The farmer has a mall

Chapter 195 2 Difficult Places

Chapter 195 Dilemma
Since the Zhenbei Army reached the border, Wutur knew that the strength of the two sides was very different and retreated hundreds of miles.

Although the army has not completely retreated, it has been stable for a few days.

The kamikaze team, which was gearing up for it, was very disappointed.

After the morning training, they sat around in a few piles, holding dinner plates in their hands.

"Hey, a bunch of idiots, I have worked so hard to train for so long, I thought I could show my skills here and earn military merits."

A bronze-skinned, muscular man spat on the ground.

"I said Brother Zhu, it's not good if you don't fight. What do you want that military merit for?"

Next to him, a young man who was two circles younger than him, although thin but also very strong, smiled.

He stuffed a piece of fat into his mouth, and his mouth was full of oil.

"Our kamikaze camp has good food, warm clothes, and money every month, isn't that enough?"

"What do you know, you little brat!" the man called Brother Zhu snorted.

"What did the master say? A soldier who doesn't want to be a general is not a good soldier. I wish Hong even though he knows he can't be a general, but he still wants to fight for it!"

"What are you fighting for?" the thin man laughed.

"Could it be that you still want to be the captain? Don't blame my brother for not reminding you, Captain Hou Gu and the others were brought out by the master alone, so don't let your imagination run wild."

In his opinion, the status of Ashlan and the others cannot be shaken.

Whether it's skill or other aspects, their entire team is unmatched.

"That's not sure." Zhu Hong said unconvinced.

"Don't forget, why did we come to the master's side? There are still many troops stationed in the fief."

"I heard that the master wants to pick a few people from us, and he will be responsible for training those people in the future. Captain Hou Gu and the others can't do both, besides..."

Zhu Hong paused, seeing that he didn't finish speaking, the thin man asked curiously, "What's more?"

The two of them have a very good relationship, and they are from the same village, so they talk about almost everything.

Zhu Hong hesitated for a moment, seeing that no one was paying attention to them, he approached him and said in a low voice: "Besides, whether the captain and the others can stay in the kamikaze team is still up to you!"

Hearing this, the thin man stopped picking up the rice and looked around.

"What do you mean by that?"

Zhu Hong lifted his chin to the west, and lowered his voice mysteriously.

"Don't forget, Captain Hou Gu is from Xihu. When will he be able to attack his own compatriots in a fight? If he retreats before the battle, can the master let him go?"

The thin man scratched his head and said puzzledly: "They are members of the kamikaze team now, and the captain has always obeyed the master's words, so it shouldn't be..."

Before he finished speaking, Zhu Hong interrupted him.

"You know what a fart, even if he can do it, the master has to think more about it, how cruel is a person who can kill even his own clan!"

"Then if you say that, isn't it wrong for the captain and the others to do anything?"

The thin man was a little disappointed. Although Hou Gu Ashlan was a bit stricter, he treated each of them very well, just like a big brother.

Zhu Hong shook his head and sighed: "If you want to blame, you can only blame them for their bad luck. With the background of Xihu people staying in the Jianan army, this dilemma will have to be faced sooner or later."

The thin man lowered his head, looking at the meat in the bowl, he suddenly lost his appetite.

At this time, Ashlan was sitting in a small restaurant, and a young man in his 20s was sitting opposite him.

This person's skin is dark, and his figure is stronger than that of ordinary Han people, but he is dressed in a literati's attire, which looks extremely unsuitable.

"Brother Hou Gu, it's not that I don't want to help you. Now that the two sides are fighting, it's really hard to send this food over there."

The man sighed, his expression very helpless.

At this time, transporting food to Xihu, I am afraid that it will be robbed before walking a few steps.

Just grabbing food is still good. He just came from there a few days ago. He heard that now Utur is robbing food and livestock everywhere. Many tribes have no food. In order not to starve to death, they have already started killing people for meat!

