The farmer has a mall

Chapter 193 The Book of War

Chapter 193 The Book of War
Naturally, Li Kangran was very displeased with the sudden appearance of Huang Aunt.

She had always been spoiled, how could she have been wronged like this, she sat beside Concubine Jing with a blushing face, once again regretting that she ran over out of curiosity.

After the banquet was over and all the guests were gone, she greeted Prince Jing and his wife and hurried back to her small courtyard.

Wang Yanran was waiting in her room, and when she saw her coming in, she rushed up to greet her.

"Is the banquet going well?" She asked tentatively.

Li Kangran was feeling depressed, when he heard this, he shook off her hand angrily, poured a glass of water and downed it in one gulp.

"It's just a welcome banquet, what can happen?"

She looked at Wang Yanran with dissatisfaction.

"You already knew that the village girl was the princess protecting the country, why didn't you remind me that this princess was ashamed in front of so many people!"

When she thought of Gu Nanyan's "kind" appearance, she felt that her breath was stuck in her chest.

"I thought you knew about it a long time ago." Wang Yanran said helplessly.

"Didn't you also have doubts that day, besides, there are only two female relatives, the princess and the princess, at the banquet today."

Although Li Kangran complained a little, he also felt that what she said was correct, and knew that he had vented his anger.

Her face softened: "That woman is quite good at putting on a show, and she put on a face of an elder, which made me lose a lot of people."

She talked about Gu Nan grinding his teeth in smoke.

Wang Yanran smiled faintly: "The princess is the adopted sister of the emperor, so she is naturally higher than you in seniority, even my uncle would call her imperial sister."

Speaking of this, she seemed to sigh enviously.

"Speaking of which, if I have her scheming, King Sheng will not forget me."

Li Kangran rolled his eyes when he heard the words, as if he didn't agree with her words.

"What kind of scheming can a village girl have? I heard that she was only 11 years old when she got lost. I'm afraid she didn't even learn the rules well."

She curled her lips, with disdain for Gu Nanyan in her words.

"Besides, a lady from the General's Mansion dared to go out of Beijing privately to follow Gu Yao to the northwest. I think she must have no good intentions."

She seemed to have thought of something suddenly, put down her teacup and said to Wang Yanran: "Uncle Jiu definitely doesn't like her appearance, but it's hard to guarantee that she has thoughts about Uncle Jiu, otherwise she won't follow me all the way. I think you'd better Be careful."

Although in Wang Yanran's capacity, at most she would be a side concubine for King Sheng.

But as her cousin of Li Kangran, if she is overwhelmed by Gu Nanyan at that time, where will she lose face!

Wang Yanran twisted the handkerchief in her hand, with a look of disappointment on her face.

"She's a princess, and I'm just the daughter of a county magistrate, so how can I compare?"

"Besides, you also know that King Sheng once asked the emperor to marry her..."

Li Kangran waved his hand impatiently before she finished speaking, looking at her with contempt in his eyes.

"Uncle's status is low, and he really can't compare to the General's Mansion."

Wang Yanran was taken aback, with embarrassment appearing on her face.

"But don't forget that you are still the niece of Concubine Jing and the cousin of Princess Shouchang. With me backing you up, if you continue to let others lose your prestige, you will lose the face of the palace!"

Wang Yanran bit her lower lip when she heard the words, and nodded gratefully with tears in her eyes.

"I know that you and my aunt treat me well, and I will definitely not let you lose face for me."

Li Kangran was also very satisfied to see that she was so knowledgeable.

"I'll think of a way tonight and find an opportunity for you to get along with Uncle Jiu. After a long time, with your talent and appearance, you will definitely not lose to that village girl."

They stayed together all day, and Wang Yanran naturally attended classes with her when Master was teaching.

Although she is only interested in martial arts and is not very good at other homework, Wang Yanran is particularly talented in calligraphy, painting and poetry.

Even the wife of her younger brother Li Yanzong once praised her.

