The farmer has a mall

Chapter 198 Fu Tuo

Chapter 198 Fu Tuo
Marquis Yongle rushed back home after receiving news that the emperor was seriously ill. He thought that the two countries were about to go to war, and the emperor made a false move.

Who knew that he was really sick, but it was not as serious as the letter said.

The emperor told him that he was going to send troops, and he told him everything he had seen and heard in Jianan, including the Gu Nanyan military performance.

Hearing Guan Hanfei say that the opponent not only has a bow and crossbow that can fire continuously, but also has a hidden weapon that can kill people thousands of meters away, the Emperor Anyang just found it incredible.

After Guan Hanfei revealed the power of Tianlei, all the civil and military officials in the court felt that this little duke might have some kind of madness.

Although the emperor didn't believe it, he summoned the envoys to question them one by one, and got the same answer.

He has always been cautious and suspicious, and after thinking about it for a few days, he immediately ordered Ning Zongyuan to suspend the plan to send troops, and take a long-term plan.

His actions naturally displeased the Ning family who provoked this matter, but the emperor's order cannot be violated, and Ning Zongyuan had no choice but to accept the order.

Unexpectedly, not long after, Emperor Anyang's condition suddenly became serious, and within a month he could not even go to the morning court.

Originally, at such a time, Fu Tuo, who was the prince, should act as the acting government.

But on the one hand, his health is not good, and on the other hand, he has been confined for many years, so it is logical that the temporary government affairs fall on Ning Guifei's son, Ning Zongyuan's nephew, the fourth prince Fu Lang.

And the first thing Fu Lang did was to ask his uncle to organize his army and prepare to go to Jianan.

When this matter reached Guan Hanfei's ears, it was already a certainty.

He persuaded Fu Lang to no avail, so he had to ask to see Emperor Anyang.

But until today, I haven't seen Emperor Anyang himself.

Fu Tuo stretched out his pale fingertips to trace lightly on the edge of the teacup, and there was no emotion in his pair of phoenix eyes.

He exhaled like a sigh, his voice weak and weak.

"Is there any news over there?"

Hearing the master's question, the man in black took out a bamboo tube thinner than chopsticks from his skirt, and sealed it with a layer of beeswax.

After he handed the bamboo tube to Fu Tuo, he lowered his head, and the little eunuch serving behind him turned his back.

Fu Tuo roasted the beeswax and pulled out a roll-shaped note from it.

There were only a dozen or so words on the paper, but he looked at it for a while, with a look of sadness and joy on his face, and then he brought the note close to the candle and burned it to ashes.

After the man in black left, Fu Tuo retreated from the servants and took out a scroll from the hidden compartment under the desk.

He placed the scroll on the desk and unfolded it carefully.

It was a portrait of a sixteen or seventeen-year-old girl, wearing a pink dress, standing under a pear tree with her head up, as if she was looking at something.

It may be that the portrait is quite old, and the paper has turned yellow. The girl's face seems to have been swayed by people frequently, and the facial features can no longer be seen clearly.

There was deep sadness in Fu Tuo's eyes, and he stared at the girl for a long time in a daze, the corners of his mouth moved slightly.

"Mother... my son is unfilial, I can't remember your face clearly."

His voice was hoarse, as if he was holding back something, and then he broke out into a violent cough.

Fu Tuo felt dizzy for a while, and hurriedly poured something out of the porcelain bottle on the table and stuffed it into his mouth.

There was a cool feeling in the mouth, and the itching in the throat quickly subsided.

He held the porcelain bottle tightly, and his trembling index finger landed on the temple of the person in the painting. He obviously didn't have any expression, but it made people feel a strong sense of sadness.

The candlelight reflected on his face, flickering on and off, and after a long while, he pulled out a faint, almost invisible smile.

He seemed to be leaning back in the chair with some exhaustion, half-closed his eyes, and murmured in a low voice.

"Mother, I heard that she is very similar to you, and now she has grown into a big girl. My son is looking forward to seeing her."

"Mother, the nemesis son of my grandfather's family will definitely take revenge, please wait a little longer..."

"Mother, my son will definitely seek justice for you!"


In the middle of the night, a black shadow rode a horse galloping in the direction of Jianan Kingdom.

In the early morning of the second day, Gu Shen sat in the military tent with a serious face, and handed the secret letter in his hand to Li Yi, who was in charge.

