Chapter 202
Cannon fire flew all over the sky, and the wailing sounded like a sad song resounding through the sky.

The fresh green grass on the ground was covered with red clothes. Gu Nanyan stood on the city wall and looked down, without any emotion in his eyes.

After another round of attacks, Utur looked at the stumps all over the place with his eyes tearing apart.

This was an extremely unfair battle. The opponent didn't even confront them head-on, and they defeated their own formation without hurting a single soldier.

He didn't even know when, that black thing would fall beside him and separate his soul from his body.

Without his order to retreat, the terrified Xihu soldiers had retreated several hundred meters in just a quarter of an hour.

"Boss, we can't hold on any longer!" A person beside him shivered with fear.

"If this continues, the strongest warriors in Xihu will die here!"

Hearing this, Utur suddenly turned his head and looked at him with a ferocious face.

"You have the guts to say it again!" He gritted his teeth, his nostrils fluttering with excitement.

The man was taken aback by his expression. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a black object falling from a height, his eyes fixed, and he hurriedly pulled Utur to roll around on the spot.

After the loud noise, another group of Xihu people were blown away.

The man couldn't care less about anything else, and persuaded him bravely:
"Boss, there is a saying among the Han people that if you keep the green hills, you will not be afraid of lack of firewood. As long as our warriors are still there, they will always come back."

"Now the disparity in strength between the two sides is so great, don't you want to watch our entire army wiped out!"

Whether they can make a comeback is unknown, he only knows that if they persist, none of them can leave here alive.

"Don't forget, she just said that she would burn a radius of five miles to the ground!"

She was naturally referring to Gu Nanyan.

When Wu Tur heard this, Gu Nanyan's small but resolute back appeared in his mind instantly, making him feel that these words were not just words for no reason.

He gritted his teeth, wiped off the blood splattered on his face, and raised his black and white eyebrows.

Utur has galloped in the grassland for decades, and has never suffered such a big defeat, so he is naturally unwilling at this time.

Seeing the people falling one after another and the deafening noise, he had to swallow a breath and said bitterly:

"We withdraw!"

When he said this, he looked at the Heda people who were not injured at all, and said with a dark look in his eyes:
"Take them away, too."

Then he stepped on a war horse at will, clamped the horse's belly and galloped away.

The person who persuaded him breathed a sigh of relief. Just as he was about to chase forward, he saw a commotion behind him.

Li Yi and Prince Jing led people to surround them from two directions, and the Jianan soldiers who couldn't bear it anymore shouted excitedly and rushed forward.

Li Yi was dressed in black armor and sat on the horseback, with a sword in one hand, he cut down the Xihu people who rushed in front of him sideways, and quickly moved in the direction of Utur.

The artillery fire in the direction of the city gate did not stop.

Gu Nanyan ordered the attack to continue while the opponent retreated, and the kamikaze team surrounded them with rifles in hand.

Xu Shun wiped off his sweat, and accurately fired the shells at the enemy's position as taught by Nanyan, blasting deep pits one by one.

He was like an emotionless machine, he couldn't hear any sound, couldn't see the tragic image in front of him, and he only carried out Gu Nanyan's orders step by step.

Battelle saw a toothache.

It never occurred to him that Xu Shun, who usually seemed introverted and shy, would be such a "ruthless" master.

He looked at the tragic battlefield with a hesitant expression.

"Utur has already retreated, and King Sheng has already intercepted it in front, should you stop for a while?"

Although I don't know how many such things called cannonballs the master has prepared, but the opponent has already lost, isn't it too wasteful to continue?
You must know that once this thing is launched, the killing range is at least 800 meters!
Such a powerful thing, why did this kid throw it out as if he didn't want the money? He was so distressed when he saw it.

Xu Shun didn't raise his head when he heard the words, and his hands kept moving the corners of his mouth.

"Master said, five miles around will be razed to the ground."