She didn't believe that Uncle Jiu would let a gentle and quiet talented woman go, and marry a rude woman with brute force.

She had heard about Gu Nanyan's competition with foreign envoys. She used to admire the lady of the general's mansion, and felt that the tiger father had no dog daughter.

But when she saw it now, she felt that Gu Nanyan must have used some means to win that competition back then.

How could this kind of person be worthy of Uncle Jiu, she absolutely disagreed with her being her Aunt Jiu!

Not to mention that her cousin grew up with her, even if it was to make things difficult for Gu Nanyan, she would not back down half a step.

Wang Yanran looked sad and lowered her head, with unwillingness and determination in her eyes.

Some people are destined to be superior to others from birth, and they can easily get things that she can't have despite all her efforts, just like Gu Nanyan, just like...

She looked up at her cousin who was still sulking, and her tone was dependent.

"Then trouble my cousin to worry about me, if in the future..."

"I will definitely repay the palace well."

Her words were unclear, but Li Kangran still understood what she meant.

In the barracks, Gu Shen stood in front of Gu Nanyan's tent and handed her a wooden box with a smile.

"The things inside here were prepared by your grandfather and I early in the morning. I wanted to go back before your birthday ceremony and give it to you personally. Who knew that not only did I miss it, but it also made you travel so much that I missed the birthday ceremony."

Gu Shen patted Gu Nanyan's head guiltily, seeing that she didn't dodge this time, he grinned happily and foolishly.

"But don't worry, I have discussed it with your grandfather. Although the days have passed, our general's family doesn't have so many rules. I will make up for you when I go back."

Gu Nanyan was noncommittal upon hearing the words, and curiously opened the box.

I saw a book without a cover inside, the writing on it was a bit scribbled, and it was not written by the same person.

She turned a few pages, and was surprised to find that it was actually a book on the art of war!

Moreover, the first few pages have turned yellow, but the last few pages are brand new, which looks like a long-term accumulation.

She couldn't help but look at the moonlight.

Gu Shen watched Gu Nanyan rummage through it curiously, and knew that his daughter liked this gift very much.

It stands to reason that the gift of Jiji given by male elders to juniors should be some pens, ink, paper and inkstones or books such as women's virtues and rings.

But after discussing with his father for a long time, he always felt that these things were very unsuitable for his daughter.

In the end, it was her father who thought of this book, which recorded his decades of combat experience. Gu Shen felt that this book was very suitable for her.

And there are some experiences he recorded!
This can be regarded as a daughter inheriting her father's career.

Gu Shen proudly raised his chin.

Although he has no son, his daughter is stronger than many men. She is his pride. He doesn't care about sons!
Gu Nanyan watched for a quarter of an hour, and Gu Shen stood there quietly accompanying her.

The sound of frogs and insects was very clear at night, but he didn't feel it was noisy at all, and he even felt that the years were quiet.

After a quarter of an hour, Gu Nanyan roughly read the content, and couldn't help feeling a little more admiration for Gu Yao.

Although the handwriting of this booklet is not good-looking and some places are not detailed enough, it can be called a shortened version of Sun Tzu's Art of War!

"Sister Nan doesn't understand something, tell Daddy, and Daddy will explain it to you."

Seeing her close the book, Gu Shen thought she didn't understand.

It was rare for him to have the opportunity to talk to his daughter, so he was surprisingly patient at this time.

He bent down to look at his daughter at the same level, and the original gong-like volume was also suppressed to a low level.

If it wasn't for Gu Nanyan's sensitive five senses, he might not be able to hear what he was saying.

Seeing him coaxing a three-year-old child, the corner of Gu Nan's mouth twitched, trying not to push his head away.

The last time I accidentally touched his arm, it was dislocated. If I change it to the head this time...

Gu Nanyan trembled, unable to look directly at the bloody picture in his mind, he quickly took two steps back.

Seeing Gu Shen's puzzled look, she cleared her throat.

"I'll read this book first, and I'll return it to you in a few days."

(End of this chapter)

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