let my second brother focus on singing and dancing. When I return to Beijing, I will definitely tell my brother the truth and ask him to arrange more things for you."

Prince Jing was startled, a little puzzled.

He didn't understand how he had offended this ancestor again, but what happened to Xihu in recent years had made him burnt out. If he did more things, he might die young!
So he quickly explained: "Ninth brother misunderstood, these dancers were invited by your second sister-in-law, do you remember her niece Yanran?"

"She seldom goes out and stays in the house all day. Your sister-in-law is afraid that she will get bored and knows that she likes to dance since she was a child, so she invited these people to be her training partners."

Li Yi was trying to scare him on purpose, but he didn't say anything when he heard this, and he ignored the word "Yan Ran", and only observed Gu Nanyan's expression from the corner of his eye.

Several women in green gauze skirts walked slowly through the door, walked gracefully in front of King Jing and bowed gracefully.

Prince Jing raised his hand, and the leading woman covered her face with a white gauze. She flicked her long sleeves, and melodious flute sounded all around.

The dancer girl has a soft figure, and her gestures and gestures show a woman's coquettish figure, and everyone looks at it with gusto.

Especially the one with her face covered. She was slim and wearing a loose white skirt. Whether she was turning around or lowering her waist, she only stared at Li Yi shyly with her watery eyes.

Li Yi didn't notice it at all, but Gu Nanyan, who was sitting next to him, saw something, and the soul of gossip was burning in an instant!

When the woman in white came to Li Yi's table with light footsteps and walked in circles, and picked up the wine glass on his table with a pair of bare hands and handed it to him, Li Yi took his attention away from Gu Nanyan.

He looked at the pair of jade hands raised in front of him, but did not take the cup.

Instead, he said to the attendant behind him: "Go and get another cup for this king."

He has never liked to use things that have been touched by others, let alone a strange woman.

The attendant was stunned for a moment, but quickly realized, and hurriedly brought a brand new wine cup as ordered.

The woman in white blushed when she saw this, and she was at a loss as she stood there.

She couldn't help but rejoice that she wore a veil to surprise him, and everyone didn't see anything.

Gu Nanyan, who watched the whole process, felt embarrassed for her. While lamenting Li Yi's bewilderment, he took the glass and drank the fruit wine in the glass with his head raised.

Then he returned the cup to the woman with a smile.

"Miss Sister, don't be dazed, just keep jumping."

She was watching enthusiastically, this girl, don't let Li Yi go away in anger.

The woman looked at Gu Nanyan, her eyes widened instantly when she saw her appearance.

"It's you!" She couldn't help shouting.

Gu Nanyan couldn't see her face clearly, but her voice was familiar, and she couldn't remember where she heard it.

"You know me?" she asked, pointing to her nose.

This was her first time in the Northwest, and she had no acquaintances at all, so it was evident from the surprised look on the other side's face that she knew her.

The woman didn't speak, but the blood on her blushing face instantly disappeared.

The woman who can sit here and is the main seat, she knows the identity of this person without anyone telling her.

Due to the cover of the sound of the instruments, the people around did not hear what they said.

Except Li Yi!
He squinted his eyes, took out a handkerchief from his arms, and handed it to Gu Nanyan.

Seeing the latter looking at him inexplicably, he simply grabbed her hand and wiped it.

At the same time, he looked at the woman with some unkind eyes.

Ever since the woman entered the door, the girl had been staring at her unblinkingly, and there was expression on her normally paralyzed face.

Although Li Yi knew that both of them were women, he still couldn't help feeling sour, and cast a cold glance at the dancer who caught her attention.

Gu Nanyan's hand was almost wiped off a layer of skin, and she couldn't take it back after pulling it several times.

The smile on her face suddenly collapsed, she grabbed the handkerchief from his hand, and slapped it on his face with a "snap".

"There's no end to it, you're killing pigs for the New Year!"

Li Yi: "..."

Looking down at her red paws, Li Yi shyly put away the handkerchief.

"My king saw that you didn't wash your hands before eating, and I was afraid that you would spoil your stomach."

Gu Nanyan:? ? ?

I didn't remember to wipe her hands until I finished eating a sheep. Maybe this guy has a pierced skull?

King Jing, who was sitting upright, twitched the corners of his mouth and almost couldn't laugh out loud.

He, the ninth younger brother, has been fearless since he was a child. He even dared to hate his father. This is the first time he has been deflated.

He originally thought that the matter of proposing marriage to Gu Nanyan was forced by the situation, but at this moment, it seemed that this kid really fell in love with him!
Then he looked at the masked dancer who was stunned in place, and he couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Wang Yanran stared blankly at the interaction between Li Yi and Gu Nanyan, and forgot what she was going to do for a moment.

She only thought that she was covering her face and the other party didn't recognize her, so she quickly raised her hand to take off the white gauze covering it, and bit her delicate red lips.

"Brother Yi, do you still remember Yanran?"

(End of this chapter)

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