The farmer has a mall

Chapter 203 Don't Like Red

Chapter 203 Don't Like Red

Hou Gu Ashlan has only kneeled down to two people in his life, one is his father who gave birth to him and raised him, and the other is Gu Nanyan who gave him a new life.

He closed his eyes and waited for the knife overhead to decapitate him.

This process was short and long, so long that he could clearly hear Sukhbaru's howl like a wounded beast.

The surroundings became quiet, and then there was a sound of iron falling to the ground.

Aslan was lamenting that beheading didn't hurt at all, when he was awakened by high-pitched cries of pain.

He opened his eyes, and in front of him were the familiar clansmen, and Suhebaru's blood-stained face that could no longer be seen clearly.

But at this moment, that face was full of astonishment.

On the other hand, Utur, who was full of anger, had the hand holding the knife hanging limply, and his maroon sleeves were gradually getting darker.

Before Ashlan could react to the situation in front of him, there was a gunshot in the distance.

Utur knelt on the ground with a plop, and the place where the knee of his right leg touched the grass was bright red.

Then there was another sound, and his other leg fell to the ground.

The old god Li Yi was looking at the city wall, the corner of his mouth was hooked, as if he knew this would happen a long time ago.

On the other side, King Jing shrank his pupils, staring at Utur in disbelief.

Ever since he heard about the record of the kamikaze team, he has always wanted to see how powerful they are.

He had been pestering Li Yi for a long time before, and even hinted at Gu Nanyan, but unfortunately, the two of them kept pretending to be stupid, which prevented him from fulfilling his wish.

Originally, when he heard today that his cheap imperial sister was going to lead Kamikaze as a vanguard to confront the Xihu people, he still had some expectations and excitement.

But when he really saw the power of this team, he froze on the spot and didn't make a sound for half an hour.

He just stared at the fireworks in the sky blankly, as if watching the gods in the sky punishing the world.

At this time, Gu Nanyan on the city wall slowly put away the big sniper in his hand, his cold eyes were bottomless.

Xu Shun, who had completed the task, felt that the master seemed to be in a bad mood, so he reached out to take her gun and stood obediently behind her.

Seeing that Gu Nanyan patted the dirt stuck to the hem of his clothes, then turned his head and walked towards the stairs, he followed suit step by step.

The main general was injured, and he was still surrounded by the enemy, and the Xihu army gradually became uneasy.

Zana was originally forced to come here, but now seeing that Utur's situation is gone, he was faintly relieved.

He saw Gu Nanyan coming slowly on a black horse, but after hesitating for a moment, he dropped the weapon in his hand and brought the clansman behind him to kneel down on one knee.

He clenched his right hand into a fist, put it on his heart and bowed his head, saying, "Zana, the Arte tribe, is willing to lead the whole tribe to submit to Jianan, and hope that the leader of the Kamikaze will spare my tribe's life!"

Seeing this, several tribes who had made good friends with Zana looked at each other, dropped their weapons, and knelt down to express their surrender.

The Xihu army was a temporary patchwork, and many of them had to join because they were afraid of Utur's brutality. Now seeing someone in the lead, they all expressed their surrender.

Most of the Xihu people who were lucky enough to be alive for a while knelt down.

Gu Nanyan turned over and got off the horse, walked up to Zana and looked down at him.

She said in a calm voice: "Being a Canaan person, you can't be plundered, and you can't hurt others. Can you do it?"

When Zana heard the words, he quickly nodded in surprise: "We can do it, we can do it!"

Whoever has hair wants to become dysentery, if they are not afraid of starving to death, they will not have the idea of ​​robbing.

But what Gu Nanyan said was right, a mistake is a mistake, and no matter how difficult it is in the future, they will never do this kind of thing again.

What's more, if Gu Nanyan is willing to accept them, then everyone will be from the same country in the future, and he doesn't believe that this girl's character can make them starve to death!

Zana suddenly felt that he had made a wise decision, and turned his head to show a smug smile to his clansmen.

