The farmer has a mall

Chapter 200 If You Want to Leave Alive

Chapter 200 If You Want to Leave Alive
Although it is July, the weather in the northwest is already very hot.

Gu Nanyan was dressed in black, standing on the city wall and looking into the distance.

A mile away, Utur's army was joined together in a mighty manner, and they were shouting for some reason.

Ashlan's hands were tied behind her back, and she knelt down at the front with her head bowed.

Next to him was Sukhbaru, who was also tied up.

He seemed to be seriously injured. His hairy curly hair was stuck together with blood, and he fell on Ashlan's body weakly. His light brown eyes were staring angrily at the Xihu soldiers guarding them.

His lips moved slightly, and he didn't know what he said, which made the man furious and kicked him more than a dozen times.

Ashlan got down on the ground, blocked Suhebalu who was lying on the ground, and beat him several times.

Behind the two of them stood a hundred or so people tied together, men, women, young and old, all of them showed expressions of resentment when they saw them being beaten.

Gu Nanyan squinted her eyes, put down the military binoculars in her hand, and lowered her head to look at the bearded man who came to shout alone under the city wall.

He holds a giant hammer, his eyes are like copper bells, and his beard is like a hedgehog.

Seeing Gu Nanyan looking at him, the big man took two steps forward, and the hammer in his hand slammed on the ground with a bang, stirring up a cloud of dust.

"You are Gu Nanyan?"

Gu Nanyan looked at him with cold eyes, and the corners of his mouth slightly opened.


The man squinted his eyes at her for a long while, clasped his hands into fists, and said like a Han Chinese:
"Zana, the leader of the Lower Alte tribe, heard that the leader of Kamikaze has supernatural powers, please advise!"

His voice was rough and powerful, and it spread along the wind, and the shouts of the Xihu army in the distance became louder.

Gu Nanyan sneered and looked in the direction of Xihu Jun.


She hooked the corners of her mouth, and her voice seemed to be filled with ice.

"Why, you arrested Lao Tzu's people, and you still want Lao Tzu to teach you, want to eat it?"

Zana obviously didn't expect Gu Nanyan to have such a painting style, and he was stunned for a while before recovering.

"The Heda tribe is originally my Xihu tribe. Hou Gu Ashlan is the next head of the Heda tribe. How can he be from your country!"

He snorted coldly, as if he was quite disdainful towards Ashlan.

"Hou Gu betrayed Xihu and joined the Jianan army. The Heda tribe not only did not stop him, but also wanted to help him hide it. Pulling them to the front today is to make an example to those who are disloyal to the leader of Utur. Look at the fate of betraying Xihu!"

What he said was filled with righteous indignation, his thick eyebrows stood upright, and the hammer in his hand paused on the ground, making a muffled sound.

Gu Nanyan snorted coldly, and didn't talk nonsense with him, stepped on the city wall, and jumped down before everyone reacted.

She fell to the ground with a bang, her legs bent and cushioned, and then without any stagnation, she got up smoothly.

There was smoke and dust all around.

Zana hurriedly took a few steps back, opening his mouth in shock.

He looked at the place where Gu Nanyan landed, there were two footprints that were not shallow.

It is not uncommon to be able to jump from this height without injury.

Just like a master like Li Yi, as long as his body is flexible, he can use the city wall as a buffer to do it.

But Gu Nanyan was different, she just jumped straight out in front of everyone!

Not to mention borrowing strength, I didn't even move my fingers in the middle.

Zana suddenly had a bad feeling.

Gu Nanyan didn't care what he thought, and took a few steps forward lightly.

"I don't care what your reasons are, since Ashlan has entered my Kamikaze camp, she will die in Kamikaze even if she dies, and it's useless to talk about breaking the sky."

She squinted at Zana, the hot wind brushed her condensed face, but it didn't heat up the temperature around her.

"I'll give you a chance to let Lao Tzu obediently let me back and then withdraw my troops. I will spare your lives today."

