The farmer has a mall

Chapter 197 That's all

Chapter 197 That's all

Zhongling County is the most affluent place in King Jing's fief, and it is also where Prince Jing's mansion is located.

Because it is close to Xihu, the locals like to eat mutton.

As for Gu Nanyan's stall, his mutton soup and mutton pancakes are the best in the neighborhood.

Pepper is sprinkled in the white mutton soup, and the rich meat flavor is paired with chopped green onions. One bite can make people sweat.

Taking another bite of the thin, crispy and juicy meatloaf, Gu Nanyan let out a satisfied breath.

Li Yi, who didn't like to eat mutton originally, saw that she ate deliciously, and with his fair fingers, he tore off a piece of the meatloaf and put it in his mouth, and he thought it was good.

He ate extremely politely, sat on a small low stool with a straight face, his noble aura did not go well with this stall.

"If Yan'er likes it, how about I let someone learn how to cook it for you?"

Li Yi looked at her with a smile, his eyes full of affection.

Gu Nanyan was surprised, this place is not far from the military camp, you can come here whenever you want to eat, why is it so troublesome.

She shook her head in refusal.

"No matter how good you eat, you will get tired of eating too much. Besides, there are so many delicious foods, and you can still make people fail to learn them all."

Besides, things like roadside stalls are only delicious if you eat them in the open air, but if you eat them at home, they won't have that taste.

"That's okay." Li Yi said softly.

Gu Nanyan glanced at him speechlessly, thinking that this guy might be seriously ill.

Gu Yao took a sip of the soup and looked at Li Yi defensively.

This kid was courting his granddaughter right in front of him, and really didn't take him seriously.

He looked at Wang Yanran, who looked over from time to time, and swallowed the food in his mouth.

"The old man looked at Miss Wang and kept looking at the prince, as if he had something to say, why don't the prince go and have a look?"

I don't know what this brat has done, the girl's eyeballs are almost glued to him.

"It's better to be clear about some things, blindly avoiding them is not a long-term solution."

Gu Yao hummed in his heart.

He is promiscuous everywhere and wants to covet his granddaughter.

I can't even dream!
Gu Yao's tone is not good. Although he is an elder, Li Yi is still a prince no matter what, so it is presumptuous to say these words.

But Li Yi didn't care. Instead, he nodded and lowered his eyelids, as if he was listening to the teaching.

"What the old general said is that this matter was indeed mishandled by the king."

He glanced at Gu Nanyan, who was sinking his head into eating, as if he hadn't heard anything, flipped the corner of his shirt, got up, and walked in the direction of Wang Yanran.

Wang Yanran was still dressed in white today, and only one side of the stool was sitting under her.

There was a bowl of mutton soup in front of her, but she didn't move a bit. On the contrary, Li Kangran ate a pancake in just a moment.

Seeing Li Yi walking towards her, she clutched the corner of her clothes nervously.

Li Yi stood in front of her, looking down at her with condescending eyes, without any expression on his face.

"My lord has something to tell you."

Wang Yanran looked up at his handsome face, her cheeks were flushed.

She stood up and bowed her knees slightly, showing her slender and fair neck with half of her head turned sideways.

"My lord..." She called out delicately, with nervousness in her beautiful eyes and a hint of hope.

"I don't know what the lord has ordered?"

She glanced at Gu Nanyan, seeing that the other party was still eating, with a pile of dishes piled up in front of her, she couldn't help covering her mouth and smiling.

"The princess's appetite is still so good, but the diet must be restrained. I'm afraid it will be bad for the health. The prince might as well persuade the princess."

When she said this, she had a worried expression on her face, as if she was really worried about Gu Nanyan.

However, Li Yi didn't notice her expression. The moment she got up, a faint fragrance of makeup and powder came, and he subconsciously frowned and took a step back.

"What does it matter to you how much you smoke?"

"Stay far away from me."

With a look of disgust on his face, Wang Yanran was startled when she heard the words, and after a while, her blushing face turned pale.

She didn't understand, it was obviously King Cheng who came over by himself, why did he let her stay away at this moment?
"It was you, the prince, who told me something." She said with an aggrieved expression.

