The farmer has a mall

Chapter 219 Hemodialysis

Chapter 219 Hemodialysis

After Gu Nanyan checked Fu Tuo, he gave him a pack of nutrient solution to supplement his strength, and drew another tube of blood.

After finishing these, she drank tea at the table and waited quietly.

Neither of them talked much, and the private room was as quiet as night.

Gu Shen was so embarrassed by the atmosphere that he almost smashed the bed.

"Sister Nan, how do you plan to get rid of the poison in Mr. Wei's body?" Gu Shen couldn't help asking.

He remembered that the last time he detoxified his mother, he only needed a few injections, but he heard what his daughter said yesterday, it seemed that it was not that simple.

"Exchange blood." Gu Nanyan said concisely.

Then without waiting for him to ask, he explained: "If the time of poisoning is still shallow, just a few antidotes are enough."

"But the toxin in his body seems to have been brought out from the mother's womb, and has already penetrated into the internal organs. Although ordinary antidotes are also effective, his body cannot bear the excessive dose."

Gu Shen nodded clearly, then became worried again.

"Do you need the blood of a close blood? But he..."

He once heard Sister Nan say that if a person needs a blood transfusion, it needs to be drawn from the same person as the transfused blood, otherwise it is easy to lose their lives due to incompatible blood.

And the blood source that is the easiest to match with is this person's close relatives.

There may be only two relatives of Fu Tuo left.

"No need, just filter out the impurities in his blood and infuse it back into the body."

Gu Shen was shocked when he heard the words, although there were many records of blood exchange in some strange magazines, but as far as he knew, no doctor had really succeeded so far!

Even Miracle Doctor Dou dared not try it lightly.

His lips trembled, and he looked at Fu Tuo suspiciously.

The latter just smiled lightly, looked at Gu Nanyan with gentle eyes, and did not object.

"Is this method dangerous?" Gu Shen couldn't help asking.

Fu Tuo's status is special, if something happens in Jianan, there may be another dispute between the two countries.

Although Emperor Anyang didn't care about this son, it didn't prevent him from taking the opportunity to ask for benefits from them.

"It's okay." Gu Nanyan took a sip of tea with a flat face.

"Any treatment has risks, but the risks are relatively low."

Her so-called blood exchange is actually hemodialysis, also called hemodialysis.

Hemodialysis is the most direct way to purify the toxic substances in the blood.

It establishes an extracorporeal blood circulation system through a hemodialyzer, injects blood into the dialyzer, and uses the dialyzer to remove metabolic waste or harmful substances in the blood.

This method is less risky and does not cause much trauma to the people receiving treatment, which is very suitable for Fu Tuo's current situation.

Only then did Gu Shen heave a sigh of relief. Although he didn't understand how to do it, he believed in his daughter's ability.

"In that case, wouldn't it take a long time?"

"It only takes a few hours, it's just that his body needs to be recuperated before that."

She glanced at Fu Tuo who was lying on the bed and looking towards her.

"At least six or seven days of recuperation."

Hearing this, Gu Shen was much relieved.

Although he hoped that Fu Tuo could stay for treatment, if he was found missing in Anyang Palace, it would definitely cause an uproar.

I'm afraid it will end badly at that time.

He looked in the direction of the couch, and said with a relaxed expression: "Then you can stay for a few more days, just take advantage of this time to meet your... sister."


Because of Ning Zongyuan's capture and Gu Nanyan's merciless shooting, Wei Yang's army finally calmed down.

In the main tent, Zhou Baiyun looked at the eight hundred li urgent letter he just received in his hand with a sad face.

Now he is temporarily acting as the chief general. After General Ning was captured, he went to the capital to write a letter, waiting for the fourth prince's instructions.

Today he finally received a reply letter, but he was so worried that he almost scratched his scalp.

The letter said that he must rescue General Ning safe and sound no matter what, and if necessary, he would not hesitate to sacrifice half of the soldiers of the Weiyang Army.

Zhou Baiyun rubbed his forehead with a headache, and handed the letter in his hand to an old man waiting beside him.

"You all have a look."

The old man took the letter, his expression changed drastically after reading it, and he looked at Zhou Baiyun in disbelief.