He had no expression when he said this, and his tone was also light, as if he was just talking about a very ordinary thing.

Battelle's face trembled, and he remained silent for a while.

He suddenly felt that he had underestimated this fellow.

The brat looks honest and friendly, but he didn't expect to be so sneaky in flattery!

Seeing that he was silent, Xu Shun thought of something, and finally looked up at him in his busy schedule and said, "Don't worry, your clansmen were not hurt."

Then he lowered his head and continued to work.

Battelle sighed and looked towards the battlefield ahead.

At this time, the Xihu army was still retreating, but due to the interference of Li Yi and Prince Jing, the speed was much slower.

Utur was in a dilemma, and instantly jumped into a rage, his eyes were blood red, and he dragged Suhebalu who was being driven over like a cow and sheep to him.

Sukhbaru's right eye was completely covered with blood, his body was also covered with scars, and his consciousness was not clear enough.

"Tell your people to stop, or I will kill these Heda people!"

Utur put a big knife across Suhebalu's neck, and the sharp blade cut a hole in his skin, and blood flowed down immediately.

Li Yi squinted his eyes, but he didn't order to stop. He only looked at Utur's vicissitudes face with cold eyes.

"King Sheng doesn't care about us!" Ashlan knelt on the ground, and Li Yi yelled.

"The subordinate is useless. I fell into this traitor's scheme and almost brought my master down. I have no face to return to the kamikaze team. I implore King Sheng to take advantage of the victory and pursue it. I, Hou Gu Ashlan, would like to die!"

After he finished speaking, he turned and looked at the people behind him.

"Ashilan is really ashamed to drag the tribe down, but loyalty and righteousness are in a dilemma. Since I belong to Kamikaze, I can only put my master first."

Ashlan, who had always shown herself as a tough guy, had watery eyes, looked at the white-haired old man standing in the middle, and knelt down with a plop.

"Father once said that a qualified young patriarch should put his clansmen first in everything. Ashlan has let Father down."

He bent down, his forehead pressed against the ground, and he slowly raised his head after a long while.

"It's just that Ashlan's life belongs to the master, and his heart is also kamikaze, so he can no longer be a qualified heir."

He looked at the old man with unwavering faith.

Hou Guhari sighed, and wanted to reach out to pat his son's shoulder, but he could only give up because his hands were bound.

"You are indeed a poor young patriarch."


The Hari patriarch smiled, and a few creases appeared on the vicissitudes of his face.

"In Father's heart, my Ashlan is the most valiant warrior!"

Ashlan looked at her father in surprise, and seeing him straighten his back, with a proud face on his face, she couldn't help but shed tears.

His originally anxious mood calmed down in an instant, and he slowly got up and glanced at the uneasy clansmen standing there, then bowed his head to Li Yi and begged:

"My subordinates implore King Sheng to save the lives of my family, and the great kindness of Ashlan will be rewarded in the next life!"

After that, he suddenly turned around and slammed into Utur with full strength.

Utur didn't expect that he would attack him sneakily, he staggered when he was hit, and let go of Suhebalu's hand.

Seeing the opportunity, Ashlan bit his neck, but he dodged reflexively, and only bit off one of his ears.

Utur wailed in severe pain, and streaks of bright red flowed from the crevices of his fingers covering the wound.

"Damn you!"

Under the pain and rage, he no longer cared about Li Yi in front of him, raised his knife angrily, and chopped off at his head.

Ashlan didn't dodge, spat out the blood in his mouth, as if thinking of something, the corners of his mouth that had been tense all the year round slowly rose.

He looked in the direction of the city wall, lowered his head and knelt on one knee as if saying goodbye.

This kneeling is naturally to Gu Nanyan.


The Hari clan was horrified, and the rest of the Heda clan also screamed.

Several young men wanted to step forward but it was too late, they could only watch helplessly as the sharp knife fell with strong wind.

(End of this chapter)

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