"Besides, you don't know where your people are now, even if you send them there, I can't find them."

Hou Gu Ashlan frowned upon hearing this.

He has been here for so long, and there is no movement from Xihu. He doesn't know that the situation is still so serious.

Although the master asked them to send a lot of food last time, it can be calculated that they should eat almost now.

"Before I came to Jianan, my father once told me that if the ethnic groups migrated, we would leave marks along the way, and it would not be difficult to find them." Ashlan mused.

"Although Brother Hu asked you to send money to the clan before, but according to the current situation, I'm afraid you can't buy rice."

Hu Si nodded and took a sip from his teacup.

"To tell you the truth, I was thinking of taking advantage of Xihu's shortage of food to sell more, but I was intercepted by a group of people not long after I left the city."

He rubbed his chest in fear.

"Those people robbed food and wanted to kill people. It's my brother's fate. I just happened to meet King Jing and lead a counterattack. That's how I escaped. Otherwise, you wouldn't be able to see me today."

Ashlan was even more worried when she heard the words, most of them were old and young, and Xihu was so chaotic now, what if...

Hu Si couldn't bear to see him pursing his lips and looking ugly.

He was born of Xihu people and Han people. Although his skin is dark, his appearance is more like that of Han people.

Therefore, he was not welcomed by barbarians since he was a child and was often bullied.

At that time Ashlan was only a boy of twelve or thirteen years old, seeing him pitiful, every time he beat off those who bullied him, this gave him a few days to live in peace.

Therefore, he has always regarded Ashlan as a close friend.

It was only later that he came to Jianan with his family. Because it is close to Xihu, there are many Xihu and Han people combined, so it is not unusual for him to be a mixed blood here.

The family lived here, and they occasionally corresponded with Ashlan, but they never saw each other again.

Until some time ago, he saw Ashlan in chains on the street.

Hu Si scratched his head, his family was not considered wealthy, so even if he wanted to buy a few people with money to restore their freedom, he didn't have the ability.

He could only watch helplessly as that human tooth took them away.

Later, when he heard that the group had gone to the capital, he was still a little worried.

Not long after, they received a letter from Ashlan, and learned that not only did they return to be free, but they lived a good life.

Hu Si has always felt guilty about the fact that he failed to help his friend in difficulties.

Seeing the other party's frowning look at this moment, he gritted his teeth after thinking for a moment: "You prepare the food first, but don't prepare too much. I will think of a way in the next few days to see if I can take another road to spare Wutu Er's troops."

"It would be great if the food was successfully delivered to your clansmen, but it wouldn't be too distressing if it couldn't be delivered."

In his opinion, the chance of success is not great. After all, Utur still has 5 people camping hundreds of miles away, and there are still some tribes who take advantage of the troubled waters to take advantage of the fire.

Hou Gu Ashlan shook his head, disapproving of his approach.

Although he was worried about his clansmen, he couldn't let others take risks. If something happened at that time, even Father would not feel at ease.

"Don't worry about this, I'll think of a way."

Seeing that he refused, Hu Si didn't say anything.

Just thinking about it in my mind.

Ashlan was wearing a bunt today, and he had never told anyone about his master's identity.

Hu Si didn't know that he was a soldier of Jianan Kingdom now, and he didn't know that his friend's master was actually a princess of a country, so he didn't think he could have other ways.

The two chatted for a while, then bid farewell and left.

In the barracks, Ashlan stood in front of the tent with faint candlelight, looking hesitant.

He walked back and forth more than a dozen times, and every time he said "Master", he retreated before he could utter a sound.

"Come in and talk about something, and a few more walks around Lao Tzu's door will make you dig a trench!"

Gu Nanyan in the account rolled his eyes.

She had heard the movement a long time ago and knew who it was.

It's just that I was revising the book on the art of war written by Gu Yao just now. Seeing that outsiders have not come in for a long time, it doesn't seem like there is something important, so I don't make a sound.

(End of this chapter)

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