The farmer has a mall

Chapter 196 "Encounter"

Chapter 196 "Encounter"

"Finally, what's the matter?" Gu Nanyan asked straight to the point.

Since she became the captain of Kamikaze, her subordinates have been so rigid that they would never hang out in front of her except for business.

Seeing him hesitant to speak, Gu Nanyan choked on him every time he swallowed the words.

She took a look at Ashlan who was still in bunt, and turned her head in thought for a moment.

He had greeted her when he left the barracks.

Although he didn't say what was going on, maybe this calm man came here before he even had time to change his clothes. I think he was really anxious.

However, the Japanese army has been calm for the past few days, and it has not been heard that there is any major event worthy of his embarrassment.

"But something happened to your clan?" Gu Nanyan asked bluntly.

The corners of Ashlan's mouth twitched, and he nodded after a while.

"This subordinate went out today to find my good friend, and wanted him to send some more food to the tribe, but Xihu's side is very chaotic now, and the food can't be sent out at all."

Gu Nanyan understood what he said.

Li Yi told him that Utur was a very ambitious person. When his father was still alive, he had uttered bold words and wanted to annex the Jianan Kingdom.

Moreover, his mind is unfathomable, and he has been silent all these years, but it is because he was not prepared.

Now that he has made a move, he must feel that he has the chance to win.

Although the dark horse Gu Nanyan appeared halfway, how could the ambition and preparation of more than ten years retreat because of a temporary defeat.

From the fact that he retreated hundreds of miles, but continued to gather troops from other tribes, it can be seen that Utur did not give up the fat of Jianan.

The growth of the team means that more food and grass are needed.

Xihu mainly focuses on grazing and is not good at agriculture. If they want food and grass, they can only snatch it from others.

Under such circumstances, the entire Xihu will not be safe.

"You came to me because you want me to send someone to help you deliver food?" Gu Nanyan looked at her with no expression on her face.

Ashlan shook her head hurriedly when she heard the words, the face of the imposing nine-foot man flushed red.

"This subordinate has absolutely no such intentions. The kamikaze team belongs to the master, so how dare the subordinate use it privately."

Gu Nanyan raised her eyebrows: "What's the matter?"

"Subordinates, subordinates want to take a day off from the master, and go to Xihu in person."

Ashlan gritted her teeth, and finally said her request.

Seeing that Gu Nanyan hadn't spoken for a while, he hurriedly added: "The subordinates also know that the two countries are at war at this time, and they should be on standby at any time, and should not leave the team easily."

"The subordinate is just looking for someone to ask about the situation of our clansmen, it only takes a day."

He believed that with his father's cautious temperament, he would carefully arrange the food he sent back. Although he might not have enough to eat, he would not starve to death.

What he is most worried about now is the safety of the clan.

"To tell you the truth, my Heda tribe is not rich, and most of them are old and weak, women and children. If we encounter Utur's army, I am afraid that we will be doomed. I just want to know if they are safe..."

Gu Nanyan waved his hand without waiting for him to finish speaking.

Ashlan thought she disagreed, and felt a sense of loss in her heart, but she heard Gu Nanyan's crisp voice.

"Even if you know that they are safe now, what's the use? If you don't know what will happen tomorrow, you can't tell when you will be in danger."

Naturally, Ashlan also knew this truth, but she couldn't feel at ease if she didn't look for him herself.

Seeing that he was quite big and his eyes were red, Gu Nanyan couldn't help but give him a blank look.

"Tsk, trouble."

With disgust in her tone, she drew a pistol from under the desk.

The kamikaze team returned all weapons and ammunition to Gu Nanyan except during training and fighting, which was also written in the military regulations.

So seeing her handing him a gun in the middle of the night, Ashlan was startled.

But Gu Nanyan put the gun on the table and pushed it in front of him.

"Tomorrow morning, I will go to my grandfather to ask for a few carts of food. Let Su He take a few people with you. I will only give you three days." She lowered her eyelids and said.

"Set up your people within three days. If you don't return to the team on time, you will be dealt with according to military regulations!"

This is not a small crime in the army, and it will be kicked out of kamikaze.

