The farmer has a mall

Chapter 199 Accident

Chapter 199 Accident
Not long after the accident in the Wei family, the queen hanged herself in the cold palace. The prince, who was imprisoned at the age of four, suffered such a drastic change and immediately fell ill.

Although he recovered after the imperial physician's treatment, his health deteriorated day by day.

Gu Yao sighed, even for General Wei, who is also a military general but has never met Mingjun, but also for the ill-fated present prince.

"For the current plan, I can only trouble General Gu to run around and lead the Northern Army of [-] towns back to the North to garrison." Li Yi said in a deep voice.

Gu Shen, who kept his head down and said nothing, hesitated when he heard the words, "Then this way..."

Although Xihu's army has withdrawn for hundreds of miles, if they leave, Utur, who has always been ambitious, will definitely bring people to attack the city, and King Jing may not be able to resist at that time.

What's more, there is also the Daliang Kingdom that is eyeing it covetously.

"This king will borrow the defenders of the capital from the emperor's brother. Although Xihu will come fiercely for a while, it will be difficult to capture a city. The most important thing now is to defend the north."

Even if Gu Yao brought the army back to the defense, it would only be 15 people, and according to this secret letter, the Weiyang Army will dispatch 30 people, this battle may be difficult to fight.

He looked at Gu Shen and asked, "Is this person's news accurate?"

The Weiyang army has a total of 30 people, not to mention the army guarding the imperial city.

Now that all the members are dispatched, it is really surprising.

Gu Shen nodded, and said in a deep voice: "This person is an old acquaintance of this minister, and his status in Anyang Kingdom is not low, so there should be nothing wrong with him."

Li Yi didn't ask any more after hearing the words. After Gu Yao and Gu Shen went out, he sat in the tent for a while, then got up to look for Gu Nanyan.

At this time, Gu Nanyan had just finished revising Gu Yao's booklet. She put down her pen and let out a sigh of relief. When she heard that Li Yi was coming, she asked someone to invite him in.

After Li Yi told her about the matter, he asked hesitantly, "What are your plans?"

Gu Nanyan pondered for a moment, then tapped her fingertips on the table.

She also wanted to leave, after all, she had been out for so long, and Liu Shi didn't know what to worry about at home.


Now Jianan Kingdom is besieged on all sides, and the city is in danger of being destroyed at any time.

There are no eggs under the overturned nest, among other things, if the real country is destroyed, her business will probably not be able to continue.

One must know that she still owes a lot of debts in the mall, and who knows what kind of trouble that bastard 888 will do to her if she still owes it!

So even if she was too lazy to meddle in her own business, she had to think more this time.

Besides, two days have passed since the three-day period she agreed with Ashlan, but the two of them haven't come back until now. Gu Nanyan faintly feels that something is wrong.

Ashlan has always been obedient to her, even if there is something important, she will definitely come back to tell her first, and there will be no news at all.

Moreover, she sent people out of the city to investigate the day before yesterday, and the Xihu people who had been looting outside the city were all gone, as if they disappeared overnight.

She thought for a moment, then looked up at Li Yi and said, "I still have some things to delay for a few days, please tell my grandfather for me, and go to the Northland to meet him when the things here are finished."

She paused and said, "I won't be going to my grandfather's place for two days."

Seeing her serious expression, Li Yi couldn't help asking, "Do you need help?"

Ever since he met Gu Nanyan, it was rare for her to show such an expression. Li Yi was a little worried.

Gu Nanyan waved at him and said, "I don't need it for now."

She knew that Li Yi must be in a hurry right now, but his temper has always been calm and he didn't show it.

After all, this country belongs to his Li family, and Emperor Dog is his own brother, so it's no wonder that he is not in a hurry.

After sending Li Yi away, Gu Nanyan opened the space and counted the tin cans that Zheng Tiesheng had handed over to her before Beijing, but there were only a hundred or so.

She exchanged some raw materials for gunpowder from the shopping mall, and after blending them according to the proportion, she took a semi-curved pipe and began to fill it into the iron can.