"You said last time that you wanted to repay me for saving my life, but it still counts?" Li Yi asked holding his breath.

Wang Yanran was startled when she heard the words, then nodded quickly.

"Nature counts."

Li Yi nodded in satisfaction: "That's good."

"You are not allowed to appear within fifty paces of this king in the future. As long as you do this, it will be considered as repaying this king's life-saving grace."

He paused, then added: "There is Yan'er, stay away from her."

He still remembered the last time Gu Nanyan stared at this woman dancing. Although they were all women, Li Yi still felt sour.

After he finished speaking, he turned his head and went back to his own table, leaving Wang Yanran standing there with an unbelievable expression on his face.

Seeing her appearance, Li Kangran, who had been silent all this time, twitched the corners of his mouth mockingly, threw a piece of broken silver on the table, and left on his own.

This cousin of hers always thought she was a smart person, but she put all her thoughts on her face, even she who was a few years younger than her could see it, how could Uncle Jiu not know?

With her like this, how could Uncle Jiu like her.

Li Kangran walked on the busy street and sighed.

If she had no other choice, she wouldn't waste her time helping this idiot.

Let's say that Gu Nanyan ate dozens of pancakes in one go, turning the tired face of the stall owner into green.

He usually only sells seventy or eighty ones in a whole day. He has never encountered such edible ones. It is like putting all the workload of the whole day in less than half an hour!
The stall owner wiped his sweat away and sent the three of them back to the barracks.

At this time, Gu Shen was holding a small basket, waiting for her in the Kamikaze Camp.

There were some fresh green and yellow wild fruits in the basket, Gu Nanyan took it out and saw that they were figs.

It's just that although these fruits are already ripe, because the fruit trees have not been improved, they are much smaller than modern ones.

Gu Nanyan ordered the figs to be washed and brought to her tent.

Seeing that her daughter liked it, Gu Shen was very happy.

"I found these honey seeds after the military camp. Although they don't look very good, they taste really good."

This honey seed fruit is not common, it is a specialty of Anyang country.

When he was stationed in the north, he saw a fruit tree with honey seeds in the mountains. He didn't know that this thing could be eaten at the time.

Later, I met Sister Nan's mother, and Lan'er loved eating honey seeds, especially after she was pregnant.

At that time, Lan'er had severe morning sickness, she couldn't eat anything, and she lost a lot of weight.

So he simply moved the honey seed fruit tree to the yard, took care of it himself, and tried to make his wife eat two a day.

Gu Nanyan picked up a fig, split it from the middle and took a bite. The sweet and glutinous taste instantly filled her mouth, making her squint her eyes in satisfaction.

Seeing his daughter like this, Gu Shen saw his wife eating honey seeds and fruits, and his eyes turned red.

At this time, in the palace of Anyang Kingdom, a young man with a thin face was also holding a honey seed fruit in his hand.

He seemed to think of someone, with nostalgia in his eyes.

"Master." A black figure quietly landed in front of him.

The young man came back to his senses, put down the fruit in his hand, and the little eunuch at the side hurriedly handed him the veil.

"Can you see the emperor?"

The man in black half-kneeled on the ground, lowered his head and cupped his hands at him, saying: "Returning to the master, this subordinate has only been outside His Majesty's bedroom, but has not been able to enter the palace."

"According to my subordinates' observation, there are at least a dozen masters ambushed in the hall, and the Fourth Highness is also inside."

Hearing the words, the young man coughed twice and didn't speak. He just stared at the carvings on the closed wooden window with ecstasy.

After about a quarter of an hour, he spoke slowly.

"Will Marquis Yongle go today?"

The man in black answered yes.

"Marquis Yong Le still failed to see His Majesty today. He wanted to force his way in, but was injured by the Fourth Highness's people. He returned to the residence at noon."

"Just half an hour ago, the eunuch next to Concubine Ning brought the imperial decree and dozens of imperial guards to restrain Yonglehou's feet."

The young man, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince of Jianan Kingdom, twitched his lips mockingly.

"That's what the fourth brother is capable of."

 Chapter 2 will be posted later, sleepy cutie sleeps first, then reads after waking up.

  Trojan horse╭(╯ε╰)╮

(End of this chapter)

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