"This, is this really what the Fourth Prince meant?"

The Weiyang army is the majority of Anyang country's troops, and has been guarding the territory.

Now the fourth prince has to give up the lives of 15 soldiers for Ning Zongyuan!

His expression was so shocked that the other soldiers couldn't help coming over and reading the contents of the letter.

There was an instant silence in the military tent.

Among these people, many veterans have served in the Weiyang Army since they were young, and all of them looked very ugly at this moment.

"Absurd, simply absurd!" One of the thin and long faces couldn't help but slapped the table on the spot, his chest heaving violently.

"Ning Zongyuan is self-willed. He didn't listen to you and I persuaded himself to throw himself into a trap. He was caught and he was responsible for it. Now he wants to let 15 soldiers die for him. Is the Fourth Prince crazy?!"

He was so angry that he couldn't choose what to say, and a general beside him who had a good relationship with him in private tugged at his sleeve.

"Don't say a few words." The man whispered, and then looked towards Ning Tianlu.

Ning Tianlu remained silent as if he hadn't heard it.

"What are you dragging me for? Isn't that the truth?"

The thin and long face gave Ning Tianlu a disdainful look, with contempt in his words.

"Anyone who refuses to accept it can come to me. I have never been afraid of anyone with my fist, but I am afraid that some people have been lying under a man for a long time, and they don't even have the strength to punch!"

After he finished shouting, there was another silence in the tent, and everyone looked at Ning Tianlu in embarrassment.

There have always been rumors in the army that although Ning Tianlu is Ning Zongyuan's nephew in name, in fact he has no blood relationship with him, and is just a confinement that Ning Zongyuan kept by his side.

But rumors are rumors after all, how can they be said in front of the Lord!
Now being pointed out by this person in public, everyone felt that the atmosphere instantly became awkward.

Ning Tianlu lowered his eyes and raised the corners of his mouth slightly, as if he didn't listen to his words in his heart.

Zhou Baiyun frowned, and looked at the long and thin face warningly.

"It's important. I asked you to come here to solve the problem, not to make you quarrel. If anyone talks too much nonsense, get out!"

The thin and long face hummed, although he was dissatisfied, he still calmed down.

"What else can I do?" he muttered.

Thinking of the current situation, the menacing appearance just now disappeared in an instant, and the whole person became sluggish.

"The fourth prince is acting as an agent of the government. What he says is the imperial decree. Who dares to disobey?"

This was what Zhou Baiyun was worried about. If they were a prince, they would naturally not need to pay attention to it. After all, generals were always directly ordered by the emperor, and princes could not and would not dare to intervene.

But if they were to exchange the lives of 15 soldiers for Ning Zongyuan alone, they really couldn't do it.

He looked at Ning Tianlu who had been silent all this time.

Ever since Gu Nanyan, the leader of Kamikaze, shot and killed several of Ning Zongyuan's confidantes, he was the only one left who could enter the tent and be loyal to the Ning family.

"Does Lieutenant Ning have any insight?"

Ning Tianlu paused when he heard his question, then slowly got up and saluted Zhou Baiyun.

"General Ning has been in charge of the Weiyang Army for many years. He has worked hard without credit. Naturally, he must be saved. If not, I am afraid that the hearts of many soldiers will be chilled."

Hearing his words, the thin and long face showed an expression as expected, and sneered.

Just as he was about to stand up and say something sarcastic, Zhou Baiyun stared back coldly.

He sat down angrily, and poured a cup of herbal tea quite angrily.

He really couldn't figure it out, he was just a little boy, even if he was really a member of the Ning family, he couldn't help himself at the moment, afraid of what he would do!

But Zhou Boyun didn't seem to see his dissatisfaction, and turned his attention to Ning Tianlu again, motioning for him to continue.

"General Ning must be rescued, otherwise not only the Fourth Prince will be hard to explain, even Concubine Ning Guifei may not give us good fruit to eat."


Ning Tianlu raised his head, with a faint smile on his fair face, his eyes were very bright.

"Saving people is not just by force. If the benefits are enough, I believe Gu Yao will not mind letting go of a defeated general."

(End of this chapter)

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