Two days later, when the Zhenbei Army was about to pull out the camp, Gu Nanyan asked someone to carry a few wooden boxes, and handed them to Gu Yao along with the booklet on the art of war.

Gu Shen looked at his daughter reluctantly.

"Father went to pick some honey seeds again. I wanted to send them to you last night. Seeing that you were busy, I didn't bother you."

He handed the bamboo basket in his hand to Gu Nanyan, stretched out his hand and rubbed her head.

"You haven't eaten well recently. I have already said hello to the stove and left some money for the cook. He asked him to cook a pot of chicken soup for you every day. Remember to drink it."

"Father also sees that you seem to have grown taller these days, and your clothes don't fit well. You have already paid money at the Zhenxiu Pavilion. Remember to go and have a measurement when you are free."

"The chair in your room is not good. It will hurt your back after sitting for a long time. Dad bought you a new one in the past few days and put it in my tent. You will have someone move it there later."

"and also……"

Gu Nanyan looked at Gu Shen who was chattering away, and was a little speechless. Seeing the deep worry on his face, he swallowed the word "shut up" when he reached the edge of his mouth.

A quarter of an hour later, Gu Yao walked over from behind him and joined him.

The two father and son spoke to each other, and Gu Nanyan rubbed his forehead.

"Or, you should go with daddy." Gu Shen finally concluded.

He was really worried about leaving his daughter here alone. If he lost it again, who would he find?
However, he hasn't seen his daughter in the past two days, and he knows Gu Nanyan's character, and he also knows that he can't persuade her, so he hasn't opened his mouth.

It's just that today's parting is imminent, Gu Shen still couldn't hold back the words.

Gu Yao nodded in agreement, and glanced at Li Yi standing behind his granddaughter from the corner of his eyes.

King Cheng dared to show courteousness to Sister Nan in front of him. When the two elders left, this guy might be like a wild dog running wild, desperately chasing after his granddaughter to please him.

If Sister Nan couldn't hold back her heart, wouldn't his precious granddaughter be taken away by this wolf? !
Maybe it was because Gu Yao's eyes were too obvious, Li Yi followed his gaze to look over, and then smiled lightly.

"General Gu, don't worry, this king will definitely take good care of Yan'er."

Gu Yao: "..."

I'm just afraid that you take good care of me!

The two made eye contact as they came and went, but Gu Nanyan didn't notice it.

Seeing Gu Shen looking like he was going to have a long talk, she couldn't help but turned her head and went back to the tent.

The three of them stood alone and looked at each other.

After the army left, the surrounding area where the kamikaze team camped instantly became empty.

She really likes this kind of environment, not only is she silent, but if someone comes this way, the patrolling people can spot it at a glance.

After she returned to the military tent, she first asked the people who had left the city to explain the situation outside the city in detail.

Afterwards, a few more people were sent to investigate in different directions, but there was still no news of Ashlan and Sukhbaru.

In desperation, she only thought that if there was still no movement in two days, she would take the other three team leaders, that is, the other three Xihu people who were familiar with Xihu, to go outside the city to have a look.

It's just that before she took someone out, a bad news came from the front.

"Utur's original [-] army is now nearly [-], and it has advanced a hundred miles again in the middle of last night, and it is now calling for battle at the gate."

When Li Yi found her in armor, his face was a bit ugly, and he looked at Gu Nanyan with worry.

Gu Nanyan didn't speak, she had expected this situation a long time ago.

Most of the Xihu people who blocked the road outside the city, robbed, killed, and robbed were disguised as members of the Utur army.

And the abnormal behavior of their disappearance is obviously sending out the signal of war.

It's just that she didn't understand why Li Yi looked at her like this.

Thinking of what he said just now that Xihu was screaming, Gu Nanyan tilted his head and asked, "But what happened to me?"

Li Yi nodded slowly: "This time Utur personally leads the army, and the leader is followed by a Xihu tribe."

He looked at Gu Nanyan, and a clear voice came out.

"One of them is your captain, Hou Gu Ashlan."

(End of this chapter)

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