"Wei Chen's spies in Anyang sent a letter overnight, and the Weiyang army has gathered 30 troops to go south, and they will reach our border in Jianan in a few days."

Gu Shen looked solemn, and he looked at the equally serious Gu Yao.

"Father, there are only [-] generals in the Zhenbei Army's garrison now, and I'm afraid they won't be able to hold out for a few days."

After reading the secret letter Li Yi handed him, Gu Yao frowned tightly.

"Why so suddenly."

Marquis Yongle sent a letter of credence half a month after returning to Anyang Kingdom. Emperor Anyang wanted to make friends, proposed marriage between the two countries and signed a war-free agreement, and did not want to conflict with Jianan within a hundred years.

Although this kind of agreement does not guarantee anything, it at least expresses the attitude of Emperor Anyang.

It's only been a few months now, and the two sides haven't drafted a letter of exemption from the war, so Emperor Anyang regretted it?
Gu Yao couldn't figure it out, Junwu joked that this sentence was not a decoration, it represented the integrity of an emperor and even the country.

If the order cannot be changed with sincerity, the prestige of this country will be greatly reduced, and even the surrounding small countries will not be convinced.

This is a big taboo for the king!
And as far as he knew, although Emperor Anyang could not be regarded as a generation of Mingjun, he paid great attention to face, and would never do such a thing to slap himself in the face.

Li Yi leaned on the seat, twirling the jade wrench in his hand.

He said in a cold voice: "Emperor Anyang has been seriously ill for a long time and ignored the government, and now the four princes are in power,"

Gu Yao suddenly realized that the fourth prince's uncle was Ning Zongyuan. Although Ning Zongyuan was in charge of the Weiyang army, he had not made any achievements in the past ten years due to the protection of Emperor Anyang. It's just a decoration.

In the past few years, there have been voices of dissatisfaction in the Anyang court. Many ministers feel that there will be no war, and the Weiyang army is still recruiting troops every year. It is a waste of money, and the call for disarmament is getting louder.

Under such circumstances, it made sense for Ning Zongyuan to make some achievements to deter those opposing voices.

Gu Yao didn't know what to think of, and a look of pity appeared on his face.

"Since the death of General Wei, Wei Yang's army has been worsening day by day."

I think that when he was still alive, he led the Weiyang Army and made Anyang Kingdom the number one country that deserved its name.

It can be said that Anyang State has its current status entirely because of the invincible General Wei.

The Weiyang Army is even more famous, and the surrounding Xiaoguo will fight against each other just by hearing their names.

Now more than ten years have passed, and the deterrent power that shocked the countries back then has also disappeared with the passing of General Wei.

The three of them remained silent, all feeling sorry for the fall of this generation of famous generals.

"Emperor Anyang is suspicious and narrow-minded by nature. General Wei is the uncle of the former prince. How could he allow the Wei family, who can share the world equally with him, to survive?"

The founding emperor Yuandi of Anyang Kingdom and the Patriarch of the Wei family were brothers in love, and together they laid down a piece of land.

The head of the Wei family is proficient in both literature and martial arts, but has no intention of taking the throne. He wants to push Emperor Yuan to the throne, but Emperor Yuan refuses and insists on sharing the world with him.

He made a rule that each queen must come from the Wei family, and the Wei family will be in charge of the Wei Yang army.

Although for hundreds of years, there have been situations where the Wei family's daughter-in-law gave up the post, but the Wei Yang army has always been in the hands of the Wei family.

The Wei family married the royal family, and the first son born will be established as a prince, who will rule the country in the future.

The same is true for the former prince.

It is a pity that he was born frail and died of illness before he was an adult.

Therefore, the Wei family selected the current Emperor Anyang from among the princes, and married the Wei family's daughter-in-law to him as the queen.

This move was not only to consolidate the status of the Wei family, but also to show the Wei family's loyalty to the emperor.

It's just a pity that General Wei, who has always been invincible and thoughtful, has gone astray this time.

After the suspicious Emperor Anyang came to power, he felt that the Weiyang army threatened his status, so he joined forces with the Ning family to frame the Wei family as collaborating with the enemy and traitorous to the country.

Not only did he confiscate the whole family of the Wei family, but he also imprisoned the queen in the cold palace, and put the prince under house arrest in the east palace, which has not been released until now.

The Weiyang army was also handed over to the Ning family as a matter of course, and the daughter of the Ning family was named a noble concubine, second only to the queen.

(End of this chapter)

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