The farmer has a mall

Chapter 192 Aunt Huang

Chapter 192 Aunt Huang

Although Wang Yanran was a little unwilling, but under the eyes of everyone, as a woman, she couldn't say anything.

It just so happened that the dancers she brought in finally finished dancing in this awkward atmosphere, she squeezed the things in her sleeves, and retreated with them.

Before leaving, he looked back at Gu Nanyan who was waiting impatiently for Li Yi to feed him, his eyes darkened.

Gu Nanyan felt her gaze, but didn't look back.

At this moment, she was looking at the pair of hands with clear bones that were slowly peeling the melon seeds, and she was so anxious that she wanted to stuff Li Yi's mouth with the melon seeds.

Obviously killing people on the battlefield is like chopping melons and vegetables, the movements are clean and neat.

How to peel a melon seed but look like a grandmother suffering from Alzheimer's, the ink stains are to die for!
Did this guy do it on purpose?
She looked at Li Yi suspiciously, but saw that he was holding the melon seeds affectionately and calmly, as if he didn't notice her gaze at all.

Prince Jing originally wanted to use singing and dancing to relieve the atmosphere, but who knew that the scene was even more embarrassing, except for Li Yi and Gu Nanyan.

"The relationship between the ninth brother and the imperial sister is very good." Concubine Jing said with a slight smile on her face.

"I remember that you have been clamoring for a younger sister since you were a child, and now your wish has been granted."

She looked at Gu Yao who was sitting upright again.

He was frowning at this moment, looking at Li Yi who was peeling melon seeds for his granddaughter.

"I saw that Nanyan is a very cute girl. I fell in love with her when we first met. I don't know if I can agree to her?"

Gu Yao, who was suspecting that his lamb was about to be taken away by wolves, suddenly turned pale when he heard Princess Jing's questioning, and patted the table reflexively.

"He dares!"

When Gu Yao said this, his eyes were still fixed on Li Yi, and the table under him was crumbling.

Li Yi: "..."

Princess Jing: "..."

Everyone: "..."

Prince Jing coughed lightly, feeling that the banquet was developing into an increasingly awkward atmosphere, so he hurriedly laughed and laughed.

"The emperor's sister is gentle and sweet, and she is the princess who protects the country by my emperor's relatives. Of course, not everyone can marry. As an elder, General Gu should take good care of her."

Although the former emperor also gave birth to several princesses, the title of protecting the country is different, not to mention enjoying the treatment of a prince.

Among other things, if Gu Nanyan gets married and has children in the future, if the child follows her surname, then she will have the right to inherit the fiefdom!

Even if the court withdraws the treatment of the prince, a prince cannot escape.

What does this mean?
It means that whoever marries Gu Nanyan, the family heirs will have a firm prince!

Therefore, although Prince Jing's words were suspected of smoothing things over, they were all words from the heart.

When he saw Gu Nanyan, he suddenly thought of his daughter who was weak and sick since she was a child. Although she is much stronger now, her body is still much weaker than that of ordinary people.

I don't know if it's because of the connection between the father and the daughter. As soon as he thought of his daughter, Li Kangran came in wearing a red dress under the report of his servants.

She first took a few steps to walk in front of Prince Jing, and saluted him and Princess Jing.

Prince Jing hurriedly asked her to get up, but he was a little surprised in his heart.

His daughter has never liked such lively occasions. Except for his and his wife's birthdays, she usually hides from banquets and the like when she can, and pretends to be sick if she can't.

Although he was helpless, his daughter's temperament was spoiled by him, so he could only turn a blind eye and follow her wishes.

But today she took the initiative to come over, not only Prince Jing, but also Concubine Jing was also surprised.

"Why is Kang Ran here? Are you feeling better today?" Prince Jing asked with concern.

A few days ago, Li Kangran suddenly fell ill. It is said that he was angered by a country girl.

At that time, Prince Jing was still fighting in the front line, so he didn't know about it. After she came back, her illness was almost recovered.

The daughter was weak and would suffer from minor illnesses from time to time, so seeing that she was fine, Prince Jing and his wife only told her to rest well and did not let her attend today's banquet.

Seeing his father's worried face, Li Kangran had a gentle smile on his pale face.