Ah Shilan didn't feel that Gu Nanyan was strict, tears were faintly streaming from the flushed eyes, and her two fists were tightly clenched together, restraining her body that was about to tremble at the moment.

"Ashilan takes orders!" He replied emphatically.

Early the next morning, he went to Gu Yao to get the food and went back to Xihu with Su He.

When Gu Nanyan had nothing to do, he would spend his time in the tent revising Gu Yao's pamphlet, and when he was tired, he would go for a walk in the market with Bai Zhi.

Of course, Gu Yao, who wanted to cultivate a family relationship with his granddaughter, would definitely follow.

Gu Shen also wanted to follow, but there had to be someone in charge in the army, so he could only stay and send them out with an abandoned expression every time.

As for Li Yi...Of course I won't miss it!
Gu Nanyan didn't care about others following her, besides, every time she bought something, these two people rushed to pay her the bill, she wished she could welcome her with both hands and feet.

The three of them went out as usual that day. After shopping for half a day, they bought a lot of snacks and cakes such as peanuts and melon seeds and then returned home.

Gu Nanyan was in a great mood and stuffed a chestnut into his mouth as he walked.

Li Yi stood on her left, peeling the chestnut skin skillfully with his fingers.

And Long Yi behind him was holding a paper bag containing chestnuts with a look of lovelessness.

There are all kinds of food hanging on the back and arms.

Although Gu Yao was very upset, seeing his granddaughter enjoying the meal, he turned a blind eye and followed Li Yi's courtesies.

The three of them returned along the original road, and when they got halfway, Li Yi stopped.

"Does Yan'er still want to eat the mutton biscuits bought yesterday?"

Gu Nanyan also stopped, smelling the smell of meat at the tip of her nose, and nodded her head uncontrollably.

Li Yi smiled, and put the peeled chestnuts in her palm.

"Wait, I'll buy it for you."

Gu Nanyan just wanted to nod his head, but after thinking about it, he said: "I heard that their mutton soup is also delicious, why don't you eat here before leaving."

Li Yi naturally had no objection, Gu Yao also followed Gu Nanyan, so they walked to the sesame seed stall.

Before he got closer, Gu Nanyan saw two familiar figures, and raised his eyebrows in surprise.

Wang Yanran and Li Kangran were sitting in front of the biscuit stand, they all looked towards them.

Li Yi also saw them naturally, he frowned, and pulled Gu Nanyan to the table farthest from them.

Gu Nanyan didn't care where to sit, but when Wang Yanran saw their movements, she hurriedly said, "Wang... Mr. Li, Miss Gu, since we met by chance, why not sit together and have more fun."

Li Yi didn't look at her, and took the lead to sit at the innermost table.

"No need, don't eat or sleep, this king likes to be quiet."

Wang Yanran pursed her lips when she heard the words, her watery eyes had a hurt look.

She looked at Li Kangran, but saw that she was staring at Gu Nanyan with envy or jealousy.

Wang Yanran called her several times before she finally reacted.

But she didn't agree with Wang Yanran, she just lowered her head and ate a mouthful of the meatloaf.

Today, her cousin insisted on taking her out for dinner, and it was the stall they usually looked down on the most.

She thought it was strange at first, but now that she saw Li Yi, she understood.

Li Kangran was unhappy, feeling faintly that he was being used.

If the cousin told her to come here to wait for Uncle Jiu, she would not object, after all, she had always wanted to do her best to facilitate them.

But her cousin seems to regard her as a fool!

Li Kangran was very angry, and didn't intend to assist. He greeted Li Yi from a distance and continued to eat.

Seeing her indifferent appearance, Wang Yanran's heart skipped a beat, and she regretted not telling her clearly before going out.

Li Yi often went to this stall to buy meatloaf. She bribed the guards to ask about it.

Although she likes Li Yi, she doesn't want people to think that she is not reserved, chasing after a man all day long.

So subconsciously concealed it from Li Kangran.

I thought it would be over if I fooled around a few words, but seeing her like this, it was obvious that she knew her intention.

(End of this chapter)

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