Unexpectedly, Prince Jing happened to be not far behind him, and the eyes of the two happened to meet.

Zha's hedgehog-like face suddenly collapsed, and he snorted heavily at him.

Prince Jing: "..."

Gu Nanyan didn't notice the interaction between the two, and pointed at Li Yi to signal him.

"You will go to King Sheng in a while, and he will arrange your whereabouts."

Zana was taken aback when he heard the words, and stared blankly at her with a steel-haired face.

"Looking for King Sheng? Didn't you join the Kamikaze Camp?"

Everyone could hear the disappointment in his tone. Before Gu Nanyan could say anything, the general on Li Yi's side spoke first.

"Dreaming, I still want to enter Kamikaze, you newcomer want to jump in line?!"

The lethality of this team is obvious to all, not to mention Zana, all the Northwest Army participating in this battle is afraid that no one wants to join.

Zana also knew that he was thinking too much. If nothing else, the uniform movements and crisp skills of these people were beyond the reach of ordinary people.

And although the Xihu people have the inherent advantage of a strong body, compared with the physique of the Kamikaze players, they are still far behind.

He looked at Ashlan, whose head was lowered and untied, with envy in his eyes.

Gu Nanyan first walked up to Suhebalu and looked at his injuries, but found that almost no part of his body was intact.

In addition to the marks of whipping, there were burns and knife wounds on his body, and a piece of flesh was dug out of his thigh!

"Master..." Suhebaru called out weakly.

There was guilt in his eyes, as if he wanted to get up and salute Gu Nanyan, but he couldn't get up after struggling several times.

"Just stay with me!"

Gu Nanyan held him down with a sullen face, got up and continued walking without bandaging his wound.

When passing Ashlan, she passed him without stopping.

Ashlan's heart ached, she clenched her fists and said nothing.

Just when he thought his master had rejected him, a familiar voice came from behind.

"Ashi Lan didn't follow the order to return to the team in time. He should be hit ten times with the military stick. After recovering from his injuries, he will go away to receive the punishment!"

Ashlan was stunned, and suddenly raised her head after hearing what she said.

Utur gritted his teeth and endured the pain in his limbs and broken ears, and looked at the girl who was walking slowly.

The loss of blood made his vision blurred, he blinked vigorously, his distorted face became more ferocious.

Gu Nanyan stood in front of him, and at some point in his hand there was a gleaming silver dagger.

"Do you know why I have to wear black in such hot weather?"

Her tone seemed to be chatting with someone, without any ups and downs.

Utur didn't speak, but just stared at her face, as if trying to remember what she looked like.

Gu Nanyan didn't want his answer at all, the dagger twirled around Bai Nen's fingertips, and said faintly:

"Because I don't like red!"

As soon as she finished speaking, she stabbed his thigh with a knife while turning her wrist, and twisted it hard.

With Utur's nearly exhausted roar, a piece of flesh the size of a palm fell off his body.

Shaking off the blood stains on her hands, she slowly got up, took the handkerchief Li Yi handed over and wiped it off.

She considers herself not a good man or woman, but she will never take action on the elderly and children easily.

It's just that this person whose hair is mostly white is the chief culprit who started this war!
Not to mention giving him a knife, even cutting him alive is not enough to calm the anger in Gu Nanyan's heart.

Since forming Kamikaze, she has known how lethal this team can cause, and has always avoided using too many hot weapons.

But in this world where the legal system is not perfect, the two sides are fighting to die or die, leaving her with no choice.

She also knew that not everyone in Xihu wanted to fight, and she also knew that those soldiers who died on the battlefield might still have someone at home waiting for them to go back.

That's why she asked Zana to spread the word in the first place, although she also knew that the chances of a truce between the two sides were slim.

Sure enough, Utur lived up to expectations and chose to continue sending troops.

Even if Gu Nanyan doesn't want to do anything anymore, in this case, he can only strike first.

(End of this chapter)

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