"Let the father worry, the daughter is much better."

Seeing that she was indeed in better spirits than during the day, Prince Jing was relieved a lot.

Then he pointed to Li Yi with a smile and said, "Kang'er, hurry up and meet your Uncle Jiu. You were only five years old when you met last time."

Li Kangran looked in the direction of his finger, and couldn't help being startled when he saw Li Yi's face.

Her health is not good, and she rarely goes out in order not to worry her parents, so naturally she has no friends.

The cousin can be said to be her only playmate.

She often heard her cousin talk about this ninth uncle.

Said that he is not only personable, but also very handsome, he is the best-looking man she has ever seen.

Li Kangran was still young when he left Beijing, so naturally he didn't remember Li Yi's appearance.

Therefore, I disapproved of my cousin's description of him as a fairy who does not eat the fireworks of the world.

But at this moment, she felt that what her cousin described before was not only not too much, but even only described how handsome this person was.

"Kang Ran met Uncle Jiu." She recovered and saluted Li Yi.

Li Yi nodded calmly, refilled Gu Nanyan's cup of tea, and continued to peel her melon seeds.

Seeing his daughter's embarrassment, Prince Jing hurriedly asked someone to add a stool for her beside Concubine Jing.

Li Kangran didn't sit down immediately, she looked at Gu Nanyan casually.

Gu Nanyan was eating melon seeds with her head down, but she felt her eyes look up and was not surprised to see the other person's appearance.

"It's really you!" Li Kangran exclaimed, with an expression of disbelief.

She just heard from her cousin that she met the woman she met in the restaurant that day at the banquet, so she thought she had admitted the wrong person.

Although she had doubts about this woman's identity at the time, after thinking about it afterwards, she felt that there is no such thing as such a coincidence in this world.

Coupled with the fact that Gu Nanyan was wearing civilian clothes at the time, Li Kangran felt that he was intimidated by a little village girl who didn't know where he came from, and he was angry in his heart, which made him a little sick.

Seeing his daughter's face full of surprise, Prince Jing asked curiously, "Kang'er knows Nanyan?"

Recently, together with Gu Nanyan, Li Yi and Gu Yao have been living in the barracks with the army.

He also invited three people to live in the palace, but they refused at the same time.

Gu Nanyan was used to this kind of life in her previous life, where she carried a tent and camped around to perform tasks.

For her, it is good to have a tent, and it is common to sleep in the open air.

So compared with the palace, she is more willing to be with the soldiers of Zhenbei Army.

As for Li Yi, because of Gu Nanyan's refusal, he naturally refused to live in the palace alone.

Besides, he preferred to live in the barracks.

Neither of them will go, and it is even more impossible for Gu Yao to go.

Although Prince Jing was helpless, he also knew his younger brother's temperament, once a decision was made, it would not change.

So he was surprised by his daughter's apparent appearance of meeting Gu Nanyan.

After all, Li Kangran seldom even went out, let alone strolled in the military camp.

Li Kangran was in a very complicated mood at this time, and suddenly regretted stepping into this banquet hall.

"I met once in the street." Li Kangran said with downcast eyes.

No matter what grievances they had before, she couldn't say it at this time.



King Jing stroked his goatee with a smile on hearing this, and regained his image of a literati.

He didn't see the irritable look when he faced his son just now.

"I didn't expect you to be destined. If so, Kang Er will come to meet your Aunt Huang."

Li Kangran, who already had a bad feeling: "..."

So that's why she couldn't tell about the conflict between the two, because the woman in front of her is her elder!

Even though the people in the northwest are more open than the capital, if they offend the elders, they will still be said.

What's more, they still take the initiative to pick things up!

Li Kangran's lips moved, and he held back for a long time before he reluctantly uttered five words.

"Meet Aunt Huang."

Gu Nanyan, who was promoted to elder, finally took his eyes off Li Yi's hand.

She nodded with relief, and looked at her with the eyes of a father looking at his son.

"Hey, what a good boy."

 I haven't been feeling well for the past two days. I'm really sorry for making the cuties wait.

  Next month, the author will blow up [-] more to express his apology.

  no sooner said than done!

(End of this chapter)

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