Gu Nanyan said this very seriously, but Zana seemed to have heard a joke, and the hesitation just disappeared.

"Withdraw troops?" He stared at Gu Nanyan with his eyes, his chest heaving violently.

"When your King Jing killed my people, did you ever think about withdrawing your troops!"

He gritted his teeth and looked at the city wall, but he didn't see Prince Jing's people.

"I don't know how to plant and only graze. Every winter, the days without fresh and tender grass are very difficult."

His eyes were red and he seemed extremely angry.

"In order to survive, we can only plunder some food before the snow falls, so that the old and young in the clan will not die of cold and hunger. Even so, no one has ever been killed!"

"But your King Jing almost slaughtered my entire Arte family just because of a bag of rough noodles!"

When he said this, his eyes were bloodshot, his sturdy body trembled uncontrollably, and there was a rapid breathing sound from his throat due to resentment.

Gu Nanyan moved her eyes, looked at him and said, "You said you never hurt anyone, but you know that before King Jing came here, dozens of people in border towns were killed by Xihu people every year! "

Zana paused for a moment, then roared: "But none of that was done by my Arte tribe!"

Gu Nanyan shook her head, as if sighing: "Then the people you killed on the battlefield were all your enemies?"

The war is ruthless. The place where the Xihu people plundered was the country of Jianan, and what they committed was the border of the country.

In her opinion, this is invading the country and must be expelled!
It's just that Prince Jing's methods are indeed a bit harsher.

Prince Jing's gentle face appeared in her mind, and she couldn't help frowning.

Zana was stunned by her question.

Of course he couldn't just kill his enemies on the battlefield, otherwise he might be the first to die.

Gu Nanyan looked at him seriously: "A mistake is a mistake. Just because you didn't kill anyone, you can't take robbery for granted. If the soldiers of our country let you do things like this, how embarrassing the people in the border town will be!"

"But what's wrong with the young children in my clan!" Zana said angrily.

"Even if we are wrong, what is wrong with those innocent people!"

Gu Nanyan looked at his face filled with grief and indignation, and sighed for a while.

"That's why I said, if you can retreat here, I will spare your lives."

The corner of Zana's mouth was slightly chinned, and he looked at the girl in front of him who was not as tall as her chest with a complicated expression.

"I know you are very powerful." He said, his voice was not as excited as before.

"Da Liang Guo Xiao has already told the leader about you and the Kamikaze Camp, that's why we planned to capture Hou Gu."

He glanced in the direction of Xihu Dajun, and the expression under his beard was complicated and difficult to distinguish.

"It's just that since I've gone to battle today, there must be a result, otherwise... I'm afraid I won't be able to keep the only remaining clansman in Art."

They are just pawns in Utur's hands. It's fine if they are obedient, but if they are disobedient...

Zana didn't explain anymore, but Gu Nanyan understood what he meant.

"Tell Utur, if you want to leave here alive, let my soldiers withdraw from the border!"

Her voice was deep, drifting into Zana's ears with the breeze.

After saying that, she punched Zana without waiting for him to react.

Zana was startled when he felt the knife-like wind, and quickly raised his sledgehammer to block it.

Gu Nanyan did not dodge or dodge, and punched the hammer in front of him.

There was a loud bang, and the place where the hammer head met her fist was instantly dented, and the huge momentum made Zana fly backwards in an unsteady figure.

The moment he fell to the ground, Xihu Jun, who had been clamoring for joy, fell silent for an instant.

It was so quiet that even the sound of the breeze floating could be heard.

"I'll only give you two quarters of an hour. If you don't release people after two quarters of an hour, the five li radius will be razed to the ground!"

Gu Nanyan withdrew his hand. After saying this, he didn't even look at Zha, who fell on the ground and couldn't move. He turned around and went back to the city wall.

A man with half-white beard and hair sitting on horseback in the distance shrank his eyes, watched Gu Nanyan's figure disappearing at the gate of the city with a dark look, and clenched the hand holding the rein of the horse tightly.

(End of this chapter)

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